News from Evangelist Mike Gendron
January 2014
The Gospel's Promise is Not Conditional Life 

The apostle John, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, revealed the glorious promise of the Gospel with these words, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13). This verse parallels John's purpose for writing his Gospel: "these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). John wrote his Gospel so that people would believe and be saved. He wrote his first epistle so that those who believe would know they are saved.
Ignoring these certain and sure promises of God, over half of professing Christians believe they can lose their salvation. They believe eternal life is really conditional life and it is based on what they continue to do instead of what Christ has done. They say they believe in Jesus, but they do not believe what he promises. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, he has crossed over from death to life" (John 5:24). Those who are depending on their own righteousness, performing good works, or adhering to a religious system, can never be assured of salvation. They will never know if they have ever done enough. There is no joy when people put their faith in what they do instead of what God has done in Christ. When salvation depends completely on God, there is no chance for failure. Whenever man is involved in attaining and preserving salvation there can be no assurance, only a false hope. 

True believers have assurance through God the Father. Jesus said: "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish...My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand" (John 10:28-29). The life Jesus gives is everlasting, not temporal or perishable. 

True believers also have assurance through God the Son. Jesus said: "This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:39-40). "Everlasting" and "eternal" are words that describe not only the life believers have in Christ, but also the punishment that awaits those who die without Christ. 

Born-again Christians also have assurance through God the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul declared: "You also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation; having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance" (Ephesians 1:13-14). At the very moment anyone understands and believes the Gospel, they are sealed by the Holy Spirit, who guarantees they will be co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).

Assurance is based on God's power and promises (1 Pet. 1:3-5). The gift of eternal life is eternally secure because God's gifts are "irrevocable" (Romans 11:29). Eternal life can only be received as a gift of God's grace. Anyone who tries to earn or merit the gift nullifies God's grace (Rom. 11:6). Professing Christians who want to be certain of their salvation must believe the promises of the Gospel and repent of any teaching, experience or feeling that opposes the Word of God. Once they do, they will be more certain of living eternally in heaven than one more day on earth.
Catholics Describe Evangelism As An Attack

On Christmas Eve, Mike Gendron and eight other members of Grace Life Church of Dallas went to a Catholic Church in Plano to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The Catholic web site, 
Deeper Truth Blog, reported "about the same time that Grace Life Church in Dallas was making their attack on Catholics, another attack was taking place a half a world away. A young woman went running up through the crowd and jumped on the Altar of the Lord." She wrote on her chest that "I Am God". She was quickly taken away, but her intent was to bring confusion and disruption. Grace Life Church and this Feminist group interestingly joined together in spreading misleading information and cast attacks on the people of God. They were not spreading Christmas cheer or good will but to go on a rant. Read more.
Leading Homosexual Magazine Honors Pope

The accolades keep rolling in: Pope Francis was named Person of the Year by The Advocate, the U.S.-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender magazine. It is the second Person of the Year honor in less than a week for the pontiff, who was also named Time magazine's Person of the YearBut The Advocate's recognition of the pontiff is significant because an LGBT publication is such an unlikely place to find homage to a pope. In its summary, the 46-year-old publication highlighted Francis' statement that "If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?" Read more.

