May 2013                                                                                  BLOOM 
In This Issue
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Bloom Where You are Planted Debi's Desk...
Many year's ago I found myself walking one of many of life's steep paths of trial.  In the midst of that particularly difficult climb, I came across a wall plaque, in the women's restroom at my church of all places, that simply said, "Bloom where you are planted."  This little but profound phrase stopped me in my tracks. I realized that I was trying to take every possible exit route OFF of that difficult path.  As I pondered these five words, it dawned on me that possibly God had a purpose for my tearful trail. Maybe I needed to stop fighting the steep rocky path and surrender myself and my triall to God.  As difficult as it was, step by step I trusted God and while the climb was still pretty rocky, I began to realize that the climb was indeed UPWARD and His purposes were drawing me closer to Him and His plans for my life (Rom. 8:28.) When I allowed Him to lead me, and yes, even carry me at times, the path did become that wide spacious garden place He offers each of us (Prov. 3:5 & 6, Psalm 18:19.) I know that each of you have found yourself at one time or another climbing that steep rocky path of trial. Maybe you're making the climb right now and your precious bare feet are getting bloodied and muddied as you try to navigate the rocks on your own.  Stand still and take a rest from the climb, align yourself with God and open your eyes to see His help-He is right there to walk beside you and even carry you when necessary.  I encourage you to spend some time in 2 Chronicleflowerss 20-a great passage for the rocky roads in our lives.  I guarantee where there were rocks, briars, thistles and thorns, you will find a field of blooming flowers filling you with the fragrance of His tender love, yes, even in the midst of the trial.

I think you will be encouraged to BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED through this May edition of Footnotes. Be blessed as our writers share their flowering journeys and thoughts.   

Climbing Upward with You!
Debi and Gary Debi serves as the Director of Women's Ministry at Valley Church.  You may contact her at 226-9973 or email her at [email protected].
Walking Kristen Webb

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

-2 Corinthians 4:16-18


Hallelujah! How can I share my story/journey with new people all the time and yet still have a joyful spirit? This passage shows the eternal is still to come! My body may be wasting away from pain and cancer but The Lord is achieving glory through the suffering. Even though my cancer and story seems large and to some almost hurt, my sadness, my pain, and suffering are all just momentary troubles. Momentary. Not for a moment will He forsake me, but He says everything is... temporary. These will all pass away. Every tear, pain, ache, moment of depression...etc. They will all pass. The only thing that is constant and consistent in this world is change. But change is exhausting, and our souls need refreshment. I am renewed through sleep, Christian music, a loving husband, great girlfriends, His word, and so on. If this journaling in caring bridge is my mission, wonderful! I will not only lift but fix my eyes on my maker, healer, creator, Father, and gracious savior! God's will is supreme! He is sovereign, and thankfully I am not. I pray that He will be Glorified because of how I continue this journey of cancer with Him. I hope that I may receive mercy and be healed if it's His Will. I pray and long to become more like Christ, and most importantly, I pray that someone comes to know Jesus as their savior, king, abba, and the ultimate great physician. I pray that all who hear my testimony, see God. Please see Christ and His love through me. I just want to be His vessel. 


Phil. 4:5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 


Hallelujah! What a Savior! 

I appreciate you all and am so blessed by your flowers, visits, cards, gifts, donations, love, and prayers. Thank you!   

Kristen Webb Kristen Webb, formerly Kristen Blake, has attended Valley Church since she was baptized by Quentin Stieff, 18 years ago. She graduated from Des Moines Christian School in 2002 and Drake University in 2007. In 2010 Linton Lundeen officiated her marriage to her loving husband Donny Webb. After they were married, they relocated to Kentucky for a short period of time. When they returned in 2011, Kristen felt The Lord leading her into the medical field. She decided to return to school to prepare for a masters degree and become a physician's assistant. In the fall of 2012, after an abnormal test result, she was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer and began a caring bridge site. This artice is one of her journal entries. To read more of her story please visit her site at

Coffee, Chocolate & Chat - Sunday, June 23rd! 
Coffee, Chocolate, Chat no date 

Sunday, June 23rd


Valley Community Center

Come and Bring a Friend to Enjoy Some         

SPA Moments of "AHHHHHHH"   

Free Ticket available starting Sunday, May 23rd.

