Llano Estacado Emmaus Newsletter
May, 2013 - Vol 17, Issue 5
In This Issue
From the Lay Director
Pray for Others
Join Our Mailing List!
Community and Walk Dates
Community Dates
May Community Gathering
First Assembly of God - Lubbock 
3801 98th St
Lubbock, TX 79423
(806) 783-0800


Walk Dates

May 15 - 19  Kairos #29

Rector:Rick Pinkerton                                            

June 20-23 Women's #125

LD:LaFonda Stephens

Aug. 1 - 4 Young Girl's Flight

LD: Shayla Erickson

Aug. 1 -4  Young Guy's Flight

LD: Jared Chrestman

Aug. 1-4 Women's #126

LD: Sheila Kirby

Sept. 19-22 Men's #89


Oct. 4-6th Kairos Outside #6

WL: Lynn McDonald

Oct. 24-27 Women's #127

LD: Missy Oliver

Nov. 13-17 Kairos #30

Rector: Mike Ehler 


Here is your May Newsletter!
From the Lay Director 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Kevin Booe, Dan Chrestman and the servants of men's walk #88! I know all the pilgrims were blessed to have been a part of that weekend. Thank you to the community for showing up and supporting the entire weekend with so many, it was truly a blessing to see so many of you at send-off, candlelight and then again at closing. Jesus was smiling!


Change is to some a very bad word, to others it signifies growth and progress. However you view change, I am asking you for now to accept it with an open heart as we begin the process of trying to build our community into something better. Our first change is that we now have an appointed community music coordinator. Mike Cox has graciously accepted this position and I am very excited to see what God will do through him and I look very forward to working with him. There is likely going to be a change in how we conduct our community meetings beginning with the June 6th meeting. I say likely because it is something that we discussed at the last board meeting which was warmly welcomed, but we still have to vote on it and approve it. So look for exciting news in the next edition of the Llano Estacado Emmaus newsletter.


Last month I asked all of you to get in touch with me in regards to your thoughts about our community meetings. I received exactly two responses. I feel pretty certain that more of us have some joys, concerns or thoughts than that. I once again am asking you to please feel free to send me an email at mrogles@sbcglobal.net or even call me at 806-781-6809 and let me know how you feel. The only way for us in leadership to know which direction to steer the ship is if those who are on board tell us where they want to go. Communication is the integral part of any relationship and I certainly welcome any and all communication from all of you.


As all of you know, prayer is the biggest part of every walk that takes place. There has been a few problems with reminder emails being returned to the prayer vigil coordinators. I would encourage all of us, especially those with permanent slots on the vigils to double check your information as the book is passed around to ensure your reminder gets to you and all of the prayer slots are filled for each walk.


Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I am humbled beyond words and I am very excited to see what God does in the coming months. Love to all!


Blessings to you, Numbers 6:24-26


Chad E Oglesby


Chrysalis Folks we are having a NEON PARTY on May 4th from 7-9 PM in the basement at the Wesley Foundation 2420 15th St. Serving hamburgers and hotdogs. Wear your neon clothes and come worship with us. We will also be selling Chrysalis Neon T-shirts for $15.00.


Please be in prayer for the summer Chrysalis Flights and the September Young Adult Journeys as we begin team preparations for those.


August 1-4 Ceta Canyon Boy's and Girl's High School


Jared Chrestman Boy's Lay Director

Youth Lay Rep to be announced

Dan Chrestman Boy's Spiritual Director


Shayla Erickson Girl's Lay Director

Nicole Taylor Youth Lay Rep

Winfield Davenport Girl's Spiritual Director



September 5-8 Mercy Center Girl's Young Adult


Steffanie Dayton Lay Director

Tabitha Cowen Youth Lay Rep

Tobi McMillan Spiritual Director



September 12-15 Mercy Center Guy's Young Adult 


Mark Miller Lay Director

Markus Miller Youth Lay Rep

Dan Chrestman Spiritual Director



If you are interested in working Chrysalis email me roan.cowen@gmail.com.


Flying with Christ

Loving you All

Roan Cowen

Chrysalis Community Lay Director

Pray for Others 
Dear Llano Estacado Emmaus Community,

Besides keeping our own walks  in prayer  we have been asked

to pray for the following March walks in other Communities


None submitted

Maybe next month.


Only God knows what a difference your prayers will make to these walks!



Lay Director Chad Oglesby   mrogles@sbcglobal.net

Chrysalis Lay Director Roan Cowen roancowen@gmail.com

Women's Registrar Laurie Odom 806-773-3517 odomlaurie@gmail.com 

Men's Registrar Margaret Rohde 806-797-0207  mrohde843@suddenlink.net

Boys Chrysalis  Registrar  Madaline Bates 806-773-6124 mbates @sbcglobal.net 

Girls Chrysalis  Registrar   Mark & Celia Miller 806-328-5210 mfmraider@aol.com 

Women' Prayer Chain  Russell Mason rmason5858@windstream.net