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VNA's Bi-Weekly In-House Newsletter
May 4, 2015
In This Issue

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Dates to Remember
  • Jiggety Jog - Saturday, May 9
  • CTO Cash-In Due Date - Thursday, May 14
  • Staff Appreciation Week - May 11-15
Article Headline
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
Article Headline
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
We're Growing!
VNA programs are seeing an increased demand and are being recognized for making positive impacts on a patient's care.

Contact Human Resources if interested in one of the positions listed or REFER A FRIEND and be eligible for a cash or gas card bonus.

Adult High Tech Nurse (RN or LPN)Community Helath Nurse
Certified Wound Care NurseHospice Nurse
Pedi High Tech Nurse (RN or LPN)

Article Headline
Know your target audience. Who are your most important customers, clients or prospects, and why? Know what is important to them and address their needs in your newsletter each month. Include a photo to make your newsletter even more appealing.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.