Oscar's 70th Birthday Celebrated across the US and Puerto Rico! At La Capilla del Barrio HAPPY BIRTHDAY OSCAR (CHICAGO) Over 100 friends, family, loved ones and supporters of Oscar López RIvera's freedom gathered on Sunday, jan. 6, 2013 at La Capilla del Barrrio to celebrate his 70th birthday. This milestone, celebrated in 10 cities and three countries by his supporters, was reported on by 5 publications. The celebration began with the La Capilla youth acting a skit on the meaning of Three Kings, followed by a Prayer offered by Pastor Windsor after which Lincoln Methodist Church, a co-sponsor of the event, also had their youth dance under the direction of Tanya Lozano. Nuestro Tambó then graced the stage with a rousing parranda after which members of the López family spoke on what this day and Oscar's prolonged absence meant to them. Lourdes Lugo, niece, followed by José López with Gabriel and Karina, grandchildren spoke eloquently on how they missed Oscar. MC Michelle Morales also introduced Jan Susler, Oscar's lawyer who spoke on the gains made by the campaign in the last year and the possibilities of the coming year. A pledge card and letter to Pres, Obama were circulated. Ricardo Jiménez, former political prisoner, vividly remembered the last time he left Oscar as left the prison in 1999. The event ended with the presentation of the birthday cake and the singing of both Happy Birthday and Las Mañanitas, as well as a pledge to re-double our efforts to free Oscar. OSCAR's 70th
By Alida Millán Ferrer
Published in Claridad January 2, 2013
PUERTO RICO-He's turning 70 - of those 70 years, he's been in prison for 31. The 6th of January is upon us, and I think that in spite of the fact that we've recently redoubled our efforts so that Oscar López Rivera can return to his family and his land, we've still got a long way to go.
Oscar's birthday is January 6. The Wise Men of the West brought him as a gift to our Homeland, to our struggle. Sincerely, I don't know if I could've been locked up for so long with the stoicism and valor that the compañero has demonstrated in every circumstance. What's more, I don't know how many of the people around me could make that immense sacrifice. I always remember what Carlos Gallisá would say when he talked about the former Nationalist prisoners: "when they made them, they broke the mold," to emphasize that they were made of a different stock, the same stock that Oscar is made of.
Read the complete article
OSCAR present in Churches in Philly
In Philadelphia the birthday of Oscar López and the celebration of Three Kings Day included special presentations at Christ and St. Ambrose Episcopal and Norris Square Presbyterian churches. People were given information about Oscar's case, including his supporters and the statement of reasons for his release. Petitions were signed and volunteers agreed to take petitions to their neighbors. People from the Episcopal congregation had previously signed and mailed a holiday/birthday card to Mr. López, and the Presbyterian congregation will be organizing a youth meeting where "Dissent is not a Crime" will be presented. In addition, this Friday the 11th, Jose López will be speaking to students at the Esperanza Academy High School.
OSCAR's Gift of the Three Kings
Published in El Nuevo Dia, Puerto Rican newspaper (Spanish) A few days ago, I recevied an exquisite piece of art: the Three Kings, which by their color and physical features contrasted with the eurocentric version of the icons. The work of art resulted in a hymn of happiness for my senses upon learning that the author was Oscar López Rivera, patriot who has served more than thirty years in prison.
OSCAR's Freedom Requested at "Promise of the Kings" Service
Published in
Puerto Rican newspaper (Spanish)
The claim for freedom for Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera headed the list of requests presented this evening, at the traditional service of the Promise of the Kings at the Church of Jesús Mediador of Bayamón.
OSCAR's Birthday Celebrated in Orlando
On Three Kings Day, January 6, 2013, the Orlando chapter of National Boricua Human Rights celebrated the 70th birthday of Puerto Rican Political Prisoner, Oscar López Rivera. Before a beautiful birthday cake draped in the Puerto Rican flag, they left an empty seat for Oscar.

