March 2015
Green News & Events
The monthly newsletter of the Irish Environmental Network bringing you environmental news and events for Ireland. 



Welcome to the March edition of the Green News and Events Newsletter from the Irish Environmental Network. 


In this month's edition: Criticism of Ireland's 'insufficient' response to climate change, a White Tailed Eagle death in Fermanagh, and a number of events to mark ESB Treee Week. 


As always, if you have some environmental news or an event please get in touch and stay connected by liking us on facebook or following us on twitter.  

Many thanks,



Communications and Development Officer 

Irish Environmental Network 

Stay Connected

Ireland's action on climate change 'insufficient' according to European Commission document 

The Environmental Pillar say the government should see it as a wake up call and amend the Climate Bill.


The Environmental Pillar, which is made up of 28 Irish environmental NGOs, is calling on the government to strengthen the Climate Bill in light of sharp criticism for lack of action.

Last week a European Commission working document was published which described Ireland's climate change commitments as 'insufficient'.


The EC Country Report Ireland 2015 working document states:

"No progress was made in identifying how Ireland commits itself to meeting its existing, binding climate and energy targets for the period up to 2020 in an integrated way and how best to use the earmarked, available EU support for the structural development needed in the different areas."


It also highlights how much Ireland is off track when it comes to reducing emissions. According to the report, recent studies suggest Ireland is likely to have reduced emissions by 3 per cent by 2020 - far off the 20 per cent target. It highlights agriculture and transport as the two sectors contributing most to this problem.


The Environmental Pillar believes the government should see this as a wake-up call to amend the Bill as it makes its way through the D�il.


Key actions needed to strengthen the Climate Bill

* Include specific greenhouse gas emission targets in the Bill.

* Use the government's own definition of low carbon in the Climate Bill. 

* Establish a Climate Change Advisory Council on an independent footing similar to the Fiscal Advisory Council.

* Put in place a National Mitigation Plan to reduce emissions now.


Ian Carey, spokesperson for the Environmental Pillar said:


"This EU school report on Ireland's Climate Change progress must be startling to the Government, whose commitment seems only to meet the EU 2020 targets - They are being told in no uncertain terms that they will only achieve 3% as against the 20% target - In anybody's school report that would be a fail."


The working document is not the final country specific report and is not considered the official position of the Commission. It is however a good indication of what will appear in the final report. 


Click here to read more

Click here to view the European Commission Working document.


White-tailed Eagle found dead in Fermanagh

Sad end to a beautiful bird. The remains
of a male White-tailed named Ingar were recently recovered in Fermanagh.

Remains were collected and removed by the PSNI who issued this statement: 


"The remains of a white-tailed Eagle were recovered in Fermanagh on Saturday, February 7th in the Newbridge Road area of Lisnaskae. Const. Maurice Blair said, "Many people may not have been aware that these birds are present in Fermanagh and that they are a protected species. We are working to establish the circumstances. If you can help please call the 101 number, quoting reference 6467215."


Ingar was almost 4 years old and had been released in Killarny National Park, Co. Kerry, in 2014 as part of the reintroduction programme for the species managed by the Golden Eagle Trust in partnership with with the National Parks & Wildlife Service. Given a chance, Ingar would have nested on one of the many islands on Lough Erne. The cause of death is unknown. Anyone with any knowledge of the circumstances leading to the death of this bird are urged to contact the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). Click here for their Facebook



CELT Reach Final of Ashoka Change Maker's "Makers of More" 





Congratulations to CELT (Centre for Environmental Living and Training) on reaching the final of the Arthur Guinness Projects and Ashoka   Change Makers competition Makers of More - Your Idea, Your Community, Your Action.  


This initiative seeks to find people whose innovative ideas and inspirational work go beyond the ordinary to help unlock their community's potential. One Grand Prize of €30,000 will be awarded to one overall winner and two additional runner-up prizes of €10,000 will also be awarded.

  CELT's proposal is aimed at regenerating rural Ireland through Eco-tourism and the creation of a Centre of Excellence in Woodland Management, Agroforestry and Traditional Skills. The centre will be based in an eco-village setting and sheltered workshop areas will feature a range of traditional and ecological skills taught by professional tutors. Other training available at the Centre of Excellence will focus on creation of different woodland and agroforestry systems as replicable models. These will include traditional coppice-regime woodland, silvo-pasture and silvo-arable systems.  


Training will be aimed at landowners, farmers, gardeners and students. CE  LT envision this Centre for Excellence becoming a  tourism attraction with the possibility of linking to other eco projects. In time, thousands of people could be employed in their own localities creating new woodlands, agroforestry projects and skills training centres nationwide. To find out more about the project, and how you can help CELT succeed, please click here.


