Oct. 31, 3-8pm
Div St between
California to Western
Chicago Architectural Foundation Features IPRAC and Casita de Don Pedro During Open House Chicago

The Chicago Architectural Foundation highlighted three points of interest in Humboldt Park during its "Open House Chicago Tours" on Saturday and Sunday October 13 and 14, 2012 from 9am to 5pm: The Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture, the Casita de Don Pedro, the Humboldt Park Refactory and Boat House. The tour also included visits to BOCA, Cafe Colao, Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School, Jayuya Barbershop, St. Mark Catholic Parish and West Town Bikes.
With over 300 people coming into the neighborhood over the course of the weekend, Paseo Boricua is truly becoming the cultural hub for anyone wishing to explore Chicago's Puerto Rican cultural life.
The Director of Open House Chicago's note after the event to the IPRAC staff read as follows: I want to thank you on behalf of CAF for opening IPRAC and participating in Open House Chicago. It was a really great experience and I think lots of people learned about IPRAC who had never heard of the museum before. By far the most repeated comment was "I always wondered about this building; it is wonderful. We'll have to come back."
Jose E. López and Dr. Steve Rothchild to address 72 Block Initiative Study at Northwestern
On Wednesday October 24, Dr. Steve Rothchild from RUSH St. Lukes and Jose E. Lopez, Executive Director of the PRCC will address the issue of community partnership in the 72 Block Diabetes study Initiative. This initiative was funded by the National Institute of Health and is focused on Diabetes in the Greater Humboldt Park Community.
Results from Project CURA to be Shared With Greater Humboldt Park Community
On Friday November 2 at 4pm, the PRCC and Rush University Medical Center will present the findings of the community-wide research project, Community United to Challenge Asthma (CURA) at the Diabetes Empowerment Center located on 2753 W. Division Street. The event is open to community residents as well as community health service providers and individuals interested in asthma and community health. Light food and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by calling 312-563-4735.
Our Websites:
View our Photos on Flickr!
(Over 13,000 pics!)
Guided tours of IPRAC and the surrounding Paseo Boricua community will be available at IPRAC with Eduardo Arocho serving as a docent. If you're interested in arranging a tour for your organization, school or church, please contact IPRAC at 773-486-8345.

Puerto Rican Cultural Center 2739-41 W. Division St Chicago, Illinois 60622 P 773-342-8023
F 773-342-6609
Available at IPRAC
"Don Oscar" Coffee, Paseo Boricua Edition
 Café Don Oscar can be purchased for $5.99 at: IPRAC: 3015 W. Division St., 773-486-8345 |
Puerto Rican Cultural Center TECH CORNER
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Two PACHS Graduates Recognized: Proyecto Pa'Lante Celebrates
40th Anniversary
Several hundred students, faculty, parents and community leaders came together on Friday October 12 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Proyecto Pa'Lante, the recruitment and educational program for Latino students at Northeastern Illinois University. The keynote speaker of the event was Miguel Del Valle, former City Clerk and former student of Proyecto Pa'Lante. A reflection on the meaning of the program was offered by Jaime Delgado who for many years served as a consoler for Proyecto Pa'Lante. The event included food, music, dance as well as an awards ceremony during which two graduates of PACHS were recognized, Juan "Nito" Morales and Jessie Fuentes. Their leadership and scholarship was highlighted. Both have played major roles in leading QOS and the Union for Puerto Rican Students.
NEW DATE! Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School 40th Anniversary to be celebrated Saturday, Jan 26, 2013!
The gala will be held at Northeastern Illinois University and the symposium at Roberto Clemente High School. Please check www.pedroalbizucamposhs.org for ticket information.
Symposium - January 26, 2013
Educator/Other - $75
University Student - $50 (must show ID)
Gala - January 26, 2013
$140 - combo pack (gala and symposium) for 1 individual
Gala organization tables are available for $1,500
Congressman Luis Gutiérrez Holds Community Conversation at IPRAC about Dreamers