In just the past couple months, the chapter has collected over 1000 signatures, hosted a major press conference, and organized several activities about Oscar. Located at the heart of Puerto Rican Florida, the Orlando chapter has already made a major impact on the international campaign seeking Oscar's immediate release.
Humboldt Park No Se Vende Apartment Listings
2733 W. Division | 1 BD $600 | 773.252.7008 | | 2627 W. Division | 2 BD $780 | 312.493.3320 | | 3534 W. Chicago #G | 3 BD $800 | 312.834.7368 | | North & Kedzie | 2 BD $860 | 773.789.7368 | | Chicago & Kedzie | 2 BD $900 | 773.818.5565 |
1145 N. Springfield | 3 BD $900 | 773.895.5593 | | 1422 N. Talman | 2 BD $975 | 312.829.2273 | | Rockwell & Cortez | 3 BD $980 | 312.399.0130 | | 1424 N. Maplewood | 2 BD $1000 | 773.895.5593 | | 2721 W. Division | 3 BD $1100 | 708.244.7972 |
Boricua, Return to El Barrio
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
(Over 13,000 pics!)
Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
We are proud recipients of United Way contributions |
El Rescate Residents Help with 3 Kings Winterfest

For the preparation of Three Kings Day, staff, volunteers, and the rest of the family here at the El Rescate wrapped gifts. When Three King's day finally arrived, the festivities started with a parade that began at Clemente High School, traveled west on Division Street and ended at Humboldt Park Field House. The celebration consisted of the Three Kings, a fire truck, a horse and carriage, a trolley, motorcycles, and plenty of Puerto Rican flags.
When the parade finally approached the field house, kids ranging from 1 to 12 years old all lined up, eager to receive their gifts. Thousands of gifts were given and every single child received one.
After all was said and done, it was amazing to see how much the community cares about the children and how countless people volunteered their time to make this special for the kids.
Parranda.org Opens the Doors to a "Virtual Puerto Rico"
Parranda.org is a project devoted to the economic, civic, and cultural development of a "Greater Puerto Rico." By providing a virtual platform for mass collaboration, Parranda enables people on and off the island (the Puerto Rican diaspora) to work with one another on meaningful and measurable initiatives. We're launching just before Christmas this year. To sign up for early registration, or to explore ways to support the project, please visit us at www.parranda.org. You can also join the "parranda" on our social networks on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ParrandaPuertoRico and on Twitter @ParrandaPR. |
THIS THURSDAY IN NYC Panel discussion and book-signing on Between Torture and Resistance
The National Boricua Human Rights Network is honored to announce a panel discussion and book-signing on Between Torture and Resistance , a compilation of letters by Oscar López Rivera, with an introduction by Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu.
Thursday, January 10, 2013.
6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
Martin Luther King Labor Center (1199 SEIU)
310 West 43rd Street, Manhattan, New York
Keynote Speaker:
Jose López Rivera, Executive Director, Puerto Rican Cultural Center (Chicago, Illinois).
Panelists include:
Luis Rosa Pérez, former Puerto Rican political prisoner, playwright.
Ana López, former Puerto Rican political prisoner, playwright.
Matt Meyer, International War Resisters League, Author, Human Rights Advocate.
Dennis Febo, former Puerto Rican political prisoner, playwright.
Download the press release here...
"Crime Against Humanity" Returns To New York
performing to over 5000 people throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Crime Against Humanity returns to New York. Crime Against Humanity is a play based on the real life experiences of fourteen
Puerto Rican political prisoners who spent more than two decades in prisons for seditious conspiracy- one of whom are still incarcerated.
The production brings us into the U.S. prison system in a way no other play has, focusing on the politically motivated use of isolation, selective punishment, sensory deprivation and disproportionate sentences.
Saturday January 12th at the RED CARPET THEATRE, 240 E 123rd St New York, NY 10035. Time: 6:30 pm Tickets: $15-$20
Produced by the National Boricua Human Rights Network New York City Chapter
For tickets and more information please visit CrimeAgainstHumanity.net (646) 450-4014
Or can be picked up in person East Harlem Cafe 1651 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY
Political Prisoner who has served 32 years in US turns 70 Years Old
(GRANMA-CUBA) Oscar López Rivera, the Puerto Rican political prisoner turns 70 years old today, 32 of which he has remained imprisoned in the US for struggling for the independence of his country.