(No cost for this event, but you need to have a ticket)

Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes and come ready to unwind!!!! 


 You will have a chance to register for the 2013 Women's Retreat at Hidden Acres!


And...we will be announcing the Special Guest Speaker for this year's  

2013 Christmas Basket Bash!

(Special discounted tickets will be on sale at Coffee Chocolate and Chat for the Bash)   


Valley Girl Stepping Up...Sarah Denhart 
woman escalator

Two months ago I was reading a daily devotional from the She Reads Truth Ephesians reading plan. Part of the day's reading said, "It's a crazy thing to have your eyes opened to something. It's a crazy wonderful thing when the eyes of your heart are opened to a truth that is life changing. I don't think Paul would have prayed that our Father would give us a spirit of revelation or wisdom in the knowledge of Him for such wondrous things - if they were super easy to see as we went about our day to day life." This resonated with me as I thought about how God continues to shape my family's life to be aware and open our eyes to people's needs. Needs of people in our community and needs of people in our world. For us, to "bloom where we are planted" means being willing to open our eyes to people around us and then seeking to do what God asks of us based on what He shows us.


James 1:22, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."


Over the past two years, God has taken our family on a journey of altering our perspective and making sure we live with eyes opened to the truth, "just because we are Americans doesn't mean we have to live like it." God is continually guiding us on this not always easy journey.  Through books Josh and I have read (Josh: Mission Minded Family by Ann Dunagan and many missionary biographies published by YWAM; Sarah: Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis, 7 and Interrupted both by Jen Hatmaker), Bible studies I have been a part of (Beth Moore's James, Kelly Minter's Nehemiah, and Jen Hatmaker's 7), and the Red Card family class Josh and I have co-taught, our family's (kids included!) hearts have been changed and the smoldering passion for the oppressed and impoverished, both in our community and around the world, has been set ablaze.Continue Reading...

Sarah Denhart

Sarah and her husband, Josh, have attended Valley since 2000. Fun fact: their wedding was the first wedding held in the Valley auditorium. Sarah and Josh have four kids spanning ages from 3 to 9, which means life in their home is busy, loud, and full of much joy and laughter.


Coaching Gary & Barb Rosberg 
America's Family Coaches
Is Your Marriage Blossoming?
(from the May 2013 edition of Coaching Up Newsletter)

Greetings friends!
Happy May Day! As we kick off the month of May, we are looking forward to warmer weather and sunshine. The weather has been like winter for far too long, and we are excited to finally hear the birds chirping, see the leaves budding on trees and hear the sound of the lawn mower. All of these things mean that Spring is here! With the change in seasons we are also reminded that God's mercies are new every morning. What an amazing God we serve!

With the arrival of Spring all around us we see things are blossoming. As we think about Spring and the new life that comes each year, we encourage you to take a look at your own life....are you blossoming in your marriage? You may be in a great place with your spouse, or your marriage could possibly use a little fertilizing as we (finally) kick off this Spring season. Last month we challenged you to do some spring cleaning in your marriage. Did you tackle this challenge already? If not, it's never too late! This month make sure you check out the articles below as we encourage you in key areas in your relationship with your spouse.

In marriage we all have the tendency to sometimes lay back and relax and think that everything is golden. And sometimes, it just isn't. If you are in the "everything's okay" stage, it's time to move it up on the scale! Each of us desires to give our best to our spouse every day, not just the leftovers at the end of a long day when you are tired and exhausted. Think of it this way, when you go to work you give 110% because you want to impress your boss and climb up the ladder. Now is the time to do the same thing at's time to impress your spouse! Sure, we all aren't perfect and we make mistakes, but that's where grace and forgiveness come in. And unconditional love! This month work to give your best each and everyday to your spouse and watch your marriage improve as you serve and love your spouse by giving the best you have!

