Llano Estacado Emmaus Newsletter
July, 2013 - Vol 17, Issue 7
In This Issue
From the Lay Director
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Community and Walk Dates
Community Dates
June Community Gathering
Raintree Christian Church     
3601 82nd St.
Lubbock, TX 79423
(806) 797-3097 



First Baptist Church - Tahoka

1701 Ave K

Tahoka, TX 79373

(806) 561-4557 

Walk Dates


Aug. 1 - 4 Young Girl's Flight

LD: Shayla Erickson

Aug. 1 -4  Young Guy's Flight

LD: Jared Chrestman

Aug. 1-4 Women's #126

LD: Sheila Kirby

Sept. 5-8 Young Adult Women's

LD: Steffanie Dayton

Sept. 12-15 Young Adult Men's

L.D. Mark Miller 

Sept. 19-22 Men's #89


Oct. 4-6th Kairos Outside #6

WL: Lynn McDonald

Oct. 24-27 Women's #127

LD: Missy Oliver

Nov. 13-17 Kairos #30

Rector: Mike Ehler 


Here is your July Newsletter!
From the Lay Director 

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galations 5:1


Happy Independence Day!!! I recently had a discussion (argument truthfully) with a former high school classmate of mine about our "free" country. He brought up some very valid points about how we are not truly free. One being how everything we do is regulated somehow or another. We literally can't leave our home without someone else's will or laws being imposed on us in some form or fashion. He went on with his two page rant on Facebook over the course of an hour or so. I read all of his arguments, agreed with some but not all and finally wrote this in response to him. "I refer to our country as free for lack of a better term to better describe what we enjoy here in the USA that is different from anywhere else on Earth. If you are looking to some governmental entity or organization to define your freedom, you are never going to find it. Jesus Christ is who set me free, not any man here on this planet." Upon reading that, he private messaged me and we began talking about faith and freedom more in depth. He thanked me for being willing to stand up for what I believed and for helping him understand better what that meant. So I encourage all of you, be FREE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!


A heartfelt thank you to LaFonda Stephens and Ted Wilson for a very successful women's walk #125 and an enormous welcome to all of the new babe chicks as well! God's Grace was very present during those ladies testimony and I thank all of you who prayed and showed up at candlelight and closing.


Remember, our next community gathering has been moved to July 11 and we will eat at 6:30. Everybody bring some great food and I look forward to seeing each one of you!


Love and blessings to all,

Chad Oglesby


What's the most outrageous thing you have ever asked God for? That a twenty­ pound sack of money would spill at your feet? That the pimple growing like a third eye in the middle of your forehead would disappear by morning? That your parents would slip you a Ferrari for graduation-or sooner?

Jesus said we can ask him for anything. That's right, he said anything! John 14:13 says he had a good reason to extend this invitation. Jesus-our only way to the Father and our only way to know what the Father is like-also wants to teach us to show off God's greatness. Here's the formula:

Your prayer for anything in Christ's name

+ Christ's perfect answer to your prayer

= Glory to the Father.

When we pray in Christ's name, we are asking for our requests to be fulfilled in Christ's will. Since Jesus knows how to bring glory to God, he will answer our prayers in his best way so that God receives the glory he deserves. Devotional by Josh McDowell


Please send us caterpillars to bless, food agape and pillow agape a plenty and an amazing weekend to glorify you in Jesus name.


August is quickly approaching and we have 2 amazing teams getting ready to bless your High School kids. Send in your applications for the Guy's and Girl's High School Chrysalis being held at Ceta Canyon August 1-4. Please email me if you have any questions.

On July 11th at our next community meeting Chrysalis will be helping with the service. We will be having a 4th day speaker and doing mime communion. Please come out and join us.

Next college jouneys are September 5-8 for Girls Steffanie Dayton Lay Director, Tabitha Cowen Youth Lay Rep and Tobi McMillian Spiritual Director. The very next weekend September 12-15 Dr. Mark Miller will lead with Markus Miller as Youth Lay Rep and Dan Chrestman as Spiritual director.

Flying with Christ

Roan Cowen

Chrysalis Community Lay Director



Lay Director Chad Oglesby   mrogles@sbcglobal.net

Chrysalis Lay Director Roan Cowen roancowen@gmail.com

Women's Registrar Laurie Odom 806-773-3517 odomlaurie@gmail.com 

Men's Registrar Margaret Rohde 806-797-0207  mrohde843@suddenlink.net

Boys Chrysalis  Registrar  Madeline Bates 806-773-6124 mbates @sbcglobal.net 

Girls Chrysalis  Registrar   Mark & Celia Miller 806-328-5210 mfmraider@aol.com 

Women' Prayer Chain  Russell Mason rmason5858@windstream.net