Digest #5

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Sara Isenberg, Producer, editor, and aggregator
Santa Cruz Tech Beat
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  • KinCentral photo sharing app awarded $100,000 by Brazil
    "The money comes from Start-Up Brasil, a public-private partnership offering up to $78 million to back 100 startups, local and foreign. 
    The goal is lure domestic and foreign talent to build tech companies catering to the Brazilian consumer market and create jobs." 
  • "At the core of technology management is the analytical study of the management of systems with human and technological components. Topics of study include human-computer interaction, information technology for decision-making, sustainability, data analytics, operations research, and forecasting."  
  • "It's rare for us to hear as persistent a refrain as the excitement among Looker's customers, especially at such an early stage.  From a portfolio company which exclusively powers its operations-heavy business on Looker, to a travel company whose sales team adopted the product and became profitable overnight, Looker customers consistently operate their businesses more effectively with Looker."
  • "Launched in 2011, the program essentially uses historical data of the time and location of burglaries and thefts and uses an algorithm to predict future crime. When officers are not responding to other calls, they are asked to patrol in those areas." 
  • TechRaising hosts Fireside Chat with Steve Blank on Thur, Sept 12  "Steve Blank is recognized for developing the Customer Development methodology which, along with his book, Four Steps to the Epiphany, launched the Lean Startup movement. Steve is a major force and thought leader in the global startup ecosystem, Stanford professor, and serial entrepreneur. If that wasn't enough, Steve writes weekly for the Wall Street Journal Accelerators blog and occasionally for Forbes, the Huffington Post and in Japan for NikkeiBP. In 2013 Forbes listed Steve as one of the 30 most influential people in Tech."   
  • Nominate person or company for 2013 Community Recognition award, August 23 deadline Nominations for the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce 2013 Community Recognition awards are open until August 23, 2013. The scoop: Every year, the chamber board invites the community to nominate candidates for the Community Recognition Awards for: Man of the Year, Woman of the Year, Business of the Year, Organization of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award. (Last year Five 3 Genomics http://five3genomics.com won the Entrepreneur award.) We've had many successes in Santa Cruz technology this year. How 'bout it?   
Noteworthy, but not brand new:
  • "The UCSC Cancer Genomics Hub (CGHub) received an honorable mention for the 2013 Larry Sautter Award for Innovation in Information Technology, an annual award program to recognize innovative deployment of information technology at the University of California"

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