Digest #73

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Sara Isenberg, Publisher

Santa Cruz Tech Beat


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Santa Cruz Tech Beat
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

 Feature Articles: 
  • Hacking the Solution: The story of Hack UCSC 2015. Read now...

  • The best summary of Hack UCSC 2015 winners. Who Won What for What. Read now... 



  • Glove has a lot to do with it! What happened with this Kickstarter Campaign? Read now... 



  • "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." A Glam Look Inside of Looker. Look now...



  • Did you know there are 448 tech businesses in the city of Santa Cruz? City EDO seeks input from more local tech businesses. Read & take the survey now...



  • Even HuffPo got into the action: A Clash of Codes: Hack UCSC 2015. Read now... 



  • CES: Smartphones Become See-through Augmented Reality Displays. Read now...


  • CES: Plantronics Opens New Doors for Developers. Read now...


  • Gesher Group is a student-run bridge to Silicon Valley. Read now...


  • More on MakersFactory's move to Cabrillo. Read now... 


 Upcoming Events:


  Check our EVENTS page for the
  complete list and all the details.

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