To receive daily encouragement in your marriage and continue to find ways to keep your marriage blossoming, make sure you tune in to our daily OnePlace program! We promise to coach you up in all areas of marriage and will challenge you to love and serve your spouse. After all, no one is going to be your spouse's biggest cheerleader except you!

This month we challenge you to make sure your marriage isn't just good's time to make it GREAT! Join us as we stand up for Godly marriages, to fulfill the desire that God has for Christian marriages all around the world!

Guard your hearts,
Gary & Barb Rosberg
America's Family Coaches
Gary and Barb Rosberg
Dr. Gary & Barb Rosberg are award-winning authors, popular radio hosts and beloved marriage conference speakers. Together, the Rosbergs are co-founders of the international ministry, America's Family Coaches, and directly address the needs of marriages today with remarkable insight and biblical truth.Want monthly emails to take your marriage from good to great? Sign up today at
Fancy Footwork in the Linda Colby
Fancy Footwork in the Kitchen
Many years ago, when I was a little girl, we lived in a "real" neighborhood! The type of neighborhood such oldie tv shows; Leave It To Beaver, My Three Sons, Ozzie and Harriet and even Happy Days portrayed. Where neighbors borrowed cups of sugar and knew each otherʼs business. Spring was the best time of year because it meant we could leave the warmth of the home for the warmth of the outdoors. It was a time when the neighbors would all be outside and us kids would get a game of
"Kick the Can" going.

Our family was sandwiched between two homes of Empty Nesters who taught me my first lessons about hospitality. They never seemed phased by the fact there were six children next door who would quite often run through their yards laughing and screaming, leaving their mark! However, there was one exception; we were to stay out of the neighborʼs pride and joy; her herb garden. In the Spring, the strong aroma of blooming mint called to my younger brother, and I can remember the day the urge to pick some was much stronger than the rule. He came home with a hand full of fresh,
beautiful mint! My Mom was horrified and promptly walked him next door to admit his wrong doing. I watched, amazed when my brother did not get in trouble. It was as if in that moment our neighbor realized she was the one who needed to apologize for not sharing from her garden. Everything changed after that. We were taught the proper way to pick all her herbs, and she generously shared them with us from then on. Even though I was young, I understood the lesson and the change; neighbors are hospitable and they do share with each other! When I hear the phrase, "fresh like
Spring", the incident plays like a video in my head. When I think of "hospitality", the incident plays like a video in my head. When I think of "bloom where you are planted", the incident plays like a video in my head.  It was a defining moment in my young life. A lesson God used to prepare my heart for the years to come.  Continue Reading...
Linda Colby 2012

Linda Colby and Hospitality are synonymous!  Linda, Mike and their family have attended Valley Church for over 10 years.  Linda serves on the Women's Ministry Leadership team where her love for Jesus, women and hospitality has blessed us all!

Women's Retreat at Hidden Acres - September 13 & 14th



2013 EFCA

Central District Women's Retreat

Hosted by Valley Church Women's Ministry 



September 13th & 14th


Hidden Acres

Conference Center


"A transformed woman will embrace the transforming God!"

Jeremiah 31:22 MSG


Sancturay Released and Reignited
Click Here for more information-Registration begins online June 1st!   You can also register at the June 23rd Coffee Chocolate & Chat!
MOPS: Mothers of Adrienne Weeks
Every year the MOPS group at Valley Church strives to achieve a goal we've set at the beginning of the year. In 2011, our goal included growth of our MOPS group, and with prayer and dedication we were able to do so. In the fall of 2012, with new women and a growing ministry, we decided on a goal that included fostering and deepening relationships among our members. With the introduction of table assignments and table leaders, we set out on the road to achieve our goal. Table members were encouraged to plan play dates and Mom Night Out events with one another to foster relationships outside of our meetings. Our sincere hope is that our members have found meaningful relationships in which they feel they can bloom both as a woman and a mother. We also pray that our women grow together spiritually as well as they begin to share their stories and faith with one another.

