Picture of Week 3's Beautiful Share! (Large)
The last of our precious garlic scapes (stem and flower of the garlic plant) being passed out this week, as well as strawberries. It's always hard to see them go!

(Last week's share had strawberries, scapes, radish, sweet turnips, spinach, lettuce, parsnips, green onions & oregano!)

But in the meantime,
I'm highlighting the lemon balm below because it may be new to you! I made a refreshing tea for our potluck with it by steeping the whole bundle in hot water with black tea bags. Then served cold, with ice. You can steep it by itself for s good nights rest:

From Mountain Rose, Inc. "The German Commission E has approved lemon balm for supporting a calm and healthy sleep. It has also been approved in supporting the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon balm has been shown in clinical trials to support healthy memory and cognitive function, as well as to increase self-reported calmness."
Another new veggie being introduced this week is Bok Choy, a classic stir-fry vegetable. If you look closely at the leaves, you can tell the flea-beetle loves it, and so should you! It's extremely high in vitamins C and A, and has a decent amount of calcium as well. Gina, our farmer-in-residence, made a great dish the other night with chopped up radishes, turnips, onions and Bok Choy lightly braised in water & soy sauce. Ryan added peanut butter to the left-overs today and we loved it even more!
With arugula, spinach, baby lettuces, red lettuce and Bok Choy in our garden share this week, I think we can all get our greens in! Here's some excellent information from Joy Bauer about why we should:
We went to visit Georgia's new calf and the Belties were super vocal. I put a video of how they sounded on our Facebook page! We have them in a gorgeous place, full of lush pasture and shade.
They sure are frisky at night! Above is a 15 second video of them running around...
Meet Melissa, one of our awesome MVP's who serves you at our Traverse City Market. Thank you, Melissa. You always do such a great job!

Below is a picture of an item from week 2's garden share: sweet turnips! You can eat them raw like an apple. I frequently use them as "crackers" with any dip. Though similar to a radish in texture, they are sweeter and less peppery. Turnip tops are nutritional powerhouses, so we use those up too...most frequently braised with garlic and soy or Thai peanut sauce.
Saturday, July 4th, BC will be at Old City Park in the center of town with the pavilion in it. Saturday, July 11th, it will be in Peninsula Beach Park on Front Street.

In TC, on Saturday, July 4th, Wednesday, July 8th, and Saturday, July 11th, the market will be located at the Old Town Parking Deck, 125 E Eighth St, Traverse City, MI 49684.

This means we will be very conveniently located out of the Cherry Festival Area, so you can more easily shop and enjoy picking up your CSA box if you have one!

Have a beautiful day!

Andrea Romeyn
Providence Organic Farm

"Passion. Living Soil. Thriving Plants. Healthy People!"