Digest #52

We continue to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. List your business in our Business Catalog. $49/yr special (reg $69). Sign up now. This promo ends July 31!

Sara Isenberg, Publisher

Santa Cruz Tech Beat


  Santa Cruz Tech Beat is the go-to source for all things TECH in Santa Cruz.
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Santa Cruz Tech Beat
Santa Cruz Tech Beat
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Feature Articles: 

  • What Catbird believes security systems should do.





  • The world's most affordable CNC router is from Santa Cruz? Read more...



  • Peggy Dolgenos on the Economic Development Strategy.



  • A marriage made in... Scotts Valley:  Catbird and Nadel Phelan. Read more...





  • Cosmic Sponsors Santa Cruz Local 831 United Pixelworkers T-shirt. Read more...




  • Assisted Serendipity - Success Magazine profiles NextSpace.

  Santa Cruz Tech Beat is the go-to source for all things TECH in Santa Cruz.
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