Our 2012-2013 MOPS year has finished, but we'll continue to deepen relationships over the summer with plenty of play dates and Mom Night Out events. Join us on May 17th at 10am for a play date at Blank Park Zoo, or May 31st at 10am at Campbell Park in Clive. 

For more information regarding our fall registration, please email [email protected]. Next year's MOPS theme is "A Beautiful Mess." Join us for a year full of fun, laughter, tears and prayer. 

Adrienne Weeks
Adrienne is a stay-at-home mom and co-coordinator of MOPS at Valley Church. She enjoys crafting, reading, playing with her kids and a big cup of coffee. Want to find out more about MOPS at Valley Church? Email us at [email protected]
Firm Susan Shisler
Firm Footing"Bloom where you are planted" was a small sign my Mom had hanging in our kitchen window growing up. I read it a million times but it wasn't until recently that I grew to understand it in a new way.


This past month it was determined that it was time for me to have a partial hysterectomy, something I knew was coming, but had been waiting for the "perfect" time to have the surgery. When, as a mother of 4 busy boys, is the perfect time for Mom to be down and out for 3-6 weeks? Never I thought!   But it was clearly time and I couldn't make it be perfect. It was time to just Bloom where I was planted and trust God's timing.


The older I get the more I learn that sometimes God calls us to be "servers" and sometimes he calls us to "BE SERVED". I would prefer to always be on the serving end. It's my comfort zone. You need a meal, a gallon of milk, a child cared me, I am your girl. But this past month as I recovered from surgery, it was time to allow others to bring meals, run the boys to their functions, take our busy 3 year old for the day, allow my husband to be in charge of the laundry, the grocery shopping...the details.


It was NOT easy for me to let go. This is a typical conversation I have with God. "Okay God, I can cover this and that, and why don't you do that part that I cannot. " I think as Mom's, if we are honest, we often have that conversation.   We are good at delegating, at list making...I know I am. But God wanted me to learn a few more things. One of his big lessons for me was to "Bloom Where I am planted" BY GOD at that time.  Continue Reading... 



Susan is a child of God, a wife of 18 years to Scott and a Mom to Tommy, Drew, Jack and Max. Valley Church is the first and last church the Shisler's visited when they moved to Waukee 14 years ago.  Susan has been blessed through many bible studies through the years at Valley, she has served in various children's ministries and her all time favorite is the Hand In Hand Ministry program.


Healthy Shari Hudson
Healthy Strides

Blooming with Good Health...In order to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit it is important to know what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. It is not just physical exercise and a diet plan, but a daily multi-dimensional approach to living that encompasses healthy, positive behaviors in all aspects of your life, including emotional, spiritual, mental, social, relational, and environmental aspects. Read More



Shari Hudson Shari and her husband, Roger have attended Valley since the early 2000's.  Shari has served in many capacities at Valley Church just a few include Women's Bible Study, the Heart to Heart Tea, Valley Choir and  the Traditions Praise team.  She has a passion to see women grow strong in their walk with the Lord and in their physical bodies!
Put Your Feet Kortney Vest

Put Your Feet Up   

A Book Review:
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess
by Jen Hatmaker



This past year I have been stretched and challenged through reading "7" by Jen Hatmaker. In this book, Jen documents a 7-month experiment her family embarked on to see where they had excess in their lives - and how that might be affecting their faith. Each month they focused on one area - food, clothes, spending, media, possessions, waste, stress - and attempted to fast from their excess in these areas.


The book is written in a journal format so you feel as if you are traveling along this fast with Jen and her family. It tackles some tough topics and can really challenge long-held beliefs about the way we live life. But Jen offers so much grace, transparency and humor that I found it impossible to feel guilty about myself. (During their spending fast, her family bought an SUV. During her food fast, she unashamedly confessed her Chik-fil-A cravings.) Instead, I felt refreshed, inspired and thankful for a new perspective on the things that can fill my life.


