Please enjoy the latest edition of VNA E-News.
Affiliation Agreement Reached between VNA and CVHHH
The VNA of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties and Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice (CVHHH) in Vermont have agreed to an affiliation to support their respective missions by fostering close collaboration, while preserving the independence of each organization.
The two agencies have been working on the affiliation since last year, and recently received approval from Commissioner Susan Wehry of the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living. The respective Boards of Directors of each agency approved the agreement earlier this year.
This affiliation is expected to enhance the overall home health and hospice patient experience while expanding the scope of clinical services according to Judy Peterson, president and CEO of VNA and Sandy Rousse, president and CEO of CVHHH.
To read the rest of this article, please click here.
Vermont Respite House Annual Fund
Vermont Respite House is fortunate to be the recipient of much community generosity, whether it is from United Way, foundations, memorial gifts and bequests, or from annual gifts from friends of the VNA. All these gifts tell us that the care and comfort we provide to over 150 residents of Vermont Respite House each year is worthy of your hard-earned financial support and that you wish our good work to continue.
We often receive another kind of gift from family and friends of residents - their priceless personal stories of what Respite House means to them. Here are some examples of these kind thoughts:
"I cannot put into words how grateful we were for the caring and helpful way we were taken care of in my mom's last hours. We were able to be mother and daughter when we needed to be most."
"When we decided on Respite House as a family, we thought it was the best option for him, but we soon came to realize that it was also the right choice for all of us."
We are so grateful for our community's support in helping Vermont Respite House continue to serve residents and their families in such an impactful way. If you would like to donate to our Respite House Annual Fund this year, please click the donate button below.
Run to the Fair
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont Run to the Fair is a 5K Fun Run to open this year's Champlain Valley Fair on Saturday, August 24. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the VNA this year. Registration begins at 8 am with the race starting at 9 am.
The cost to registration before the event is $25. Day of registration is $30 and each participant will receive admission to the fair, free parking, a t-shirt, a $5 food voucher and a bottle of water.
There will also be a crazy scrubs contest during the run with prizes from Fleet Feet Sports.
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Your VNA Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties
Start the Conversation
Start the Conversation
Event in Williston
October 19, 2013
10:30 am
At Dorothy Alling Memorial Library
21 Library Lane, Williston, VT
Preparing for end-of-life care is as important as all other plans you make. Yet, so few have this conversation with their family or doctor. Join VNA Hospice at the library in Williston to get the conversation started.
For more information, please call 860-4419 or visit the Start the Conversation website by clicking here.