Lynnhaven River NOW E-News  
August 16, 2014   
Mark Your Calendar for these  
Great Events

August 22 --- Sea Camp on the Lynnhaven

August 23 -- See you at the Old Beach Farm Market

27 -- 5% Day at Whole Foods for VB Education Foundation

September 13 --River Cleanup at Birdneck

September 13 --Hampton Roads Sustainable Living Expo at Kellam High School

September 18 -- CBF Oyster Roundup

September 20 -- Master Gardener Fall Festival

September 21 -- Buy Fresh, Buy Local Farm to Fork

October 3 & 4 -- VCN VA Environmental Assembly

October 11 -- LRNow Fall Festival

Volunteers Needed

September 20 -- Master Gardener's Fall Festival, 10-3, Agriculture Research Center
2 volunteers needed: 1 from 9:30-12:30 and 1 from 12:30-3:30

September 21 -- BFBL Farm to Fork, 2-6:30 PM, Agriculture Research Center
2 volunteers needed: 1 from 1:30-4:30 and 1 from 4:30-7:00

September 26-28 -- Neptune Festival
2 to 3 volunteers

October 25 -- Shellfish Company Fall Festival
2 volunteers

If you are interested in helping LRNow at any of these fall events, please contact Trista at 962-5398 or

CBF Oyster Gardener Roundup and New Gardener Workshop

If you are currently an oyster gardener, you can
turn in your oysters at the date and time below.  If you are interested in becoming an oyster gardener, you can come at the same times to learn about how to get started.

Thursday, September 18
6:00-8:00 PM
Norfolk Academy
1585 Wesleyan Drive

Register in advance at or by calling 757-622-1964. 

Trumpet Honeysuckle
Native Plant of the Month

Protect our
Diamondback Terrapin
by putting by-catch reduction devices on your crab pots.  They are free in the LRNow office.  Call us for more information, 757-962-5398
By-Catch Reduction Device

Scoop the Poop 
Scoop the Poop Sticker
Stop by our office or call 757-962-5398 to get a sticker for your big black trash can.
Help spread the message.
VA Environmental Assembly
October 3 & 4 

The Virginia Conservation Network Virginia Environmental Assembly will be held at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3 & 4.  For more information or to register, go to or call 804-644-0283

Whole Foods 5% day 
to support Virginia Beach Education Association Gardening Projects with our students.  Shop at Whole Foods on
August 27
and contribute.
Shop at AmazonSmile 
and Amazon will make a donation to:




Time to Talk about Dog Waste Again
Beach Closures

We all hate to see our beaches closed because of high bacteria levels, like we experienced this week, and wish we could find someone to blame.  Unfortunately, the blame belongs to all of us. 

The bacteria that causes beach closures come from humans and animals and it is our behavior everywhere, not just on the beach, that raises the bacteria counts to unhealthy levels.  The dog waste that is not picked up in our own backyard contributes bacteria to our stormwater which runs into the creek, the river,
Scoop the Poop Sticker
and the ocean.  The average dog produces 3/4 of a pound of waste per day.  Multiply that by 50,000 dogs and that is 37,500 pounds of waste every day.  That is like having 50,000 humans with no sanitary sewer system.  And geese are no better.  One goose produces approximately 89 pounds of waste per year. 

Fortunately, there are things that we can all do to help prevent beach closures:
One -- always clean up after your pet, not just on the beach or in the park, but every time, everywhere.
Two -- do not feed ducks, geese, gulls or any wildlife.  Feeding our wild friends contributes to their congregating in unnaturally large numbers and contributing large amounts of bacteria to our waterways.
Three -- always pump out your boat's holding tank no matter what kind of sanitary system you may have --- from a bucket to a more sophisticated on-board system. 

These simple things will not solve all of our problems, but the cumulative impact is much larger than you may think.  We all want to be able to enjoy our beautiful rivers and beaches.  And we all must do our part to keep them clean and healthy. 

Lynnhaven River Paddle & Explore
Ages 8-12; August 22, 9 AM - 3 PM

This paddle is a typical Sea Camp day on the Lynnhaven River but will be led by Laurie Sorabella, the Oyster Queen.  Meet at the Crab Creek kayak launch at the foot of the Lesner Bridge and kayak into the Lynnhaven to explore the tidal creeks, salt marsh, sand flats and shallow water habitats.  We'll use nets to learn what's out there, swim in the river and visit the Mermaid Spa.  We should have a nice low tide to explore Bob Marley Island and float down Irie Way.  The Oyster Queen will teach students things about the Lynnhaven that they haven't heard on trips with Captain Octopus. 

For more information go to  http://www.vbseacamp.  To register,
Rain Barrel Bonanza
Order Yours Today

It's a rain barrel bonanza.  We have a special promotion going on for our October 11th Fall Festival at Rosemont Elementary School in Green Run.  Order a locally made rain barrel for $65 (our lowest price ever) and pick it up at the Fall Festival.

Find the details and place your order at this link --  

Social Media Update: 
LRNow is on Pinterest!

Follow us on Pinterest (especially our "Pearl Home Green Practices" board) for more ways to live a green lifestyle. Click here:  
Find and follow our BLOG here:  

River Cleanup -- Birdneck Launch
Sat., Sept. 13, 9 AM-Noon

Join the fun and help clean up the river.  We will be gathering at the Birdneck Canoe and Kayak launch at the end of Old Virginia Road at 9 AM.  Access to a canoe or kayak is needed to participate in this cleanup.  An empty seat is sometimes available so contact our office if you are interested but do not have access to a boat. 

For more information or to register for this cleanup, call 757-962-5398 or email

Thanks to the great group, over 30 people, who came out to the August cleanup at Hutton Circle.  Almost 300 pounds of trash was collected that morning. 

Become a Pearl Home and Win Tickets to Next Year's Oyster Roast -- 2014 in 2014  
Pearl Home Flag
We have surpassed 1,700 Pearl Homes and have set a goal of 2,014 in 2014! 

Become a Pearl Home or recruit a friend or neighbor and you will be entered into a drawing for two tickets to next year's Oyster Roast.

The Pearl Home information and application are available on our  website or in our office. If you recruit a friend or neighbor, make sure your name is at the bottom so you are entered into the drawing also.

Help us get to 2014 in 2014!

 Native Plant of the Month: August
Coral or Trumpet Honeysuckle
Lonicera sempervirens

Trumpet Honeysuckle will grow to 8-15 feet tall and spread to 3-6 feet. 

It likes full sun, blooms in May and June, and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.  The birds like the small red berries in the fall. 

To order a trumpet honeysuckle plant, call, 962-5398, or email
Cost is $8.