You may have heard of hospice care, but are still unsure of how it can help or how to access it. In our community, only a small percentage of people receive hospice care at the end of life. Of those who do experience hospice, we often hear that they wish they had known about this support earlier.
Your VNA has been working to increase awareness and understanding of end-of-life care options in our community through programs like Madison-Deane Initiative and
Start the Conversation. We continue this effort with a series of video stories offering powerful testimony to the excellent care and support VNA provides. Stories are a good way to raise awareness and educate people, especially when the topic is difficult. We are pleased to introduce three people who opened their homes and hearts to us to share their hospice care experience.
Lisa, from St. George |
John, from Burlington |
Debby, from Colchester |
View the stories by clicking the photos or visiting
You can also hear Mary Loney, RN, CHPN, one of our VNA hospice nurses, share her experience caring for patients in a special video.