When I speak of walking with Jesus, my idea is helped by considering how it was with His first disciples--they lived in His presence! When He stayed in a place--they stayed; and when He moved--they went with Him. Having Him always near, always in view--the sight of Him undoubtedly gave composure to their whole behavior; and it was a check upon their eyes, their tongues, and their actions!
When they had hard questions upon their minds--they did not puzzle themselves with vain reasoning. When they were in need--they looked to Him for a supply. When they had difficulties and dangers-they had little doubt of deliverance, knowing that He was with them.
Just so, I need a faith that shall have such an abiding, experimental conviction of His nearness and presence--as if I actually saw Him!
If I expected a visit from Him, in flesh, this afternoon--my heart would jump at the thought! With a mixture of joy and fear I would open the door to receive Him! How cautious would I be--not to do or say anything that might grieve Him, and shorten His stay with me! And how gladly, if He gave me permission to speak, would I catch the opportunity of telling Him all my concerns! Surely I would be unwilling to let Him go--until He had healed the wounds in my soul, and renewed my spiritual strength; until He had taught me better how to serve Him, and promised to support me in His service. And if I heard Him say, with an audible voice, "Though they fight against you--they shall not prevail, for I am always with you to deliver you!" I would bid adieu to fear! Aren't these things true, even at present? Is He not as near and as kind? Have I not the same reasons and the same encouragement to set Him always before me--and to tell Him . . .
all my needs,
all my fears, and
all my troubles--
as if I saw Him with my bodily eyes!
Our Lord is right beside us - ALWAYS. Let's treat Him as if HE were the only thought in our minds. Let's speak to HIM as if He has the only ears to hear. Let's talk to HIM as if He is the only One who will listen. Because all of this is true; HE is the only ONE who matters. And if our mind set is such, just think how much more we would exude love to those around us.
We all share the awesome experience of this 72 hour intense meeting with Jesus. Don't we want everyone to have this wonderful renewal of their spirit? Lately, our Walks and Chrysalis have been struggling in attendance. Isn't that our downfall for not asking our family, friends and co-workers if they are longing for that closeness with Christ? If someone had not asked you to attend a Walk or Chrysalis - would you be reading this right now? It is because someone cared enough for you and your spiritual life to invite you on this beloved journey with Christ. I encourage you to be listening and watching for people who long for this relationship with Christ - invite them to attend an Emmaus Walk. That is one thing in which they will not be disappointed. Let's grow our Community to beyond what any church can hold once again. Not for our sake - but for Christ's Kingdom.
I would also like to add that if you have a desire to serve on the Emmaus Board we would like to hear from you. We would like to place you on our prospective list to call upon in the near future. We want to have people who have a heart for the Emmaus Community to lead our Community! Some of our Board members will be completing their term in April and we need to get people with a passion for Emmaus to step on board!
We also have a need for an Agape Coordinator. This person will keep up with our surrounding Emmaus communities to keep us informed of when their Walks take place so we can be in prayer for our fellow brothers and sisters. If you are interested in this Agape Coordinator position I would like for you to contact me and I will get you in touch with Michelle Heath who has had to retire from this position. We are currently without an Agape Coordinator and we need to get this position filled ASAP.
Last, but certainly not least, our beloved Marilyn Hampton, who serves as our Emmaus Board Secretary, has decided to retire from her position, which she held for 10 years! All good things must come to an end and Marilyn certainly has earned this retirement. Marilyn's loyalty to the Board has been impeccable and words could never thank her enough for her service. When you see Marilyn, please thank her for her service during these 10 years. She would like to have someone step up for this position as soon as possible, so if you are interested please contact me and I will have Marilyn contact you with the details.
Our February Community Gathering will be on February 7th at 7:00 pm at Wolfforth UMC located at 102 Donald Preston Street in Wolfforth. Bring your friends, family and your favorite snack and join us as we praise the Lord with song, devotion from our Community Spiritual Director and partake of Communion together. I'll be there and I plan to see you there as well!
Christ is counting on me, and I am counting on Christ,
Terri Flores