Racing South Newsletter  

a Running Journal publication

'We Run the South' 

hokie half marathon banner
Jazz HM
In This Issue
June issue
Race Calendar
Running News

Featured Events

high country 2013

High Country Triple Crown

June 15 - The Cub 7 miles   

Valle Crucis, NC

Aug. 24 - Half marathon -

Boone, NC

Oct. 11 - The Knob 2 miles  Boone, NC


craft beer festival 

Craft Beer Festival

& 5K race

Alpharetta, GA June 22  

Sizzler 2013
St. George Sizzler 5K
St. George Island, FL
 Aug. 10

ascent hill climb
The Ascent 3.7 mile Hill Climb & Du
Blowing Rock, NC Aug 11

Summerfest 10K/5K
York, SC Aug 24

8 miler
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 8 mile
Columbia, SC Sept. 28

Myrtle Beach Mini
Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon
Myrtle Beach, SC Oct. 20

Rocket City 2013
Rocket City Marathon
Huntsville, AL Dec. 14

Race Directors

If you are interested in having your race become a Featured Event on the RJ website and this newsletter or want information on advertising in our print issue:


Media Partners
USATF logo

Running Network

Running  Links



Big Dog Running Co, Columbus 


North Carolina

to add running stores to this list or to ask a question or make a comment. Running Journal swaps links with key running stores in the South and is currently conducting a survey to determine runner-recommended stores. 

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Promote your event to thousands of runners each month in this newsletter. Contact us about advertising in print, online, and our e-newsletter. Email us at for information.
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Issue: # 47
June 2013
Since 1984, we've 'Run the South.'
Best race calendar, Insightful info ...


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June issue
june 2013 cover
The June issue of Running Journal features our semi-annual Marathon & Long Distance Directory. Several columnists and readers share their experiences at this year's Boston Marathon. There is also coverage of the recent RRCA Convention. More columns, race results, and our comprehensive race calendar all in the June issue of Running Journal!  


If you are not currently a subscriber to Running Journal, see the special offer at the end of this newsletter and subscribe today!

Running Journal Race Calendar  

     Germantown Half Marathon
The Running Journal race calendar is the best place to look for races across the South. Find whatever distance you are looking for, from the 5K to the ultra. Click here to visit the Running Journal race calendar now. Remember to check back often as we make frequent updates.


It's easy to find a race across the South. Our race calendar is divided by state and also includes individual listings for marathons, ultras, multi-sports, and track and field. Just click on the links below and get ready to run!


Alabama Running Calendar 

Arkansas Running Calendar 

Florida Running Calendar 

Georgia Running Calendar 

Kentucky Running Calendar 

Louisiana Running Calendar 

Maryland Running Calendar 

Mississippi Running Calendar 

North Carolina Running Calendar 

South Carolina Running Calendar 

Tennessee Running Calendar 

Virginia Running Calendar 

Washington, DC Running Calendar 

West Virginia Running Calendar 

Marathon Calendar 

Multi-Sports Calendar 

Ultra Calendar 

Track & Field Events  

Fall Marathon & Long Distance Directory    

Fall Ultra Directory  


Race Directors in the South -- Don't forget to send us information on your race for the Running Journal race calendar.  Just click here to submit your race information online.  

Running Club Directory
Running News
Louisville Triple Crown of Running is donating $190,000 to the WHAS Crusade for Children, which is having its 60th
annual crusade for special needs children. Nearly 30,000 runners participated in the three-race Kentucky series. The Triple Crown has now donated more than $1.22 million to the Crusade for Children since 2002. 


National Running Day is June 5. Lace up and run with someone. There are lots of healthy running slogans and here's one: "I run because it's cheaper than therapy."


Running Revolution age? A lot of runners in the "Running Revolution" of the 1980s have hit retirement age. Want to recall those days and write an article about those days and how they compare to running today? Email your thoughts to Running Journal at RJ@Running.Net. We look forward to hearing from you.


Rocket City Marathon registration is now open. The Dec. 14 event in Huntsville, Alabama, is limited to 1500 runners. June fee is just $60.


Scott Ludwig of the Darkside Running Club in Georgia has just had his fifth book published. "Distance Memories: Reflections of a Life on the Run," is available from Amazon and other online booksellers.


Learn from losing and you'll always win. The long road reveals who and what you are. Others may judge you; smile and understand we are all imperfect.


Sixteen-year-old Alana Hadley of Charlotte, NC, made her debut marathon at the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon on May 18. Hadley ran 2:58:23 and finished as the sixth overall female. After the race, she was interviewed by Jennie McCafferty of Michigan Runner for Running Network TV, of which Running Journal is a member. That video can be seen here: 


Made in the USA was the theme of a recent email exchange by several runners who were advocating that races buy race shirts made in America instead of the Far East. In that discussion it was basically determined that American-made shirts would cost more, thus entry fees could be affected, but that runners might be willing to pay more if they knew the shirts were made in America. Other running items are also made overseas, including running shoes. What are your thoughts?


