Joanna's Wardrobe
Joanna's Wardrobe
Joanna's Wardrobe
Welcome to our May Newsletter!



Here's hoping that May turns out to be the month the weather here in the UK gets back to something like normal, but even though our mothers are still wagging their fingers and warning "ne'r cast a clout till May is out" we're determined to act all summery regardless. 

To help things along we're offering 20% of all Swimwear over the Bank Holiday, while we all  celebrate May Day by dancing around maypoles and generally frolicking about to celebrate the coming of Spring.  The discount code is MAYPOLE, and if you want to see all our swimwear ranges, take a look at the Swimwear page.  Fingers crossed for sunshine. 



Also new for this month is the Elle Collection from Kiss Me Deadly featuring the gorgeous Elle chiffon robe in both black and in red.  Not surprisingly, these have been selling really, really well. Also new in the collection is a fantastic animal print french knicker.


Finally, thanks to everyone who's helped so far by completing our survey, your feedback is really appreciated! And don't forget that if you haven't already done so, if you complete the survey your email address goes in the hat to win a �50 Joanna's Wardrobe gift voucher!





Speaking of which, from analysing early results from our survey, one of the things that we know you all like to hear about in our Monthly Newsletter is special offers, so just to remind you -  running until the 10th May is our 25% discount on all Playful Promises lingerie including the very pretty Sunset Pink and Absinthe Green Eyelash collections.  The discount is automatically deducted in the shopping cart so there is no need for a discount code, and since some of our Playful Promises collections are also on sale - well see for yourself, there are some astonishing bargains still to be had!   


We'll be sharing more of the results of our survey over the next few weeks so watch this space!

The Kiss Me Deadly Mermaid Collection
Azure Delores Swimdress




Continuing the Summer theme there's the cracking and eyecatching new Mermaid swimwear collection from Kiss Me Deadly - and yes, you can use the MAYPOLE discount on everything in the Mermaid collection too. 


Look stunning on the beach or poolside in this season's gorgeous limited edition swimwear from Kiss Me Deadly.


The collection includes the gorgeous Delores swimdress in head-turning azure. This is an amazingly flattering swimdress that can be restyled at your will using the layer over the top that you can ruche up or pull down, with a mesh layer around your midriff to keep it sleek.


Then there's a couple of stunning one-piece swimsuits in turquoise and in a lovely peach and black floral lace print, both of which are also available as two-piece in their own individual styles.  



Lace Print Shell Bikini
Lace Print Shell Swimsuit
Turquoise Deluxe Swimsuit
Turquoise Deluxe Bikini
The Kiss Me Deadly Elle Collection
Elle Sheer Robe



The star of the Elle show is undoubtedly the luxuriously sexy Elle chiffon robe, which is available not only in glorious femme fatale Black, but also in stunning Red for the aspiring vaudeville vamp. This fantastic long robe is just brilliant for wearing over any of those wonderful items in your luxury lingerie collection, or nothing, whatever your personal taste or the occasion. 


Whenever we post pictures of the Elle robe on Facebook there is a collective swoon from our entire fan base.  Of course that may have something to do with the wonderful photos from Nicole at the Hourglass featuring Wardrobe favourite retro pinup Kristelle, and of the ever beautiful and intriguing Morgana, by Morgana. 


Also in the Elle collection are the equally swishy sheer french knickers which are available in a stylish leopard print as well as classic black chiffon.  Apparently our cousins in the U.S. refer to this style as 'tap pants' because tap dancers used to wear the style when practising. Vaudeville - told ya!  Guessing not as sheer as the Elle though...   


Elle Red Silk Chiffon Robe
Elle Knickers
Leopard Silk Elle Knickers
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Thanks for reading and goodbye until next month - but remember that if you'd like more frequent updates from Joanna's Wardrobe, you can subscribe to my Facebook page or to my Twitter account. Just click on the icons below.


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Karen x