Llano Estacado Emmaus Newsletter
August, 2013 - Vol 17, Issue 8
In This Issue
From the Lay Director
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Community and Walk Dates
Community Dates

First Baptist Church - Tahoka

1701 Ave K

Tahoka, TX 79373

(806) 561-4557 



Aldersgate UMC

10306 Indiana Ave 

Lubbock, TX  79423

(806) 745-0595 

Walk Dates


Aug. 1 - 4 Young Girl's Flight

LD: Shayla Erickson

Aug. 1 -4  Young Guy's Flight

LD: Jared Chrestman

Aug. 1-4 Women's #126

LD: Sheila Kirby

Sept. 5-8 Young Adult Women's

LD: Steffanie Dayton

Sept. 12-15 Young Adult Men's

L.D. Mark Miller 

Sept. 19-22 Men's #89


Oct. 4-6th Kairos Outside #6

WL: Lynn McDonald

Oct. 24-27 Women's #127

LD: Missy Oliver

Nov. 13-17 Kairos #30

Rector: Mike Ehler 


Here is your August Newsletter!
From the Lay Director 

Back to school....already?  The words any child or teacher dread are very quickly upon us.  I know that my kids have greatly enjoyed their time off for the summer filled with church camps, trip to TN and just all around fun and being lazy if they wanted to be.


Isn't that how our relationship with God is sometimes if we are all truly being honest?  Don't most if not all of us take a summer break from God?  I don't mean our daily relationship that we have. I am talking about our disciplines and practices that we use to maintain that relationship.  I know I for one can become quickly lackadaisical in some of my worship practices.


Sometimes it is my scripture reading, sometimes my prayer life gets shoved back a little as life gets busy.  Sometimes my church attendance even suffers as days and weeks go by.  


I would encourage all of us that if we have taken a "summer break", let's make the commitment to become involved again. Get back to our quiet time at least once a day, make your church home a priority.....every week, pray without ceasing. 


Commit to dong these things through the upcoming school year and see how God will bless each of us.  I would also ask you to pray for our teachers, administrators and children as they all start back to school.  Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.-Titus 3:14


Don't forget women's walk #126 starts Aug.1st as well as the H.S. boys and girls Chrysalis at Ceta Canyon.  Please pray for the success of this walk and these flights as well as the team and pilgrims/caterpillars.  Also we would love to see all of you at send-off, candlelight and closing.  If you have not been involved in Emmaus for a while or if you attend every function, we welcome you and hope to see you soon.


Love and blessings to all,

Chad Oglesby


Almost a year ago the Chrysalis board began an adventure.  We knew we had to make a High School Chrysalis appealing to the young people in our area.  We had to have appealing dates, a place for them to feel comfortable and involvement of other Emmaus communities in our area.  Thursday August 1 marks the culmination of the efforts of the Llano Emmaus Community, The Living Water Community and the New Horizon Community.  We have had many, many obstacles to overcome which tells us we have been on the right track and we give God glory and praise for these obstacles.  

We still have room for any High School guy or girl that would like to start out the weekend as a caterpillar and by Sunday become a beautiful butterfly.  I would like to encourage you to send someone, to make some agape, to pray, to come to candlelight or closing. 


Psalm 115

1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
     but to your name goes all the glory
     for your unfailing love and faithfulness.


Invest in the lives of your young people they will bring revival to our land.  Let me know if you have any agape we can pick up for you or if you would like to make donations to our Chrysalis scholarship fund.  We can still use prop supplies if you have anything you want to get rid of.  My cell is 806-773-8761 and my email is roan.cowen@gmail.com.  


If you are not helping with the Chrysalis, attending any 4th day activities at Ceta please turn out for the Women's walk in Slaton.  YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU!!


Flying with Christ

Roan Cowen

Chrysalis Community Lay Director



Lay Director Chad Oglesby   mrogles@sbcglobal.net

Chrysalis Lay Director Roan Cowen roancowen@gmail.com

Women's Registrar Laurie Odom 806-773-3517 odomlaurie@gmail.com 

Men's Registrar Margaret Rohde 806-797-0207  mrohde843@suddenlink.net

Boys Chrysalis  Registrar  Madeline Bates 806-773-6124 mbates @sbcglobal.net 

Girls Chrysalis  Registrar   Mark & Celia Miller 806-328-5210 mfmraider@aol.com 

Women' Prayer Chain  Russell Mason rmason5858@windstream.net