February 25, 2014

Happy Heart Month!  Thanks to all who helped us raise money for Go Red for Women on National Wear Red Day on February 7th.  You rock!   We believe strongly in this charity because it raises awareness for the number one killer of women - heart disease.  Take some time to read about this topic in the article, "The Facts About Heart Disease". 

A quick shout-out to all of our New Year, New You challengers!  You all are doing a great job!  We are so proud of you.  Keep forging ahead to the NEW YOU!

Last month, our featured article was about change and transformation.  As the caterpillar knows all too well, change is not easy.  In order to get through the difficult process of transformation and emerge as the butterfly on the other side, we must be greatly motivated to change. 

Life is short and we only get the one.  Don't let another day go by stuck in the status quo just because change seems too difficult.  Read our article below to learn how to light the fire within so you can transform into the butterfly you are meant to be.

  Committed to your success always,
The Evolution Fitness Team

Light the Fire Within



Last month, we featured an article about change and transformation. In it, we detailed the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into the butterfly as a metaphor of what real change and transformation entails. Change is messy, scary, and uncomfortable. Just ask the caterpillar while he is turning into black caterpillar soup in his cocoon. The difference between the caterpillar and us is free will. The caterpillar has no choice but to change. We do. Given the reality of change and transformation, is it any wonder then that most of us resist change, even when we know it's good for us?


So, what's the answer? How do we get ourselves to willingly become scary caterpillar soup? The key is to find your motivation. This answer is not new. You've probably heard it before and not only from us. But, this time, we ask you to look a little deeper.


Whatever your thoughts are about the popular show, Biggest Loser, we're sure you will agree that one of the better components to the show is when the contestants meet with the doctor and are forced to face the cold, harsh truth about the state of their health. Confronting this truth isn't easy for them and most of them cry, but the experience lights a fire within and provides the motivation they need to get through the rest of the challenge.


You don't have to be on the Biggest Loser to get this experience. You don't have to be as unhealthy as the contestants on that show to get this type of motivation. And you don't have to wait until life forces a wake-up call with a minor heart attack, a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, or a cancer diagnosis. All you have to do is make yourself face the simple truth:   A poor diet, lack of exercise, and too much stress will kill you, one way or another. And, before it does, it will greatly reduce the quality of your life as you get sicker and sicker. Right now, in this moment, take that in. How will you feel when that cancer diagnosis, heart attack, or diabetes comes? Will you feel tremendous regret? Will you wish you had made the changes when you could? Imagine that diagnosis comes and it's too late.   How will you feel then? Imagine what it will be like for your kids, your husband or wife, your parents. Imagine missing out on your daughter's wedding, your son's first child, your grandchildren's high school graduation. Imagine the grief your friends and loved ones will feel when you are gone. Imagine all that you will miss out on if your life is cut short. Force yourself to really picture it, to really feel it. It will not be fun and you will most likely cry, but it will also light that fire within. It's that fire within that will make you choose to become caterpillar soup so you can turn into a butterfly. Once you really face up to the truth, the pain of staying the same will outweigh the pain of change and that's when the magic happens.


Once you find your motivation, it helps to reinforce it at every turn. That's how you keep the fire alive and burning. If you eat something healthy, exercise, or take 10 minutes to de-stress and decompress, positively reinforce it with thoughts like, "This food is giving me life. That workout helped me live longer and better. Those ten minutes of relaxation and 'me' time saved me from a heart attack." This way, every healthy decision you make reinforces your motivation to continue to make healthy life choices.


We can give you every tool in the book you need to be successful but without the right motivation, the change you seek and the transformation you desire, will never happen. Motivation is entirely up to you.


Don't waste your life away stuck in caterpillar form. Get real with yourself, face the truth, and force yourself to feel the pain now instead of later.  Then, let it light the fire within.  Let it spur you on and motivate you to choose differently, to make the changes necessary, and to ultimately transform into the butterfly that is your true destiny.   




We Had a great "Wear RED day!" we hope to make it a yearly fundraising event and raise even more money next year for the American Heart Association.  Thank you!!
The Facts About Heart Disease

  • While 1 in 31 women die of cancer every year, 1 in 3 die of heart disease, making it by far the leading cause of death for women.
  • Every minute a woman dies of heart disease.
  • 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.
  • Since 1984, more women than men have died each year from heart disease and the gap between men and women's survival continues to widen.
  • The symptoms of heart disease can be different in women vs. men, and are often misunderstood.

Many of the causes of heart disease are well within our control. The following are lifestyle changes you can make that will dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease:

  • Don't Smoke.
  • Get regular check-ups with your primary physician.
  • Manage your blood sugar.
  • Get your blood pressure under control.
  • Lower your cholesterol.
  • Know your family history. Are you at risk?
  • Exercise. Adopt an active, not sedentary, lifestyle.
  • Lose weight, specifically body fat, if necessary.
  • Eat healthy, nutrient-rich, minimally processed foods.
  • Avoid highly processed, fatty, salty, sugary foods and beverages.

In This Issue

February Shake of the Month 

February Birthdays


Coach Danielle 
Stacey K. 
Victoria M. 
Erin M. 
George M. 
Tim K. 
Mike F. 
Peter F. 
Sigrid K. 
Michael K. 
Christine D. 
Dana F. 
Taylor T. 
Dante R. 
Nancy A.

Recipe of the Month

Quinoa with  

Latin Flavors


1 cup Quinoa, (see Note)

2 teaspoon canola oil

1 medium onion, chopped

1 can (4oz) chopped green chiles

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 can (14oz) reduced-sodium chicken broth, or vegetable broth

� cup pepitas, toasted (see Note)

� cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro

cup chopped scallions

2 tablespoons lime juice

� teaspoons salt



Toast quinoa in a large dry skillet over medium heat, stirring often, until it crackles and becomes aromatic, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a fine sieve & rinse thoroughly. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion & cook, stirring often, until softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Add chiles& garlic; cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add the quinoa & broth; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer, cover & cook until the quinoa is tender & most of the liquid has been absorbed, 20 to 25 minutes. Add pepitas, cilantro, scallions, lime juice & salt to the quinoa; mix gently & fluff with a fork.



*Quinoa, Toasting the grain before cooking enhances the flavor, & rinsing removes any residue of saponin, quinoa's natural, bitter protective coating.
*Hulled pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are dusky green and have a delicate nutty flavor. They can be found in the health-food or bulk sections of many supermarkets.

To toast nuts & seeds on the stovetop:
Toast in a small dry skillet over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes. 
Nutrition Spotlight:

We've added a new supplement to our Nutritional Add-Ins menu at the EvoFit Shake Caf�:  


Healthy Heart  

(soon to be re-named  

Get Hearty).  




One serving contains:


*5 mg Niacin, a B vitamin used in cell respiration, it helps in the release of energy & metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, & proteins. Niacin has been proven to raise your HDL (good) cholesterol, as well as decrease your LDL (bad) cholesterol & triglycerides.

*4 grams of Soy Protein, great for lowering cholesterol & delivering complete plant proteins.

*6 grams of a Proprietary Blend of healthy soluble & insoluble fibers consisting of: Rice Bran, Pumpkin Seed, Flax Seed, & Psyllium Husk. A fiber-rich diet, both insoluble & soluble, has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.