Because she covered seven different areas, there is really room for every reader to learn and grow through this. Those who are extremely frugal and thoughtful spenders may have something to learn about eliminating excess stress in their lives.


Because you will be challenged and changed through reading this book, I don't think I can classify it as "light summer reading." But you will enjoy many laughs and relatable moments with the author, and lots to discuss with those walking this real life journey with you.


Kortney Vest  

Kortney Vest attends Valley Church with her husband, Rocky, and kids Porter and Anna. Most of her time is spent reading board books, but she sneaks in some good adults reads once in awhile. They love serving with children's ministry and enjoy community with their Life Group at Valley.

Stepping Together Around the Becky Staab
Women Walking

Aren't you glad to see spring coming?!!

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come...
Song of Solomon 2:11-12a


There is so much to learn from the metaphor of the seasons, and the Bible often uses it to teach us spiritual truths. The picture of harvest in its season is frequently used in reference to our commission as Jesus-followers to share His good news with our world. We are told to be fruitful as we abide in the Vine, and to ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers. This spiritual harvest is as predictable as a physical harvest! But it comes in season, and we must work - and then wait - for it.

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. Psalm 126:6


Some are called to sow seed in hard soil, and to break new ground in their planting. It is hard work and requires patience, diligent watering by prayer, and faithful trust. One such worker is our dear sister, Adina, who is working in an Asian country among an unreached group of people. It is still "winter" where she is. Her team is small; often she must feel alone. The nature of her work limits her ability to share openly with us and let us know all she is facing. But she is faithfully "blooming" where God has planted her. Please keep her in your prayers! She is counting on them.


Another wonderful bloom in God's garden of harvesters is our sister, Jessica Terpstra. She serves with such joy and enthusiasm. Once again this summer she is leading a team to the Domincian Republic, and then staying on in the village of Cercadillo for several more weeks. When you see her, please stop and ask her about it. Find out how you can pray for her and support her team. Here is a link to her blog from last year:


Praise God for these precious sisters who are blooming where God has placed them, and playing an important role as workers in God's great world harvest!

Becky Staab and her husband, Dave, have attended Valley Church since 2008. Becky serves on the Valley Global Outreach Team as well as the Women's Ministry Facilitator Team. In addition, Becky has taught and facilitated Her Steps Bible Study. Becky's passion for God's Word, world missions and her love for women are a blessing to the women of Valley Church and the world! Becky also has a passion for prayer and has organized and led many of our Women's Ministry Prayer initiatives.
Her Steps Summer Bible Study
Her Steps Summer Bible Study

Grab your flip flops out of the closet and get your toe nails polished for Summer Splash at Valley Church with Women's Ministry. This summer Women's Ministry will be offering a variety of exciting opportunities through Her Steps Summer Bible Study including In Round the Table Studies in homes and at Valley Church. And...we even have two exercise options with devotional. 


For more information on these options and to register go to:  Her Steps Summer Bible Study   

or stop by the Women's Ministry Summer Display in the Atrium  

starting May 19th.   

(Pick up your Coffee, Chocolate & Chat "FREE" ticket while you are there) 


Tuesday Evenings

Two fun exercise options... 


Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, dance fitness class that's moving millions of people towards joy and health. Not only does it give you a great cardio workout, it also tones your body, builds strength and endurance. You do not need any prior dance experience to follow along. Come see why people call Zumba

"Exercise in disguise"! Zumba begins with a short and inspiring Devotional Time. 



