St. Cyprian's
Weekly News
  Thursday, June 27, 2013
Weekly E-News Archive
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Pray with us...


@ 9 a.m.
Spirit Village 

a child-centric & play-based spiritual circle  



@ 10:10 a.m.
Sacred Roots 

Communion & Music



Wednesdays @ 9 a.m. Solace
Communion & Meditation

Wednesday @ 7 p.m.
Scripture Safari
conversation/study of upcoming Sunday lectionary readings


Weekly Happenings

at Turk & Lyon...

Simply Sandwiches

10 a.m. - Noon 

Volunteers make over 200 sandwiches for San Francisco's hungry.


Alcoholics Anonymous

11 a.m. - Noon



6:30-7:30 p.m.




Our Partnerships
St. Cyprian's Church
is also home to
First United Lutheran, San Francisco Live Arts, and The Village Project, an after-school and summer program for Western Addition youth.


Dear Friends, Neighbors and Members of St. Cyprian's,

Love is love.


The last couple days have been joyous for many in California. Wednesday afternoon many people gathered at the Civic Center, Grace Cathedral and in the Castro to celebrate the Supreme Court rulings for SCOTUS and DOMA; the singing, shouting, laughter, hugs from strangers, were all testimonies of the spirit in the City; she dwelled amongst the crowds, sang with the people, and was in each person. For many, the fight for equality for LGBTQ rights in California, following Prop 8, has been a long battle and the overturning for Prop 8 and DOMA offered a great sense of satisfaction and joy. There was and is something sweet and refreshing about knowing one's love is legal in the eyes of the state.




For many people, this fight for equality has been truth in action, it is doing truth, and finally doing truth set people free.


There is still so much work to be done, for LGBTQ rights, for immigrants, the underserved, homeless, and we are still fighting for rights for people of all races and gender. We at St. Cyprian's believe that everyone matters; we work really hard at building a community where everyone matters. This is something we believe is true, this is something we proclaim. Theologian Catherine Keller writes: "Truth is action. We don't simply know it; we have to make it happen... Testify to it, belong to it, do it, dwell in it, even in Jesus' case to enflesh it."


As we continue to rejoice in one victory for Califonia, let us at Cyprian's and in the community remember that truth is not a noun but a verb, it is something we do and live out. Our truth is that everyone matters, we know this to be true but need to make it happen. Not just testify to this truth, but belong to it, do it, dwell in it, enflesh it like Jesus, and fight for everyone. That is the only way to faithfully build a community where everyone matters.


See you soon at Turk & Lyon!  





St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church




Contributions to the weekly e-news from members, neighbors and friends of St. Cyprian's are welcome, send emails to

Presiding and Preaching this week @ Cyprian's:
The Rev. Canon Stefani Schatz

This week we welcome The Rev. Canon Stefani Schatz, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of California, to preside and preach at Cyprian's.


Prior to becoming an Episcopal priest, Schatz worked as a legal secretary and in direct sales. Schatz attended Episcopal Divinity School, focusing on congregational life. She has served as rector of Trinity Church, Reno, and also has experience at smaller churches and served for a period of time in the United Kingdom. Throughout her ministry, Stefani Schatz has gained experience with mutual ministry reviews and strategic planning. She has facilitated trainings on multicultural congregations and change. In addition to her work within the church, Schatz has been involved with various non-profits in geographic areas she has served.


The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus called the Rev. Stefani Schatz to serve as Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of California; she has been serving the diocese since June 3, 2013.




 coming up @ Cyprian's


  Friday at 6 p.m. 
Free Dinner with VolxKuche (People Kitchen)

VolxKuche is a free supper club held once a month on the last Friday of the month. Dinner is served starting at 6pm. This is a free event and is run by volunteers desiring a healthy society where people from all walks of life share food and culture as compassionate beings.


Volxkuche is a place where friends, strangers and neighbors gather to share food amongst good company and entertainment. A safe and sober place, safe for kids, free from oppressive behavior and discrimination. It is an occasion for inspired self expression and interaction with others. All are encourages to be involved.


The lines between performer and observer are not static. Participation is at whatever level one desires. Helping out, or receiving assistance, talking, listening, helping, sharing, music, paintings, photography, theater, video, film, slides, we become more confident, less isolated, strengthening community.


Food is always vegetarian, vegen / organic whenever possible. Just come to enjoy supper or to volunteer by performing, showing video/films, cooking, serving, or help with cleaning.


Check out their website, and like them on Facebook

 Saturday 1-6 p.m.
A Taste of Laos
Cooking class from 1-3 pm: you can learn how to make traditional Laos dishes, such as bamboo shoot soup and sticky rice with top Bay Area Lao chefs.
Tasting from 3-6 pm: taste authentic Lao food prepared by local Lao restaurants and the Lao community.
Suggested class donation $20
Tasting tickets available only on day of event.
Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Summer Scripture Safari 


Gather together with St. Cyprian's & First United for a conversation about the upcoming Sunday scripture lessons. No experience required.  
The lessons for Sunday, July 7th are: 2 Kings 5:1-14


For more information contact either  

Pastor Susan Strouse (

or Rev. Mike Reddig (



Summer at Turk & Lyon 
Summer camps, local currency, concerts, free food, & brain wellness classes....full details at 

Like us on Facebook 
St. Cyprian's Cyprian's arc and St. Cyprian's Community Kitchen have active Facebook pages where you can read more about what's happening at Turk & Lyon. Please "Like" our pages and share with your network.


Weekly E-Mail Archives

St. Cyprian's

In January, 2011 St. Cyprian's began sending weekly e-newsletters. You can find an archive of all these messages here. Forward messages and invite friends, neighbors, and distant congregants to join our list. .

St. Cyprian's is a congregation emboldened by the opportunity to engage with our energized urban neighborhood to create a community
where everyone matters.