Llano Estacado Emmaus Newsletter
March, 2013 - Vol 17, Issue 3
In This Issue
From the Lay Director
Pray for Others
Join Our Mailing List!
Community and Walk Dates
Community Dates
April Community Gathering
First UMC Slaton
305 W. Lubbock St.
Slaton, TX
May Community Gathering
First Assembly of God - Lubbock 
3801 98th St
Lubbock, TX 79423
(806) 783-0800


Walk Dates

March 21-24 Young Men's Journey

LD: Bryan Kube

April 12-14 Kairos Outside #5

WL: Jan d'Orsay

Apr. 18-21 Men's #88

LD: Kevin Booe

May 15 - 19  Kairos #29


June 20-23 Women's #125

LD:LaFonda Stephens

Aug. 1 - 4 Young Girl's Flight

LD: Shayla Erickson

Aug. 1 -4  Young Guy's Flight

LD: Jared Chrestman

Aug. 1-4 Women's #126

LD: Sheila Kirby

Sept. 19-22 Men's #89


Oct. 4-6th Kairos Outside #6

WL: Lynn McDonald

Oct. 24-27 Women's #127

LD: Missy Oliver

Nov. 13-17 Kairos #30

Rector: TBA


Here is your March Newsletter!
From the Lay Director 

I Thank the Lord For YOU!

Philippians 1:3-6 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" .

We all know people who are a blessing to us. Whether it's a familymember, your lifelong best friend, a coworker, or an old friend you can always pick right back up with no matter how many months it's been, each of us has people in our lives that we are so thankful for.

We get so caught up in day-to-day busyness sometimes that we forget to thank God for all the things He has blessed us with. Instead of focusing on the goodness the Lord has shown us, we complain about the minor thing that goes wrong. Instead of being grateful for the multitude of people who encourage us and make us smile, we get so hung up on the one person who did us wrong that it sours our whole outlook. I'll be the first to admit I'm guilty of this all too often - especially when it comes to taking for granted all the wonderful people who have impacted my life.

Here at the beginning of his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul presents a great example for us to follow when it comes to the people in our lives who are special to us. "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you," Paul begins. He goes on to tell the recipients of his letter how he prays for them, and then gives an encouraging word about God's work in them. How often do we take the time to tell people how much they mean to us - especially fellow Christians with whom we share, as Paul says, "fellowship in the gospel"? I know I don't do that nearly as often as I should. As Paul models here, we should let the people we thank God for know that we do. And what better way to do that than by telling you today?

As the end of my term comes to an end, as serving as your Community Lay Director, I can honestly say I am humbled that God would use me in such an awesome ministry, and that you have walked beside me in this position. I cannot thank you enough for the encouragement you have showered me with and for your response to my repeatedly wooing you to stay connected with the Llano Emmaus Community. Together we make this Community relationship grow.

Chad Oglesby will be assuming the Community Lay Director position as of April 1st and I will be there 100% to support him in his efforts to continue to grow this love relationship, as I know you will be as well. Chad is a man after God's own Heart and if anyone can bring the love of a community together, he can! I ask that you support Chad, and the entire Board of Directors, with your full desire of service. When you are called upon, think of it as God's calling, not human calling, and raise your hand to say "Send me Lord".

I have enjoyed my time with you all, and once again I thank you for your support through your prayers, your presence, and your service of this entire Llano Emmaus Board and Community. I fully intend to stay connected by attending the weekend events and I look forward to the fellowship at the Community gatherings WITH YOU!   Please make every effort to come to the Community Gathering on March 7th at Aldersgate UMC at 7:00 pm to fellowship with one another, sing to the Lord, hear God's message and to partake in Communion together as God had intended us to do.


I ran across these words from Max Lucado which I though was a model of how we look at Worshiping together:  

"Thank the LORD because He is good. His love continues forever."
Psalm 106:1 (NCV)

Worship is when you're aware that what you've been given is far greater than what you can give.

Worship is the awareness that were it not for his touch, you'd still be hobbling and hurting, bitter and broken.

Worship is the half-glazed expression on the parched face of a desert pilgrim as he discovers that the oasis is not a mirage.

Worship is the "thank you" that refuses to be silenced.

Worship is a voluntary act of gratitude offered by the saved to the Savior, by the healed to the Healer, and by the delivered to the Deliverer.

I think this describes Worshiping together to the utmost!

I'll be at Aldersgate UMC for Community on March 7th - I hope to see you there!


Christ is counting on me, and I am counting on Christ.


Terri Flores


Bible Reading: James 4:7-10

Humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

THE ONLY CHRISTIANS who don't face temptation are the ones parked in heaven. The rest of us face temptation-sometimes subtle, sometimes slamming us in the face-every single day of our lives. The fact that you've become a Christian won't make Satan decide the game is over with you and stop picking at you. In fact, a per­son's problems with temptation never really begin until he or she starts to respond to God's Holy Spirit.

That's cheery news, isn't it? Actually, though, knowing Jesus gives you great power to handle temptation. You don't have to get slapped around. When you face temptation, here's how you fight back:

  1. Be on your guard. Expect temptation. Benjamin Franklin was wrong when he said, "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." There's at least one more certainty: temptation.
  2. Hit back at temptation quickly. The biggest danger in temptation is entertain­ing it-wallowing in it and telling yourself how much fun evil is-instead of dealing with it. It's like playing with a lion cub. It might be fun for a while, but it soon grows up, turns on you, and tears you to pieces. Notice that the account of Jesus' tempta­tion in Matthew 4 seems to indicate that he responded to each temptation quickly ­as in immediately!
  3. Submit to God. You are wise to get to your knees and submit control of the situation to God. It's not enough to tum from the temptation-you must also tum to God. Tell him about your temptation and ask him for the help he is willing and able to offer: "Since he himself has gone through suffering and temptation, he is able to help us when we are being tempted" (Hebrews 2:18).
  4. Resist the devil. Once you recognize a temptation and ask God's help in over­coming it, put your running shoes on and get out of there! Resist and rebuke the devil, and claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Say thanks. And once God has helped you overcome, don't forget to praise him for keeping his promise, because "he will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Our Guy's Journey takes off on March 21, we have plenty of room and all caterpillars are paid for, get those applications in so they can find the blessing and wholeness in Christ you found when you went on your walk.  Come to all the 4th day events. Send-off, Candlelight and closing.  These things are designed for you to feel the presence of God like you did on your weekend and to bless those young people. 


Hope to see you there

Loving you all

Flying with Christ

Roan Cowen

Chrysalis Community Lay Director

Pray for Others 
Dear Llano Estacado Emmaus Community,

Besides keeping our own walks  in prayer  we have been asked

to pray for the following March walks in other Communities


None submitted

The Emmaus Community just found a volunteer and this portion should be updated next month.


Only God knows what a difference your prayers will make to these walks!



Lay Director Terri Flores   tflores@lakeridgeumc.org

Chrysalis Lay Director Roan Cowen roancowen@gmail.com

Women's Registrar Laurie Odom 806-773-3517 odomlaurie@gmail.com 

Men's Registrar Margaret Rohde 806-797-0207  mrohde843@suddenlink.net

Girls Chrysalis  Registrar  Mark & Celia Miller 806-328-5210 mfmrraider@aol.com

Boys Chrysalis  Registrar   Yvonne Allred   806-745-7917 yvonneallred@sbcglobal.net

Women' Prayer Chain  Russell Mason rmason5858@windstream.net