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VNA's Bi-Weekly In-House Newsletter
June 15, 2015
In This Issue

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Avoiding Lyme Disease


The CDC offers tips for protecting yourself against this tickborne disease. Find out more here.  

4th of July

Business Offices will be closed on Friday, July 3rd!
Dates to Remember:
  • Refrigerator/Freezer Cleaning Thursday June 18
  • Fruit and Veggie Day Wednesday June 24 
  • All Agency Forum Thursday July 8 and 9
Fruit and Veggie Day!

An Event Sponsored by the Spirit Committee! Wednesday, June 24th in the Staff Lounge! Please click below for additional information, and to sign up to bring something from the "Grocery List"!

Lunch Room Refrigerator/Freezer Cleaning Scheduled 

The refrigerators and freezers in our break area will be cleaned out this Thursday, June 18th.  All items that are outdated or not marked with a name and date will be tossed (including the containers).  Please take a few minutes to check for any items you wish to keep and mark accordingly. This clean-out is in preparation for next weeks Fruit and Veggie Day, so we also ask that you please keep refrigerated items to a minimum as we need room for the supply of fruits and veggies!


Thank you.


Facilities Department

All Agency Forum

VNA All Agency Forums will be held Wednesday, July 8, 8:00 - 9:00 am and Thursday, July 9, 3:30-4:30pm in the Green Mountain Room at VNA Administrative offices, 1110 Prim Road.  The All Agency Forums are an opportunity to update staff on end of year results, finances, budget and new strategic goals as well as provide time for staff questions.

VNA Honored at Archibald Neighborhood Garden Grand 



On June 11 at 28 Archibald St. in Burlington's Old North End, the VNA was honored for our role in supporting the transition of the property that was at one point a gas station to  the Archibald Garden. The property, once slated as a possible site for the VNA Family Room,  was transferred to the city and underwent a full remediation last month - with all new soil and raised beds. Judy Peterson spoke about the Family Room and how important it is to have community places, such as the Archibald Garden, that not only provide access to healthy, fresh food but also a place for community building. Mayor Miro Weinberger along with many other community joined in the celebration.


The Power of 100 Days!

There is a trend floating around social media. For 100 days, someone is challenged to share something they love about themselves to help them be happy with who they are.


We're offering a similar challenge at the VNA for the summer called 100 Days of VNA Love (#100daysofVNAlove) and we need your help!


It's simple, really!


Click here to learn how you can be a part of #100daysofVNAlove!



Legislative Update:  Higher Fees for Licenses Not Renewed on Time


            On July 1, 2015 a revision to 3 V.S.A. � 127 increases fees for reinstating a license not renewed on time. This applies to all professions regulated by the Office of Professional Regulation.   The goal of the new law is to ensure that people renew on time and do not practice in Vermont without an active license.  A license which is not renewed will expire. 


Click Here for more information!        


Spirit Committee Hike At Colchester!


Join the Spirit Committee on Saturday June 20th for a hike at Colchester Pond. 


This is an easy hike, suitable for all ages and friendly dogs (approximately 3 miles around the edge of the pond, through the woods and a meadow.  Plan on at least 2 hours).  Interested people should meet in the parking area near the Winooski Valley Park District sign and be ready for the hike starting promptly at 9:00 AM.   Bring your own bug spray, trail mix and plenty of water! 


Heidi Brodtman will be leading the hike and would like to get an email from you if you are interested in coming along.  Contact her at We don't want to lose anyone in the woods J


VNA University


Student Rotations

Albany College of Pharmacy- Another student has completed a rotation. Find out
more about what great things Thalissa did this week for the Adult Day Program!  



Mandatory ICD-10 Training- For nursing, therapy, and social workers in AHC, FCS, Intake/Referral and Hospice/Palliative Care. Two educational topics will be covered over the course of June (Overview) and July (Wound/Documentation). Several sessions will be offered for each topic. Click here for more details. 



The Great Escape & Splash Water Kingdom


In Lake George, New York 


The VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle is now signed up for 2015 savings! Just log into the special Six Flags site below to buy tickets with substantial savings off the main gate price. This online benefit program offers not only substantial savings, but allows you to "print and go" so you have your ticket in hand when you get to the park with no waiting in the line to purchase tickets. Tickets must be purchased on-line only and paid with either a credit card or debit card.


Special Ticket Link:

Username: VNA15


Password: SixFlags13  (Password is Numeric & Case Sensitive)

AAA Membership Sign-up or Renewal

Please click here for additional information and the Sign-up or Renewal form!
Target Date Funds: Understand Your Choices


The Vermont Department of Health has issued an updated list of Reportable and Communicable Diseases. To find out more, you can visit their website or go directly to the list by clicking here: Reportable and Communicable Disease Rule.


We're Growing!
VNA programs are seeing an increased demand and are being recognized for making positive impacts on a patient's care.

Contact Human Resources if interested in one of the positions listed online or REFER A FRIEND and be eligible for a cash or gas card bonus.


"Take Control of Your Retirement Plan"


Confused about your retirement options and don't know where to start?

Let Transamerica help.  Private individual meetings are available to all employees for assistance in enrolling in the 403b plan or managing your retirement plan(s). 


Tuesday July 7th from 8:30 - 4:00 at the Prim Road Location

Tuesday August 4 from 8:30 - 4:00 at the Prim Road Location


To schedule an appointment go to 

Or you may contact Human Resources at 860-4449.

Are you thinking about going back to school? Are you wondering whether you could afford it, or how you can make the time?


I invite you to attend an upcoming webinar with Champlain College to learn more about their online programs and our unique truED alliance, which makes your tuition more affordable than ever before.  


For more information please click Here!