Courtyard Hall

8 Weeks

Starts Tuesday, June 4 thru Tuesday, July 30

(no class week of July 4th)


All participants must complete a Health Questionnaire and Release Form

No Child Care Available

 and following Zumba...another fun exercise option 

Christian Dance Aerobics
Dance your way to fit this summer to popular christian music! Christian Dance aerobics is filled with easy to follow moves and different skill level routines. Features Christian artist's such as TobyMac, Mercy Me, and Britt Nicole. Each week will feature a short devotion followed by 45 minutes of dancing, a perfect mix of fellowship and fun! Christian Dance Aerobics also begins with a short and inspiring Devotional time.         


Courtyard Hall

8 Weeks

Starts Tuesday, June 4 thru Tuesday, July 30

(no class week of July 4th)


All participants must complete a Health Questionnaire and Release Form

  No Child Care Available


Wednesday Evenings 

  The Law of Love - Deuteronomy   

Stuck? Wandering? Looking for your promised land? Asking, "What's the point?"

"He brought us out...that He might bring us in...  -Deuteronomy 6:23  

This study written by Beth Moore will have you learning lessons from the pages of Deuteronomy.    


Urbandale Home  


Session Hostess: Heather Rowley

Session Leader: Carla Moore 

When:  Wednesday Evenings, June19 - July 31

(No Session the Week of July 4th)  

Time: 6:30-8:30pm  

Cost"    $12.00 (Listening Guide)

Format: DVD Teaching; Discussion
*No Child Care Available

Resolving Everyday Conflict-Ken Sande
Conflict: A difference in opinion or purpose that frustrates someones goals or desires.

"BLESSED are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9

We all have conflict. You may not be in the middle of a big blow up, but we've all had those tense conversations around the breakfast table or difficulties with a challenging co-worker. But there's good news!  Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we are given both a vision and a practical way for approaching conflict differently.  This engaging study will help you learn to apply God's peacemaking principles to everyday life situations. Topics covered in this 8 week study include:
   *   When it is appropriate to overlook an offense
   *   How to recognize and change your own sinful attitudes and habits that lead to disagreements
   *   How to confess wrongs honestly
   *   When and how to correct others

   *   How to forgive others and achieve genuine reconciliation


Where: Valley Church - NorthPoint


Session Leader: Becky Hines


When:  Thursday Morning; June 13 - August 8


(No Session the Week of July 4th)
Time:    9:30-11:30 am
Cost:    $11.00 (Participant's Guide)
Format: DVD Teaching, In-Depth Discussion, Homework
*Child Care is Available

Thursday Evenings
The Power of a Praying Woman - Stormie Omartain 
It may seem easier to pray for your spouse, your children, your friends, and your extended family, but God wants to hear your requests for your life too. He loves it when you come to Him for the things you need and ask Him to help you become the woman you have always longed to be. Join with other Valley Gals in exploring the first six chapters of the book. 
Where: Clive Home
Session Hostess: Crystal Tommingo
Session Leaders: Debi Lydic, Becky Staab, Crystal Tommingo 
When:  Thursday Evenings
(No Session the Week of July 4th)
Time:   6:30-8:00pm
Cost:   $11.00  (Book)
Format: Book Discussion and Prayer
No Child Care Available

Her Steps Bible Study Library  

Your Choice/Your Time

Summer is a great time to host your own home/neighborhood Bible Study and Women's Ministry can help you do that. We have a variety of fantastic Bible Study and Book Study options for you to check out (for a slight fee) through our Her Steps Bible Study Library. View these options at  Her Steps Bible Study Library 


Contact Us...
Debi Lydic- Director of Women's Ministry                

Diana White - Administrative Assistant                    
 [email protected]
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Road
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 
Phone: (515) 226-9973       

Women's Ministry Facilitators:

Linda Colby

Dana Pederson 

Connie Stilley

Becky Staab

Crystal Tommingo  


  Row of Shoes

Her S.T.E.P.S.

Spiritual Transformation Encouraging Purposeful Servanthood

Women's Ministry Statement of Purpose  

Valley logo- blue

Changing Our Lives, Changing Our World
All Through Jesus Christ

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Valley Church | 515-226-9973 | [email protected] |
4343 Fuller Road
West Des Moines, IA 50265


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