The following video news report covers the pope's shifting policies towards homosexuals within the Catholic Church. See video here. 
Letters From Around the World
For the past 12 years I have been in the ministry of helping people come into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). I find it ironic that we both think our lives are blessed, one for pulling Catholics out of the Church and one for welcoming people into the Church. There is one significant difference I see in our ministries. You preach your theology using deception or outright lies about what the Catholic Church teaches. One would think that using your "rocket scientist" intelligence, you would see how illogical your theology is. Just because your business is successful, doesn't mean what you preach is true. I, on the other hand, present the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church and let the Holy Spirit lead the people into the Church. Last year, we had 30 souls enter the Church at our parish. We don't tell lies, we only tell the truth about what the Catholic Church teaches. Glen, Internet
Dear Glen,
You have so clearly stated the difference in our approach to ministry. By your own admission you present the teachings of the Catholic Church which is what man says God says. I present the Word of God which is what God says. Your goal is to call people to the Catholic Church; my goal is to see God draw people to Jesus Christ through the preaching of His Gospel. Your goal is to keep people in darkness, mine is to show them the glorious light of the Gospel. May God give you eyes to see it! Sincerely, Mike
Dear Mike, 
We are so thankful that the Lord is able to use your former experience as a Catholic, and your knowledge of their teachings, to reach the dear lost souls who are still in that religious system. You are also helping so many Christians better understand how to evangelize their RC loved ones, by equipping them with the resources to be more effective for Christ. We also appreciate the gracious spirit with which you witness to the lost; Christ has really placed a tender love in your heart for those precious people. We have been blessed for the times you have both prayed for us and given us wise counsel in some of the challenges we've faced. 
May the Lord bless and protect you and your dear wife as He leads you onward. You are always right in the center of God's perfect will anytime you share the truth in love with a lost soul; and every time you edify and equip the saints. And we thank and praise God for that! M. and C. B., Middleport, NY
Announcing Our Fall 2014 Cruise to Israel

Mike and Jane Gendron will be leading another Compass sponsored tour of Israel that includes a 14-day cruise from Rome with teaching excursions in Jerusalem, Galilee, Malta, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Sicily and Naples. The dates for this wonderful opportunity to see the lands of the Bible are October 16th through November 1st. For more information or to receive a brochure call (972) 495-0485 or email
Roman Catholicism Is a Growing Mission Field

Roman Catholicism now represents 17% of the world's population. The center of gravity has shifted southward with more than two-thirds of Catholics living in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Since 1965, 30 million Catholics have been added to the U.S. population but their percentage of the total population has held steady at 25%. This represents the largest and most neglected mission field in the United States. Evangelicals, who embrace Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity and who praise the pope, are discouraging Christians from evangelizing Catholics. The pope continues to gain popularity in America with a 79% approval rate among Catholics and 58% among non-Catholics. Click here to see an informative graphic illustrating the current state of Roman Catholicism.  
Beware of the Seeker Friendly Church Movement

More and more pastors are discarding our Lord's blueprint for building His Church and exchanging it for a seeker-sensitive approach in order to attract a larger following. In doing so, they spend more time entertaining the goats than feeding the sheep. In this week's broadcast, Mike Gendron interviews his pastor Jesse Barrington on the dangers of the church growth movement and easy-believism. Mike and Jesse discuss why pastors fall into this unbiblical movement and what people should do if they find themselves in a seeker friendly church. Listen to the interview here.
Moody Continues to Embrace Catholicism

Yet another Moody Radio show is embracing Roman Catholic teachings. Unfortunately this may be the worst one yet because a Catholic theologian promotes Roman Catholic teachings without any pushback from the Moody's host, Melinda SchmidtThe Catholic guest, Pia de Solenni, was interviewed about The New Feminism. He states: "The priest in Catholic theology, stand in the person of Christ." He also said, "for Christians we have one right of initiation for both men and women: that's Baptism, that's how you become a Christian, whether you are male or female." Melinda's response embraced the fatal lie of baptismal regeneration. She said: "Yes, we all come to Christ the same, men and women, it's the same formula (laughter), it's the same right as you said to come to Christ." You can listen to the program here.
Moody Radio host Melinda Schmidt also interviewed Father Robert Barron, a Roman Catholic Evangelist, whom Cardinal George calls "one of the [R.C.] Church's best messengers." The interview is available here.
Catholic-Muslim Dialogue for Unity

The need for greater efforts to encourage religious pluralism and cultural diversity was the focus of a meeting between Pope Francis and the Secretary General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which brings together 57 Muslim countries. The Muslim leader shared his vision with the pope about the need for a "historic reconciliation" between Islam and Christianity "based on common Abrahamic roots." The pope commended the proposal of the Secretary General and stressed the need to follow it up. Read Mike Gendron's comments from his interview with the Christian News Network here.
Jesuit Video Series Promotes Homosexuality