Send a Message of Love and Support to Oscar for the Holiday Season
Imprisoned since 1981, Oscar López Rivera is the longest-held political prisoner in the history of Puerto Rico and Latin America, and among the longest-held political prisoners in the US. He is a caring community organizer; a creative, self-taught artist; a voracious reader; a brilliant thinker. More importantly, he is a father and grandfather who has watched while his daughter and granddaughter grew up from behind bars. On Three Kings Day, 2013, the Twelfth Day of Christmas, he will turn 70. His release from prison is supported by numerous world leaders, as well as religious and political leaders from across the theological and political spectrum in Puerto Rico, and the Puerto Rican people as a whole.
In this holy season of love and reconciliation, we ask all who love justice and freedom to write to Oscar. It is past time to bring Oscar home. Oscar López Rivera #87651-024 FCI Terre Haute PO Box 33 Terre Haute, IN 47808
Puerto Rican Agenda Study
"Taking charge of our future"
In the spring and summer of 2011 selected members of The Puerto Rican Agenda drew up a research plan that would zero in on different aspects of community life: housing, economic development, education, health, youth and justice, culture, and the non-profit sector. The research team secured funding from the Chicago Community Trust, LISC Chicago, and the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Job Opening at VidaSIDA
Vida/SIDA is looking for a counselor to implement the CRCS program. Applicants must have experience working in HIV prevention and with LGBTQ youth. For more information call 773-278-6737 or fax your resume to 773-278-6753, ATTN: Dianna.
"We Want to Have Him Home"
 (EL DIARIO LA PRENSA) Eduardo Villanueva Muñoz, the spokesperson for the Puerto Rico Committee on Human Rights, yesterday asked the three heads of the political parties in Puerto Rico to ask for a meeting with the President of the US, Barack Obama, to urge him to free Oscar López Rivera.
Flags of Freedom (video for Oscar)
(SPANISH) Benjamin Muñiz has posted a video using the song "Gardabarrancas de Libertad" with the following 1st verse (translated from Spanish) "Children of mine, go out into the world with torches in hand. Where there are bonfires put springs, where there are shovels plant roses. Transform battlegrounds into gardens, open doors and sow love and plant Flags of Freedom in the homeland of poverty, Flags."
Humboldt Park Resident Wins Posse Scholarship!
Juliana Perez, senior at Von Steuben Metropolitan Academy was awarded the Posse Scholarship, a four year full tuition scholarship, to attend Trinity College in Hartford, CT next Fall. Juliana is a resident of the Humboldt Park community, active in her church Youth group at St Aloysius parish and has volunteered at Vida/Sida and Consuelo Lee Corretjer Day Care Center. In addition to her community service, Juliana is a member of the Von Steuben Girls Swim and Fast Pitch Softball team. She is also an active participant in the IIT Boeing Scholars program for Chicago area high school students interested in studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The Posse movement started in 1989 because of one student who said, "I never would have dropped out of college if I had my posse with me." The Posse Foundation identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes. The Foundation extends to these students the opportunity to pursue personal and academic excellence by placing them in supportive, multicultural teams-Posses-of 10 students. The Foundation's partner universities and colleges award Posse Scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships.
From the XIV Three Kings Festival in Vieques Puerto Rico!
Sign up for La Canasta Básica today!
PRCC Underscores Importance of Healthy Eating

Starting today La Canasta Basica Program invites you to sign up at Café Colao 2638 W Division St. To make sure that you will receive your first basket of fruit and vegetables on January 2nd, you must sign up and make your weekly or monthly payment and cash only, just ask for La Canasta Basica Program. For any questions please call Abel Fernandez at 773-450-2055
or email him at abelf@@prcc-chgo.org to sign up.