Digest #32

On the theme of 6 again, (How 6 Remarkable Women Are Making Wave in Santa Cruz, published Feb 17), I'm thrilled to publish another six: Six Companies to Watch in the Emerging Santa Cruz Biotech Hub. Find that below. Go, Santa Cruz!

Sara Isenberg, Publisher

Santa Cruz Tech Beat
Santa Cruz Tech Beat
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  • Yes, we're a Biotech Hub. Six Companies to Watch in the Emerging Santa Cruz Biotech Scene!  Read more...   


  • Which Santa Cruz communities are eligible for broadband subsidies? Read more...  


  • ThoughtFull Toys raises 3 times their goal on Kickstarter, and Modarri is talk of the New York Toy Fair!  Read more...  


  • Help the top young scientists and engineers in our local area. County Science & Engineering Fair organizers seek partners and judges. Read more...

Upcoming Events:

  • Event Santa Cruz: Bridging the gap between UCSC and downtown, Wed, Mar 19, 7pm, at The Nick.  

Curated News:

  • Inside Plantronics' mod Santa Cruz headset empire. Read more...   


  • Investor Bud Colligan advises startups at TechRaising Meetup: Be prepared, follow up. Read more...   


  • NextSpace showcases design thinking demo by Stanford researchers. Read more...  


  • 10 Engineering Schools You Should Know But Don't. Is UCSC's Baskin School of Engineering on the list? Read more...   


  • What can Santa Cruz learn about ecosystems and entrepreneurs from Bend, Oregon? Read more...  


  • Looker introduces enhanced datafold engine. Read more...   


  • Bridging the old BI world with Big Data analytics. Read more...    


  • Grant supports UC Santa Cruz Biomolecular Engineering professor research on the cause of childhood leukemia. Read more...      


  • Calling all Santa Cruz tech commuters! Civinomics seeks your input. Email robert@civinomics.com to take the survey. Read more...

 with us.