A series of videos sponsored by the Jesuits titled "Who Are We To Judge" (in reference to a comment made earlier this year by Pope Francis about homosexual priests) is causing controversy. The video series was produced by the Ignatian News Network, a YouTube channel that is a joint project of the US Jesuits and Loyola Productions in Los Angeles, to feature videos about the work and mission of the American Jesuits. Prominently featured in the series is Arthur Fitzmaurice, the head of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry (CALGM), who said he came to the realization that "God made me to be this gay person." Read more.
May God be glorified as we contend earnestly for the faith once delivered! Let us know how we can serve you.

Mike Gendron

(972) 495-0485
PO Box 940871, Plano, TX 75094
Mike's Speaking Schedule
Mike at TC Pulpit  
Steeling The Mind 
Bible Conference
Spokane, WA
Feb. 15

Mike will be one of 7 speakers at Spokane Convention Center on Saturday, Feb 15th. Topics and speakers include: World Government in Bible Prophecy by Andy Woods; Islam's Allah vs. Jehovah God by Shahram Hadian; The Incredible Effects of Rapture by Paul Van Noy; The 70 Weeks of Daniel
by J.B. Hixson; The U.S. Constitution and the Bible
by Colorado attorney 
Jenna Ellis; Moving Toward the Mark of the Beast by Mike Gendron; The Relentless Attack on Conservative America by Todd Starnes of Fox News; and The Future of Money by Tom Cloud. For more information click here. 
Grace Life Church
Plano, TX
Feb. 23
Mike will preach the Sunday morning gathering of the saints at 9:30 am. The church is located at 
903 W Parker Rd, 
Plano, TX 

Prophecy Conference
Living Hope Evangelical Church, 
La Crete, Alberta, Canada
April 12-14
Worldview Weekend Conference
Branson, MO
April 24-27

This year's conference will be held at the Oak Ridge Boy's Theater. Speakers include: Brannon Howse, Jesse Johnson, Mike Abendroth, Henry Morris, Justin Peters, Mike Gendron, Jimmy DeYoung and Usama Dakdok. Susan Heck will teach a special break out session for the ladies. 
DVD of the Month

This new DVD contains two Keynote messages which reveal the history and
possible future of the Roman Catholic religion. Mystery Spiritual Babylon makes known the characteristics of the woman riding the beast in the 17th chapter of Revelation. Roman Catholicism's Drift Into Apostasy reveals how Rome dogmatically departed from the faith of the apostles at the Council of Trent. 
The DVD is available at a 45% discount during the month of January. 
Stay Tuned for the Weekly Broadcasts of the
 Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry

Our weekly broadcasts include discussions on current events, contrasting theologies, and questions from Catholics. 


To schedule 


Mike Gendron 

to speak at your church or event, contact us at



This book will equip you to be an effective witness to Catholics and it is also a book to give Catholics who are searching for the truth!
It will force them to choose between two diametrically-opposed authorities for their salvation: their Bible or their Catechism.
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is to glorify 
the Lord Jesus Christ 
by encouraging 
the saints 
to faithfully proclaim 
His Gospel of grace 
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for the faith.
Prayer Request

For those who like to pray for the ministry of
Proclaiming the Gospel, please pray for our spiritual and physical protection and for more opportunities to equip and encourage the Body of Christ to be faithful witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that we would hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering and that our lives would glorify our great God and Savior.
Archived Monthly Newsletters

Our previous monthly newsletters are all on our web site. Click here.
Abide in God's Word
Begin the 2014 with a greater desire and a renewed commitment to abide in God's Word throughout the new year. Mike's message on 
The Infallible Word of God 
gives ten reasons why the Bible is the most unique religious book of all time.


Special Offer
Quantity discounts are available on Gospel tracts. Sow the seed of God's imperishable Word and pray for fertile soil. May God be glorified and the harvest of souls increase as Gospel tracts are shared with the lost. Order here.