
VNA of Chittenden and

Grand Isle Counties E-News

December 3, 2013

Please enjoy the latest edition of VNA E-News.

A Time of Giving

VNA donors are very busy people. How do we know? Because the VNA considers each and every donor a crucial partner in our work - and we have been very busy this year.


Your support of VNA programs and services has helped make it possible for us to provide care when and where it is needed.  Over this past year, we have made a tangible difference in the lives of nearly 5,000 individuals and families.


Together, we helped Margaret live her last days in her family home surrounded by her husband of 60 years, her children and grandchildren and supported by the compassionate caregivers and volunteers of the VNA Hospice team.


Together, we made it possible for John and his wife to continue to work even after his frail mother came to live with them following the death of her husband. John is comfortable knowing his mother is being well-cared for at our Adult Day Program, and is receiving specialized care to ease her struggles with early-stage dementia.  


And together, we've kept Steve, a client with paraplegia, at home and as independent as possible. Steve's complex care needs require frequent visits from VNA nurses and other caregivers to stay where he most wants to be. Without our help, Steve would receive care - at a much higher cost and away from his community.


Help us continue to provide this quality of care. Please consider a generous gift to the VNA Annual Fund this year - because together we can touch more lives.

Caring for Loved Ones During the Holidays

Private Care The holidays can be a busy time for most people, with shopping and celebrations and dinners and traveling. Daily schedules may feel a little more hectic. And for some, there may be the added responsibilities of caring for a loved one. Rather than a joyful time, the holidays may be a more stressful time if you are caring for a loved one and trying to meet their needs. And there may be the worry about traveling and leaving your loved one alone during this time.


Our VNA Private Care services can help ease some of your stress over the holidays. Whether it is a few hours a day or continuous care while you are away, our caregivers can help by being those caring ears, eyes and hands for you during the holidays.


Visit our Private Care page on our website to learn more about our services and how we can make your holidays a less-stressful and happy time for all.


VNA in the News  

The VNA has been featured in the news recently. On November 24, the Burlington Free Press featured a moving story about a South Burlington family's journey through hospice with the support of the VNA. The article can be found here:



The Free Press also featured an article highlighting our annual Staff and Volunteer Recognition Dinner. At the event on November 13, we celebrated staff and volunteers who had reached milestone anniversaries, as well as the 25th anniversary of the VNA's Family Room. We also presented a community service award to Cabot Creamery for their support of our hospice volunteer program. To read the article in full, click here:


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Any suggestions for stories can be sent to


Happy Holidays!


Your VNA
Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties

In This Issue
A Time of Giving
Caring Help During the Holidays
VNA in the News
Movies and VNA
Memorial Tree Lighting
Movies at Main Street Landing


December 3, 10 and 17

7 pm

at Main Street Landing Film House, 60 Lake St, Burlington


This weekly free

film series offers viewing of classic cinematic gems throughout the year. Donations are accepted at the door to benefit a local non-profit each month. VNA is the recipient this December. Join us, view a holiday classic and support the VNA.



For more information, click here or call 860-4435.

Memorial Tree Lighting


January 12, 2014

2-4 pm

at Williston Federated Church, Williston


Join us for this annual Vermont Respite House tradition. The memorial service is a chance to gather to honor and remember our loved ones. Please call 860-4435 for more info or email Maria McGrath at 


To download an order form to help sponsor the Memorial Tree in memory of a loved one, please click here.

Contact Info

VNA of Chittenden and
Grand Isle Counties
1110 Prim Road
Colchester, VT  05446

802 658-1900

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