
VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

January 17, 2014

Please enjoy the latest edition of VNA E-News.

Neither Snow Nor Rain...

No matter what the weather conditions are, VNA caregivers find a way to get you the care you need. They spend a lot of time in their vehicles, sometimes even skiing, snowshoeing and boating to get to client's homes. Our caregivers take extra precautions to stay safe on the roads, especially during weather like the recent ice storm and the dangerously frigid temperatures.


Not only do we want our caregivers to be safe while driving in extreme weather conditions, we want our community to be safe, too.


In this month's VNA blog, we share some tips to help you have a healthy and safe winter driving season.


To read the full blog, visit

VNA at the 50+ Expo

Visit the VNA booth at the

50+ Expo

Saturday, January 25, 2014

9 am-4 pm

At Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center, So. Burlington, VT

Tickets are $5 at the door or $4 in advance by calling 1-802-872-9000 x19


While at the event, check out the VNA's seminar at 12:15 pm in the Diamond Ballroom.


Getting the Most From Your Medications

Juggling multiple medications? Learn how to keep track of them all and prevent mistakes.


The average person over 65 takes nearly 14 prescriptions per year. For most people, these medications help them feel better and reduce the risks of serious health conditions, like high blood pressure or cholesterol. However, medication can also cause health problems if taken incorrectly. Be aware of common mistakes and how to avoid them, get a better understanding of how to read and follow dose instructions, and make it easier to take medications correctly with organization tips and products.


Join VNA and our partners from Albany College of Pharmacy to learn how to get the most from your medications.


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Any suggestions for stories can be sent to




Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
Happy New Year
VNA at the 50+ Expo
Memorial Tree Lighting

Spring Blooms! Fashion Show and Luncheon



April 10, 2014

11:30 am-1:30 pm

at Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center

Burlington, VT


Join us for food and fashions at this year's fundraiser for the Janet S. Munt Family room, the VNA's parent-child center.  Stay tuned for more information!

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900

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