Digest #62

Google leads a $500 million investment in Magic Leap!? This hit the twittersphere last night. How is this related to Santa Cruz? Read up and stay tuned.

Got news? If you know of a local tech biz with something newsworthy (e.g. a product release, new funding, interesting technology, special event, good blog post, etc.) please let me know.

Sara Isenberg, Publisher

Santa Cruz Tech Beat


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   things TECH in Santa Cruz. News, Events, Jobs, Resources, and more!

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Santa Cruz Tech Beat
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

 Feature Articles: 
  • UCSC awarded $11Million to created Center for Big Data in Translational Genomics. Read now...


  • Guess which two locals made TechCrunch's list of 10 Men Making Waves for Women in Tech? Read now... 



  • NBC Bay Area interviews Jim Kent: Mixing science and tech for Ebola vaccine. Watch now...


  • Digital NEST opening sooner than expected, Grand Opening set. Read now... 



  • Launch Brigade seeks votes for $150K grant for work training program. Read now... 



  • Looker moves into their new lookout in The Ritt. Read now...


  • PayStand launches API and mobile card reader. Read now...



  • Ambitious lineup set for November Santa Cruz New Tech Meetup. Read now...



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