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VNA's Bi-Weekly In-House Newsletter
June 1, 2015
In This Issue

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Green Team Meeting!

Greetings coworkers! Do you want to learn simple tips on how to be more environmentally friendly and also reduce costs for our agency? We invite you to join the green team on Thursday, June 4 from 10 to 11 a.m. We will meet in the Maple Room. We are lucky to have a representative from Chittenden Solid Waste District come to provide us with some information and answer questions. We hope you will consider joining us!!  For more information please contact Carrie at

Staff Forum still requires the password:
Username = vnastaff
Password = vnacares

Facilities Dept Fire Drill - June

During the month of June, the VNA Facilities Department, with the support of the Safety and Emergency Management Team and Fire Captains, will be conducting a fire drill at the Prim Road office. We will choose a day that has favorable weather, however we will not be announcing the date and time. Please be prepared. The following information outlines what you should plan to do: Fire Drill Evacuation Instructions.

Interim Hospice Director              

As most of you are aware, the VNA Hospice Director position has been vacant for many months. We are now conducting a national search using a successful consulting firm so we have confidence we will find an excellent candidate this summer. 


In the meantime, I have asked Jim Budis, VP of Clinical Services to take on the role of Interim Hospice Director.  Jim has hospice experience from his past work at Continuum Hospice Care in New York City and he was delighted to take on this new responsibility.  As Interim Director Jim will meet regularly with Jina Cate, VNA Supervisor for our Community Hospice Team and Nancy Carlson, Supervisor at Vermont Respite House to oversee the operations of our hospice and palliative care services.


We greatly appreciate Jim's willingness to take on this extra responsibility and lead our hospice and palliative care divsion while we conduct a search for the right person to join the VNA family and fill this position.

Judy Peterson, President & CEO

Be a VNA Ambassador!

For more information please click here!

Camp Knock Knock

The VNA's Camp Knock Knock bereavement camp this past weekend culminated with a balloon launch with special messages for loved ones from family members celebrating the lives of those who have recently died.  


For over 18 years, this camp has provided a unique opportunity for growth and healing for families who are experiencing the natural grieving process. 


Thanks to skilled counselors, professionals, and trained volunteers, families participate in a variety of activities that include arts and crafts, campfires, story times, a candlelight remembrance ceremony and small group sessions to provide strategies for adults and children coping with grief. 


Ellen Kane

V.P. of Development & Community Relations

Bright Ideas Box

On 5/13/15 the Staff Advisory Committee (SAC) reviewed the multiple "Bright Ideas" that had been submitted in February, March and April. Here is a quick paraphrase of the ideas presented and a summary of the actions we plan to take:

  • Idea:  Get taller coffee stirrers for the staff lounge. They will work better with travel mugs.
    • o   SAC Response:  Good idea! Consider it done!
  • Idea:  Play a happy/uplifting song on the overhead at 8 am on Friday morning.
    • o   SAC Response:  Good idea!  However, we will plan to do patient quotes instead of music so we can share the many positive notes patients and families send to the VNA.

Click here to read more ideas presented and a summary of the actions we plan to take.

Fish Awards


Pat Bailey, LNA- A hospice client expressed gratitude to Pat for taking the time for great personal care during a visit. From the foot soak to the head massage, the client feels wonderful! 

Thanks so much! 


Do you know a coworker who represents the FISH philosophy? If so, fill out a nomination form and return it to the Quality/Education Department. 



We are happy to announce that Deb Sullivan has joined the Human Resource Services team as the Human Resources Assistant.  Deb comes to the VNA with many years of administrative and project management experience, most recently working for the City of Winooski and prior to that working for the Howard Center.  Deb started with us on Tuesday, May 26 and will be in the HR office M-F from 9 a.m. -1 p.m. and will provide front line support to both our internal and external customers.  Please stop by the HR office and give Deb a warm VNA welcome!  Her direct phone number is 860-4423 and her email address is


Jennifer Archambault, MSM, PHR

Vice President of Human Resources


The Great Escape & Splash Water Kingdom


In Lake George, New York 


The VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle is now signed up for 2015 savings! Just log into the special Six Flags site below to buy tickets with substantial savings off the main gate price. This online benefit program offers not only substantial savings, but allows you to "print and go" so you have your ticket in hand when you get to the park with no waiting in the line to purchase tickets. Tickets must be purchased on-line only and paid with either a credit card or debit card.


Special Ticket Link:

Username: VNA15


Password: SixFlags13  (Password is Numeric & Case Sensitive)

VNA University

Students and Education


Albany College of Pharmacy- VNA hosting five students over the summer.

RN Residents- VNA has hired two new graduates. One will work in AHC and the other in Hospice/Palliative Care. Both begin working in June. 


Relias Learning System


First mandatory assignment rolled out in May. 


Please click here to read the full bulletin from VNA University.

Target Date Funds: Understand Your Choices


The Vermont Department of Health has issued an updated list of Reportable and Communicable Diseases. To find out more, you can visit their website or go directly to the list by clicking here: Reportable and Communicable Disease Rule.


We're Growing!
VNA programs are seeing an increased demand and are being recognized for making positive impacts on a patient's care.

Contact Human Resources if interested in one of the positions listed online or REFER A FRIEND and be eligible for a cash or gas card bonus.


"Take Control of Your Retirement Plan"


Confused about your retirement options and don't know where to start?

Let Transamerica help.  Private individual meetings are available to all employees for assistance in enrolling in the 403b plan or managing your retirement plan(s). 


Tuesday June 2 from 8:30 - 4:00 at the Prim Road Location

Tuesday July 6 from 8:30 - 4:00 at the Prim Road Location


To schedule an appointment go to 

Or you may contact Human Resources at 860-4449.

Are you thinking about going back to school? Are you wondering whether you could afford it, or how you can make the time?


I invite you to attend an upcoming webinar with Champlain College to learn more about their online programs and our unique truED alliance, which makes your tuition more affordable than ever before.  


For more information please click Here!