
VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

May 29, 2015

Please enjoy this newest edition of VNA E-News.

Three Questions...about Adult Day

Our Adult Day Programs (located in Colchester, South Burlington and Williston) are a great option for seniors and adults who wish to continue living independently, but who may need assistance or help with daily routine activities. 
Diane Olechna

Want to know more about Adult Day? We asked Diane Olechna, VNA Manager of Adult Day Programs, three questions to get her perspective on this program.

1. What is your favorite part of Adult Day?

Coming into Adult Day every morning is just so wonderful. Our clients give us so much to be thankful for and they appreciate everything we do for them. The aroma of fresh blueberry muffins in the oven and the joy of seeing our clients participating in the weekly flower arranging activity are some of my favorites.


It's also wonderful to hear people's reactions when they first visit Adult Day. Family members who visit with their loved ones often comment on how much it feels like home and like family. 


2. What three words would you use to describe Adult Day?

The three words that come to mind to me with Adult Day are:   Live, Love and Laugh.


3. What advice do you give to family caregivers who are trying to decide if Adult Day is right for their loved one?

I emphasize the socialization, plus the many opportunities for their loved one to enjoy and participate in the activities they like to do. Families are often amazed to hear how their Mom, Dad or spouse was able to help with the baking group, participate in word games, or go for a daily walk, and how engaged they become by attending the Adult Day program. One thing I have learned is how much our clients look forward to coming to be with their friends and enjoy their time together in a safe and loving environment.


I also like to remind families how important it is that they have respite time for themselves so they can continue to have their loved one at home.    


Seeking Focus Group Participants

The VNA's Madison-Deane Initiative, in partnership with VNAs throughout Vermont, is leading a study to examine end-of-life care in Vermont and to understand Vermonters' current experiences.

The study is seeking Vermont residents over the age of 35 to participate in focus groups. Specifically, we are looking for more male participants or individuals who do not have any experience with hospice.

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Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
Adult Day Questions
Hospice Study
Adult Day on TV
Hinesburg Yard Sale
Fun Run Photos!

Tune to WCAX on Wednesday, June 3, at 12:10 pm to hear more about VNA Adult Day Programs from Francesca Creta-Merrill and Karen Davie, Site Manager and Activity Assistant for the Adult Day at Grand Way.

Hinesburg Yard Sale

Hinesburg sisters Audrey Peet Horton and Mary Helen Peet Fortin host a yearly yard sale to benefit Vermont Respite House. It's their way of giving back for the love and care Audrey's husband received at VNA's Medicare-certified home-away-from-home for people with terminal illness. This year's event will be held Friday, 5/29 - Sunday, 5/31  at 8002 Route 116, Hinesburg.


Click the photo to view Fun Run photos from friend & photographer, Daria Bishop.

Download a photo (password is 2015) or share one on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter!

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900

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