Digest #8

Big THANKS to new sponsors: ProductOps and Economic Development Department of City of Santa Cruz. I'm seeking six community-minded sponsors to help support Santa Cruz Tech Beat. Let me know if you can help.

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Sara Isenberg, Curator, producer, editor
Santa Cruz Tech Beat
Santa Cruz Tech Beat


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  • TechRaising to host thought leader Steve Blank on Sept 12 at MAH
    "Steve Blank is recognized for developing the Customer Development methodology which, along with his book, Four Steps to the Epiphany, launched the Lean Startup movement. Steve is a major force and thought leader in the global startup ecosystem, Stanford professor, and serial entrepreneur."      


  • Santa Cruz police featured on Austrian TV news
    "A program that predicts crimes to the police? What sounds like a science fiction movie, is already a reality in the United States." Recently featured in two Austrian news show segments, Santa Cruz Police Department gains international acclaim for innovative Predictive Policing through PredPol.   



Noteworthy, but not brand new

 with us.