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VNA's Bi-Weekly In-House Newsletter
May 4, 2015
In This Issue

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Staff Forum still requires the password:
Username = vnastaff
Password = vnacares
Dates to Remember
  • Jiggety Jog - Saturday, May 9
  • CTO Cash-In Due Date - Thursday, May 14
  • Staff Appreciation Week - May 11-15
  • Marathon Party - Sunday, May 26 

Facilities Dept Fire Drill - May

During the month of May, the VNA Facilities Department, with the support of the Safety and Emergency Management Team and Fire Captains, will be conducting a fire drill at the Prim Road office. We will choose a day that has favorable weather, however we will not be announcing the date and time. Please be prepared. The following information outlines what you should plan to do: Fire Drill Evacuation Instructions.

Marathon Party!

You're invited to the annual Marathon Party at the 2 mile mark at Patty Hamptons house! Watch the runners run by while enjoying refreshments! Details to follow.

Be a VNA Ambassador!

The Ambassadors Group was formed as a result of staff suggestions at our Hampton Inn meetings last year. The group's charge was to find ways to arm staff with basic information about all VNA programs and services.  In July, a small group of staff representing departments throughout the VNA began meeting to develop strategies for staff education and experiences.

This group prepared a MENU of program/department presentations for Teams to choose from. These educational sessions run 10-15 minutes. Presentation templates were completed by the program/department managers and represent a consistent approach to describing their work.  Please review the MENU of presentations and choose one for your next team meeting or gathering. The Menu can be used as a tracking sheet to document presentations your team has received. (Please let Lyndsay Driscoll know when you schedule presentations or schedule directly through Lyndsay.)

We encourage you to select a session for staff education at as many meetings as you can. There was a clear and resounding request for this information from staff at our meetings last spring and this is our opportunity to respond and provide all VNA employees and volunteers with the material they need to be a "VNA Ambassador"

Click for full menu

The templates are available to everyone on Staff Forum if you would like to preview the information. We plan to roll out individual presentations periodically in Homeward Bound and will include a link to the Menu and templates.

Thank you everyone. I think this will be an interesting and fun way to help our staff feel they are part of the larger organization - THE VNA!

Best Regards,

Judy Peterson, President and CEO

Staff Appreciation Week


Happy Staff Appreciation Week to everyone at the VNA from the Board of Directors and the entire management team. In honor of all of you and the wonderful care you provide, we will be celebrating staff May 11-May 15. We have a full week planned with tokens of appreciation each day, including daily raffles! We hope you will join us and be recognized for all the great work you do! Be sure to check out our Staff Appreciation page in Staff Forum throughout the week for pictures and raffle winners. You can also find a pdf of the calendar here.

Monday May 11

8-11 am: Kick-off breakfast at Prim Road in the break room, with to-go 

tables at the front and side doors for staff on the go. Offsite locations will 

be provided breakfast as well.

Tuesday, May 12

Cupcakes for Florence Nightengale's birthday

Wednesday, May 13

Fortune cookies for all staff!

Thursday, May 14

Snowflake chocolates for our "eggcellent" staff

FREE one hour gentle, beginner's yoga class at noon in the Green Mountain 

Room!! Please bring a yoga mat or towel. Please sign up by emailing Carrie 


Friday, May 15

Subs for our staff in the break room and at off-site locations.

Jeans Day


Daily Raffle: A special thank you to all the talented staff for donating to the Staff Appreciation Raffle! Please have all items submitted by Friday, May 8, to Lyndsay Driscoll or Patty Hampton.

Assigned Module

Many of you have attended a training session on the RELIAS Learning system and have begun logging in and experimenting with enrolling in course modules. As noted in the training sessions, you are able to self-enroll in anything that interests you in the course library. There will also be times that the VNA specifically assigns you a course to take. These courses are mandatory and you will receive an email notifying you that you have been assigned a training module and how long you have to complete it. If a module is mandatory, you will be paid for your completion time. You are responsible for entering your payroll time in the same format you normally do for any internal required trainings you attend.


We have just rolled out our first mandated course module: Preventing, Recognizing, and Reporting Patient Abuse. If you have a RELIAS account, you have just been enrolled in the training (with the exception of FCS staff). You must log in and complete the training by 5/23/15. You should have a received an email from Relias Learning notifying you, however some may have been sent to the Junk email folder. This should now be fixed for any future emails.

For detailed instructions on how to log in and complete the course click here: RELIAS



We're Growing!
VNA programs are seeing an increased demand and are being recognized for making positive impacts on a patient's care.

Contact Human Resources if interested in one of the positions listed online or REFER A FRIEND and be eligible for a cash or gas card bonus.


VNA Vermont Respite House 5K Fun Run & Jiggety Jog!


We could use your support at the VNA Vermont Respite House 5K Fun Run and Jiggety Jog on May 9 @ Allen Brook School in Williston: registration 8am; run 9am.  This is the single largest fund raiser for Vermont Respite House - all proceeds help defray the cost of care at Vermont's only Hospice home.


The following are ways staff and VNA volunteers can make this year a big success:

  • Register to run, jog or walk as an individual or team and raise money:  
  • Volunteer at the event: registration, pass out t-shirts, food table, etc.
  • Spread the word by hanging flyers at your local school, grocery store, restaurant and/or share the event on Facebook.

Please contact Ellen Kane, VP Development at 860-4475,, or Crystal Vendrell, Events Coordinator at 860-4435,, if you'd like to volunteer or learn more about how to get involved.


"Take Control of Your Retirement Plan"


Confused about your retirement options and don't know where to start?

Let Transamerica help you.  Private individual meetings are available to all employees for assistance in enrolling in the 403b plan or managing your retirement plan(s).


Tuesday June 2  from 8:30 - 4:00 at the Prim Road location


To schedule an appointment go to

Or you may contact Human Resources at 860-4449.

HR News