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Pick Up Only |
Come on by either yard and pick up some PANSIES in flats or 10" bowls. |
Contact Us
140 Huntingtown Road
Newtown, CT 06470
tel. 203-426-4037
fax. 203-426-8057
496 Bunker Hill Road
Watertown, CT 06795
tel. 860-945-6588
fax. 860-945-9282
Monday - Saturday
7am - 4:30 pm |
Dorothy Wykoff Andromeda |
Storm Damaged Plants
Hurricane Sandy Redux
Salt damaged White Pine along the coast |
"Wi ll these plants survive?" is a frequently heard question these
days. We offer a couple of reminders in response.
First, plants with brown needles or leaves may well have firm, viable buds. On the flip side, plants with green leaves or needles now may still drop their foliage once the weather warms up. So no matter what a plant looks like today, we won't truly know how well any individual plant has fared post-hurricane until the sap starts flowing.
Second, when weighing the choice between "replace now" and "wait and see," don't forget that not all trees may be successfully dug in the fall. If you and your client chose to replace storm damaged trees now, come visit the nursery soon. Freshly dug trees are arriving daily, and evergreens will be coming around the corner.
Third, if mature trees made sparse by Sandy-related needle drop are left to fill out again over the years, consider creating an understory bed. That way your client can have both the important plants plus immediate gratification!
-Thanks Janet
Turf Tips: Pre-emergents
| Mark with a pallet of Team Pro 22-0-6 |
No, It's Not Too Late!
Because of spring's late start this year due to the cold weather, I am already getting questions as to whether or not it is too late to put down pre-emergent crab grass controls. The answer: it is absolutely not too late! Crab grass won't start growing until sometime late April depending on how warm the soil is - NOT how warm the air temperature is! Given how cold the soil temps are now, it would not surprise me if most areas around Newtown don't see crab grass germination until some time in early May.
So, take the time to apply products like Team Pro, Dimension and Barricade - and prevent crabgrass before it gets a head start on you!
-Thanks Mark
Behind the Scenes:
Bare Root - They may not look like much now...
Fresh bare root material waits to be potted up, but not for long! |
... but wait till fall and you'll see them in the houses ready for sale! Over 5,000 bare root shrubs came in last week and were potted up within 5 days with more coming! Peter and his crew work hard to assure we have a continuous supply of these, and many others, from early spring through late fall. Seen above - a fresh batch of Donald Wyman & Dwarf Korean Lilac, Annabelle & Panicle Hydrangeas, Serviceberry and Spiraeas. They'll be monitored for water and watched carefully until they are well rooted for sale in this fall.
Look for our PC grown symbol throughout the catalog.
Plants to Know
Which Witchhazel?
| l-r Common, Vernal and the hybrid 'Arnold's Promise' |
By the time mid-April rolls around, there are plenty of plants to catch our attention. No one questions the beauty of Cherry, Dogwood, Magnolia, etc. in bloom. But when it comes to March blooms, let's not forget Witchhazel (Hamamelis sp.)
Most Witchhazel bloom in very early spring. We offer Hamamelis vernalis (Vernal Witchhazel), a native with yellow blooms. Hybrids (Hamamelis x intermedia) offered include Jelena (Copper), Diane (Red) and Arnold's Promise (Yellow).
Just because we're all excited about spring, let's not forget about the fall blooming cousin, Hamamelis virginiana, Common Witchhazel. Very few other plants bloom around Halloween!
-Thanks Darryl
Weekly Special -
| 'Moonbeam Coreopsis |
Coreopsis verticillata
'Moonbeam' & 'Zagreb'
10% off 10+
Here's a workhorse of a perennial, one that will provide long lasting bloom throughout the season. They're drought tolerant, deer resistant and low- maintenance.
'Moonbeam' grows 18-24" tall and has a lighter, more lemony-yellow bloom than the 'Zagreb' which is a deeper, golden-yellow. It also is a more compact grower at 12-18" high.
We are well-stocked - so stock up |
NOW Incoming this week: European Beech, Weeping Hornbeam, Camperdown Elm and beautiful specialty conifers!
