
VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

December 30, 2013

Please enjoy the latest edition of VNA E-News.

Happy New Year!

As we come to the end of 2013, all of us at the VNA would like to take this time to reflect on the care you and others in our community help make possible to our relatives, neighbors and friends with your generous support of the VNA Annual Fund. You help the VNA make a tangible difference in the lives of nearly 5,000 individuals and families.


We are extremely grateful for the continued support from our community year after year so that we are able to serve our neighbors who turn to us in need.


Please help us continue to provide this high quality care by considering a generous year-end gift to the VNA Annual Fund so that together we can touch more lives.



From our family to yours, we send you best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year.


VNA at the 50+ Expo

Visit the VNA booth at the

50+ Expo

Saturday, January 25, 2014

9 am-4 pm

At Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center, So. Burlington, VT

Tickets are $5 at the door or $4 in advance by calling 1-802-872-9000 x19


While at the event, check out the VNA's seminar at 12:15 pm in the Diamond Ballroom.


Getting the Most From Your Medications

Juggling multiple medications? Learn how to keep track of it all and prevent mistakes.


The average person over 65 takes nearly 14 prescriptions per year. For most people, these medications help them feel better and reduce the risks of serious health conditions, like high blood pressure or cholesterol. However, medication can also cause health problems if taken incorrectly. Be aware of common mistakes and how to avoid them, get a better understanding of how to read and follow dose instructions, and make it easier to take medications correctly with organization tips and products.


Join VNA and our partners from Albany College of Pharmacy to learn how to get the most from your medications.


If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, click the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email and you will be removed from our list.

Any suggestions for stories can be sent to


Happy Holidays!


Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
Happy New Year
VNA at the 50+ Expo
Memorial Tree Lighting
Memorial Tree Lighting


January 12, 2014

2-4 pm

at Williston Federated Church, Williston


Join us for this annual Vermont Respite House tradition. The memorial service is a chance to gather to honor and remember our loved ones. Please call 860-4435 for more info or email Maria McGrath at 


To download an order form to help sponsor the Memorial Tree in memory of a loved one, please click here.

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900

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