Over 50 Latino community leaders from throughout the city including faith-based, community-based and civic leaders discussed with Congressman Luis Gutierrez the next steps on deferred action for Childhood Arrivals Process.
Deferred action is a discretionary determination to defer removal action of an individual as an act of prosecutorial discretion. Deferred action does not provide an individual with lawful status. You may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal. For more information visit gutierrez.house.gov or call 773-342-0774.
Other elected officials present were Alderman Ray Suarez, Alderman Ariel Reyboras, Alderman Joe Moreno, Alderman Ricardo Muñoz, State Representative Toni Berrios and State Senator Iris Martinez.
Got Ideas?: PACHS Thinks Big During Chicago Ideas Week 2012
Chicago Ideas Week: its a time for "thinking out loud" as this year's tagline proclaims. Over the course of a week, every October, CIW transforms Chicago "into the global hub for new ideas, an ecosystem of innovation and a playground of intellectual recreation" according to their website copy. In a series of talks and events, ideas for innovating the future of everything from the economy to education are posited and discussed. A potpourri of Chicago's finest minds meet, mingle, and network, all for the sake of ideas: good ideas, world-changing ideas. Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School's Critical Literacy & Sr. Portfolio students are preparing to publish the first Albizu Campos school newspaper, so we sat eagerly awaiting the "Future of News" talk on the Wednesday of CIW 2012 . This talk focused on how the news industry will change over the next decade as we become an increasingly social-media-driven, paperless, and global society. The panelists for the afternoon were Chris Hughes (Co-Founder, Facebook;" Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, "The New Republic"), Akshay Kothari (Co-founder & CEO, "Pulse"), Jonah Peretti (Founder & CEO, "Buzzfeed"), and Lara Setrakian (Foreign Correspondent; Founder & Managing Editor, "Syria Central") and the talk was moderated by the managing editor of "TIME" magazine, Richard Stengel.
The Albizu Campos students in attendance were Amber Garcia, Devon Freitag, Wilberto Morales, and Javier Rodriguez. Their news stories (or feature articles) will appear in the first edition of the new school newspaper. Our PACHS ambassadors had the opportunity at this symposium to engage in high conversation and idea-generating with "TIME", CIW, and some of Chicago's thought-leaders in investigating citizen journalism, digital media and the future of the news, the media, and social connection as we know it. The Albizu Campos spirit of self-determination and self-actualization were present in our students at this event. Our young scholars asked questions, took notes, formed opinions, and opened themselves to the wider world. We thank our principal, Mr. Rodriguez, for making this opportunity a reality and we look forward to more opportunities like this to edify our young people's minds and develop our community's emerging leaders.
Verizon and Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Host Networking Event at IPRAC
On Thursday October 11, the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture hosted a small business symposium sponsored by Verizon and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation and in partnership with the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE). Over 80 entrepreneurs and business owners were in attendance to network and share their experiences.
The Hispanic Heritage Foundation and Verizon have teamed up to host a series of national small business-focused evening symposia events through the Latinos On Fast Track (LOFT) program. The national effort aims to bring local entrepreneurs and business leaders together to network; share challenges and opportunities; and receive knowledge and guidance from a panel of local business leaders and Verizon representatives who have experience supporting local business.
Chicago's Best Viewer's Choice 9: Cafe Colao
 | Chicago's Best Viewer's Choice 9: Cafe Colao |
National Lawyers Guild Passes OLR Resolution at Nat'l Convention
The National Lawyers Guild's annual convention October 11-14 in Pasadena, California, marked the 75th anniversary of that progressive bar association. A delegation from Puerto Rico attended, including the newly elected president of the Colegio de Abogados, Ana Irma Rivera Lassén, who addressed the plenary, and gave a workshop about political attacks on her organization. The delegation was also recognized at the International Committee's reception. The NLG adopted a resolution calling for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoners Oscar López Rivera and Avelino and Norberto González Claudio, and committing to work to educate all NLG members regarding the colonial situation of Puerto Rico and the political prisoners who remain in U.S. prisons.