Friends -- "The world of runners is filled with friends I have yet to meet. I can't wait to meet them."  (Brent Manley, newsletter editor and past president, Memphis Runners.)


Benefit of moving from being a runner to a racer -- "One of the greatest benefits of racing is all the places you'll go; experiencing those locations in a much more personal way. (Bruce Davis, newsletter editor, Peninsula Track Club, Virginia.)


Recovering after a marathon:  "Focus on recovery the week after your marathon, not training for your next event. Your muscles have taken a beating and you don't want to get injured by doing too much too soon. Take it easy and run no more than 25 percent of your average, pre-marathon miles."  (Jessica Griffiths, editor-in-chief, Colorado Runner.)


Absolute truth? "All true wisdom is found on T-shirts."  (The Fleet Foot newsletter of the Gulf Winds Track Club, Tallahassee, FL.


Website articles

Love at the ultra marathon may not be pretty, but it's beautiful

By Teri Saylor

If you believe Hallmark and sappy romantic comedies, you may think romance is tied up in soft music, red roses, and romantic candlelight dinners. I was always a sucker for the Harlequin-style love affairs and walks on the beach with a bright full moon shimmering on the waves and glowing so brightly you could cast a shadow on the midnight sand.


Yep, I thought romance was intoxicatingly sweet perfume and champagne nights until I started volunteering at the Umstead 100-Mile Endurance Race.


Click here to read the rest of the article.   


A Lesson Learned - Take Nothing for Granted

By Mary Margaret McEachern

Like many a runner these days, my mind, heart and thoughts are with the victims of the horrific Boston Marathon bombing. It is a sad time in which we live, that we now have to concern ourselves with more than just pre-race jitters on marathon day.


Horrific as it was, this tragedy did bring out the good in a great many people, specifically, fellow runners. Locally, our Wilmington Roadrunners Club held vigil runs both Monday and Tuesday evening of Boston week. On Tuesday, as part of the normal hill run in downtown Wilmington, many club members wore Boston bibs in solidarity. The turnout for the hill run was unprecedented. My training group, Without Limits, is funneling donations to "The One Fund," the non-profit organization set up for the purpose of aiding the victims of this unspeakable tragedy.


Click here for the rest of the article.  

 Running Journal Grand Prix XXXV
The Running Journal Grand Prix completed its 35th season at the Cotton Row 10K on Memorial Day in Huntsville, AL. Meggan Franks of Starkville, MS, finished as the top open female and Wojciech Kopec of Searcy, AR, was the top male open winner. A full recap of the season will be included in the August issue of Running Journal. Congratulations to all our winners! 
Race Results
If you are looking for race results from across the South, make sure to check the Running Journal website often for the latest results. New results are added daily. Click here to go to the results page now. And if you are a race director, remember to email your results to Running Journal (
Race Directors
Featured Events high country 2013
If you are interested in having your race become a Featured Event on the Running Journal website ( and this newsletter, or want information on advertising in our print issue, just e-mail us at or call (423)638-4177 for details.


Race Directors in the South -- List Your Race in the Running Journal Race Calendar

Don't forget to send information on your race for the print and online Running Journal Race Calender, plus this Racing South Newsletter. It's easy to list your eventClick here to submit your race details to our race calendar today.

Send Us Your Comments
We want to hear from you! If you have comments, suggestions, or questions about Running Journal, our website, or this newsletter, send us an e-mail at

Send news items to RJ@Running.Net 

We like personal insights, tidbits from your running club, unusual items, running tips, whatever you think might be of interest to someone else. 

Forward this FREE monthly newsletter to several running friends. It's a good way for all runners to share information. Forward the newsletter to anyone anytime. We want all runners to have access to the timely information.
Subscribe Now!
Make sure you receive the latest  june 2013 cover  
news in running each and every month by subscribing to Running Journal now. Our print issue features columns on training, nutrition, sport psychology and much more, plus you'll read articles written by our readers.


You'll get race results from across the south and the most comprehensive race calendar available anywhere, including our Marathon & Long Distance Directory published in the June & December issues and our Marathon & Half Marathon calendar published in October.
To subscribe online, see the special offer below!

Subscribe to Running Journal

  Just $19.95 for an annual subscription -- 12 issues of our print publication, which is full of running stories, columns, features, race results and our calendar information.  Click here and pay by credit card at our secure site. Current subscribers may extend subscriptions for one year at this same rate with credit card payment.  
  Subscribe for two years for $36.95 or three years for $49.95.  Click here, change the price in the box to the two-year or three-year rate, and pay by credit card.  Thanks!