410-224-0121 ext. 5
News from VNoC & VIoC                                       
November 2014
We hope to see you at the 
2014 Potomac Regional Veterinary Conference 
The 2014 Potomac Regional Veterinary Conference will be held Friday, November 7th through Sunday, November 9th at the Hyatt Regency Inner Habor in Baltimore. The conference offers up to 18 hours of small animal, equine and public practice continuing education in each tract. 

Dr. Jay McDonnell will be speaking on Saturday, November 8th on Veterinary Technician Track, so send your techs for these great topics: " When to refer? The Indication for Surgical Treatment in the Neurological Patient" and  "Seizures: Stop Shaking! Stop Paddling! Stop Howling -- Managing the Seizing Patient."

New this year are Practice Management sessions on Friday and Technician sessions on Saturday. Veterinary students and LVT students are also welcome to attend.

For complete information on the event, visit the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association website: www.vvma.org.

When to ask for a referral for a dog with back pain

dog who can't walk Vets and owners always ask WHEN to refer a dog with back pain. That's a great question, but unfortunately there's no set answer.

What we can tell you is that knowing what kind of dog you have, the presenting complaints, and the response to treatment certainly helps. We know the typical clinical course that they are supposed to follow...

For example, the small, middle-aged, chondrodystrophic dog like a dachshund, poodle or beagle has a pretty typical course: acute onset of pain, tenderness, reluctance to walk, ataxia and postural reaction deficits. he majority of these dogs will respond within 3-5 days to crate rest, pain medications and anti-inflammatories. MORE>>

The ACVIM Foundation Memorial Program

Each month, VNoC and VIoC donate to the ACVIM Foundation in memory of patients who have passed away. In this way, we honor the bond of between pets and their owners, who can take comfort in knowing that the donation can translate into longer, healthier lives for millions of animals everywhere. In just one generation, ACVIM specialists have improved and saved the lives of countless animals-from advancing nutrition and preventive care to developing more sensitive screening for diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, cardiomyopathy, and kidney failure. If you'd like to contribute, you can donate on the 

Feline Inflammatory Peritonitis (FIP) is an extremely aggressive and commonly fatal systemic infection. It is caused by a mutation of the Feline Coronavirus (FECV) and can spread throughout the body. FECV commonly presents as the "common cold" in humans and affects roughly 20-40% of all household cats. This percentage increases to levels of 80-100% in multi-cat households.

There is an exhaustive list of clinical signs associated with FECV but none of them are exclusive to FECV. This viral infection is usually restricted to the GI and respiratory system but, if given the opportunity to mutate into FIP, can affect neurological and organ tissue. MORE>>

Local Events & CE Opportunities

Nov. 12: The Veterinary Practitioner and Specialist Relationship - Mark E. Hitt, DVM, MS, Dip ACVIM (Internal Medicine), Atlantic Veterinary Internal Medicine & Oncology, Annapolis, MD. RSVP by November 7. Please RSVP to aacvma@aol.com.

All AACVMA meetings are held at Yellowfin Steak and Fish House, 2840 Solomons Island Road, Edgewater, MD. 6:30pm Happy Hour. 7pm meeting. 2014-2015 annual dues can be paid at any meeting; checks can be made out to the AACVMA for $35.
Nov. 6: Dentistry - William Rosenblad, DVM, MSPCA/Angell: Boston, MA.
Dec. 4: Pain Management - Sheilah A. Robertson, BVMS, PhD, DECVAA: University of Florida

All meetings are held at The Elks Lodge, 8421 Arlington Blvd. (Rte. 50), Fairfax, VA. Each seminar provides a maximum of 6 hours of continuing education credits: 3 hours in the morning session and 3 hours in the afternoon session.
Nov. 18:  2014 Winter Meeting
Dover Downs Hotel, 1131 N. DuPont Hwy., Dover, DE 19901 

Hyatt Regency, Inner Harbor, Baltimore, MD. 


Locations & Hours
808 Bestgate Road, Annapolis, MD
VNoC & VIoC: Monday-Friday

1209 Cromwell Bridge Road, Towson, MD
VNoC: Wednesday

For an appointment at either office, call
410-224-0121 ext. 5

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Saturday & Sunday Emergency Consults:  
Call 410-224-0121
between 9am and noon, and leave a message. The neurologist will get back to you to discuss your case. Please make sure to leave the best number to contact you that day or the following day. to discuss your case.

For critical care and after hours, our 24-hour ER clinic will coordinate with our neurologist on call to ensure your patient is seen within 24 hours. Additional ER fees will apply.