12/14' Coral Bark Maple |
Deciduous Trees & Shrubs | | NEWTOWN | | Acer palm. dis. 'Red Dragon', 'Tamukeyama' | Cutleaf Japanese Maples | Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood', 'Emperor 1', 'Fireglow', 'Red Emperor', 'Sango Kaku', 'Sharp's Pymgy', 'Shishigashira', 'Tsuma gaki', 'Twombly's Red Sentinel' | Upright Japanese Maples | Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' | Crimson King Maple | Acer shirasawanum 'Aurea', 'Moonrise' | Fullmoon Maple | Acer x 'Armstrong' | Armstrong Maple | Betula nigra | River Birch clumps 8/10', 12/14' | Carpinus betulus 'Pendula' | Weeping European Hornbeam | Cercidiphyllum japonicum ''Magnificum Pendula' | Japanes Katsura, Weeping Katsura' |
Cornus controversa 'June Snow'
(Giant Dogwood) |
Cornus controversa 'June Snow' | Giant Dogwood | Cornus florida 'Cherokee Brave', 'Cherokee Chief' | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus kousa low branched | Kousa Dogwood | Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes' | Variegated Dogwood | Cornus mas | Cornelian Cherry | Cornus x 'Constellation', 'Stellar Pink' | Hybrid Dogwood | Corylus avellana 'Contorta Pendula' | Contorted Weeping Filbert | Fagus sylvatica 'Asplenifolia', 'Dawyck Gold', 'Purple Fountain', 'Red Obelisk', 'Rohani', 'Tricolor' | European Beech cultivars | Forsythia x inter. 'Lynwood Gold | Forsythia 5/6' | Hamamelis virginiana | Common Witchhazel | Heptacodium miconioides | Seven-son Flower | Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' | Panicle Hydrangea | Laburnum angyroides | Golden Chain | Ligustrum ovalifolium | California Privet 4/5' | Liquidambar styraciflua & 'Slender Silhouette' | Sweetgum & Fastigiate Sweetgum | Maackia amur. | Amur maackia | Magnolia grandifora 'D.D. Blanchard' | Southern Magnolia | Myrica pensylvanica | Northern Bayberry | Platanus acerifolia 'Bloodgood' | London Plane Tree | Prunus cer. 'Crimson Pointe' | Purple Leaf Plum | Prunus maritima | Beach Plum | Prunus sargentii 'Pink Flair' | Sargent Cherry | Prunus serr. 'Kwanzan' | Kwanzan Cherry | Prunus sub. 'Autumnalis' | Autumn Flowering Cherry | Prunus x yedoensis | Yoshino Cherry |
Placement of a 4.5-5" Swamp White Oak | Quercus bicolor | Swamp White Oak | Quercus 'Green Pillar' | Columnar Oak | Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak | Stewartia pseudocam. | Japanese Stewartia | Styrax japonicus 'Carillon' | Weeping Japanese Snowbell | Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' | Miss Kim Lilac | Ulmus gla. 'Camperdonii' | Camperdown Elm | Viburnum plicatum t. 'Mariesii' | Doublefile Viburnum | Viburnum rhy. 'Cree' | Leatherleaf Viburnum |
Specialty Evergreens - a lot to see! |
Ornamental and Broadleaf Evergreens | | Abies alba 'Green Spiral' | Silver Fir | Abies pinsapo 'Aurea' | Golden Spanish Fir | Buxus semp. 'Green Pillar', 3 balled and pyramid type | Specialty Boxwood limited | Cedrus atlantica 'Fastigiata', 'Glauca', 'Glauca Pendula', | Atlas Cedar | Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Fastigiata' | Japanese Plum Yew (Upright) | Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Crippsii', 'Nana Gracilis', 'Nana Lutea', 'Splitrock', 'Verdoni', 'Wells Special' | Hinoki Cypress cultivars | Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Cyano-viridis' Boulevard Pom Pom, 'Golden Mop' | Pom Pom Boulevard Cypress limited | Cryptomeria japonica 'Rein's Dense Jade' | Japanese Cedar | Juniperus chin. 'Daub's Frosted' | Daub's Frosted Juniper both standard and shrub form | Juniperus communis 'Compressa', 'Effusa' | Common Juniper | Picea abies 'Acrocona', 'Clanbrassiliana', 'Cupressina', 'Elegans, 'Formanek', 'Lanham's Beehive', 'Nidiformis', 'Pendula', 'Pusch', | Norway Spruce cultivars | Picea glauca 'Conica' | Dwarf Alberta Spruce | Picea omorika | Serbian Spruce | Picea orientalis 'Skyland's', 'Tom Thumb' | Oriental Spruce | Picea pungens 'Bizon Blue', 'Gail's Skyline', 'Glauca Pendula', 'Globosa', 'Montgomery, 'Pendula', 'Procumbens', 'St. Mary's Broom' | Colorado Blue Spruce cultivars | Pinus flexis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' | Limber Pine | Pinus leucodermis 'Compact Gem', 'Emerald Arrow' | Dwarf Bosnian Pine | Pinus mugo 'Mops', 'Slowmound', 'White Bud' | Mugo Pine cultivars | Pinus strobus 'Blue Shag' | White Pine cultivar | Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata Aurea' | Fastigiate Irish Yew | Taxus x media 'Hicksii' | Upright Hicks Yew | Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot's Spire' | Eastern Arborvitae | Thuja orientalis 'Franky Boy' | Golden Chinese Arborvitae | Tsuga canadensis 'Jeddeloh' | Dwarf Weeping Canadian Hemlock | Tsuga mertenensis 'Elizabeth' | Elizabeth Mountain Hemlock |
Have a Great Weekend!
As always, we appreciate your business!
Chuck and Darryl Newman Planters' Choice Nursery |