Milton resident Gerard Gaboriau is a true gentleman, quick to produce his handsome smile and equally quick to tear up over a sentimental story. He is reminiscent of a young Kirk Douglas, but with a charming French Canadian accent.
Gerard is diabetic and has had several surgeries due to cancer which have made mobility difficult. And, he is virtually blind. None of that defines him, though.
Gerard lives in his own home, surrounded by displays of religious statues and family photos that bring him strength and comfort, as does his vast collection of old movies. He has a particular fondness for Shirley Temple films. Gerard keeps his strong physique by riding every day on an exercise bike set up in his basement.
No longer able to work at IBM after macular degeneration impaired his ability to perform his job, and a widower with little family nearby, Gerard is able to stay at home amongst familiar surroundings because of the VNA and his caregiver of ten years, Edith Wells.
Edith and Gerard share a home, their deep religious faith and a caring friendship. Both are quick to point out that they are not a couple. Rather, Edith is his caregiver through the Medicaid Choices for Care program of the VNA.
Last year, the VNA provided $1.87 million in unreimbursed care to our community. Generous support from you and your neighbors helps the VNA provide services for people like Gerard who need and deserve quality care.
Please consider a generous gift to the VNA Annual Fund this year.