Congratulations also to the Irish Wildlife Trust who reached the semi-final with their wonderful 'Make it Wild' proposal.  Habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity and wildlife. The Irish Wildlife Trust's 'Make it Wild' programme inspires people to help biodiversity and wildlife by replacing some of this lost habitat on their own properties and in their local communities. Find out more about the programme here.


Climate Conversations 2015

 The Climate Gathering is working with a number of other organisations to stage a series of conversations, lectures and debates in the first half of 2015, with the theme "Bringing people together for a new understanding on climate change".    


A number of organisations have come together to organise a series of conversations and debates in the early part of 2015 to try and promote greater understanding of what a low carbon future might bring for Ireland.  The collaboration between organisations focused on economic development, labour rights and social and environmental justice is symbolic of the greater cooperation we will need to change our response to the issue.  We seek to understand what cultural and social changes are needed, what costs and opportunities may arise and what economic model will best serve all our needs in making this transition.

The debates will be held at a time when our Government has to frame its own policy approach as part of the collective European position in the upcoming UN Climate negotiations in Paris in December 2015.  They could also be part of a wider national conversation as we emerge from the economic crisis and consider the future direction of our country, one hundred years on from the founding of our state.

This initiative has been prompted by a group of participants at previous Climate Gathering events, bringing on board a number of partner organisations. It is open to other interested organisations to join the process.  It is hoped that we can bring the public and the members of each of the participating organisations together at each venue. The events will be live streamed and the output shared in an open way.


18 March 2015 Launch Event: 'Communicating the Challenge- Liberty Hall

26 March 2015 Session II: 'A New Economy' - The Stanley Quek Hall, TCD Biomedical Sciences Building

April 2015 Session III: 'The Sustainable Use of Our Land' - Date and Venue TBC

20 April 2015 Session IV: 'Prophetic Voices' - Christ Church Cathedral


Kilkenny Central Access Scheme - County Council destroying what it has a duty to preserve

An Taisce has opposed Kilkenny's Central Access Scheme every step since it was formally proposed in 2007 and made a major submission at the oral hearing in 2008 as well as written submissions at all stages.  


An Taisce also fought to preserve Nos.21-22 Vicar Street, which we believe the Minister for  Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht should have designated the site as a national monument.


An Taisce continues to be dismayed that Kilkenny Council is:

  • Demolishing the houses on Vicar Street

  • Extremely out of step with thinking on urban spaces and how they should develop in Ireland and abroad

  • Building a significant road that separates St Canice's Cathedral from the historical core.

  • Driving a major road into the centre of Historical Kilkenny city

  • Facilitating and encouraging HGVs into the centre of the City

  • Actively creating an environment where cyclists, pedestrians, cars and HGVs share a common environment, contrary to best-practice traffic management

  • Ignoring and potentially damaging its tourist product

  • Jeopardising the future success of Kilkenny City as a centre for tourism

  • Wasting scarce money on a development that will be reversed when Ireland and particularly Kilkenny County Council recognise international traffic standards

  • Squandering the work of countless public servants and private individuals over the last 50 years that have protected the historic centre of Kilkenny City.

  • Damaging significantly the investment by Faille Ireland of €5.5m on the medieval mile.

An Taisce is and has always been completely opposed to this development in its entirety.

However, An Taisce met Kilkenny County Council in April 2014 when they agreed the Late Medieval Gable would be retained. This commitment should be acknowledged and welcomed. This retention does not make what is happening acceptable or reduce the clear opposition of An Taisce and many other residents of Kilkenny and visitors to this development.  







As many of you know, hedge cutting is illegal in Ireland from 1st of March till 31st of August. However, many people are either not aware of this regulation or decide to ignore it because of the almost non-existent enforcement of Ireland's wildlife law.


Please help us share this message and remind your friends and family members that hedgerows play a very important role in our biodiversity and their cutting in closed season can be prosecuted.


If you witness or have information about illegal hedge cutting in your area, please let us know. We would really appreciate if you also reported any illegal activity to your local Garda station and local NPWS ranger and provide them with as many details as possible.


Please keep in mind that photographic or video evidence increases the chances of a successful investigation.


Crann celebrate ESB National Tree Week

As part of ESB National Tree Week, Crann is this week visiting a number of schools in Cork and Waterford to carry out its environmental education workshops as well as planting trees with the students.    


Crann are also hosting a tree planting event for staff of Merrill Lynch and school children from Tallaght. Those who are taking part will get time away from their desks to make a difference during National Tree Week.


It's not too late to still take part! Crann are hosting a guided walk this Saturday at Belvedere House, Gardens and Park.See the events section here for more information.   



Hop To It National Frog Survey Ireland


Every year IPCC needs the help of people all over Ireland to take part in the National Frog Survey Ireland. Please record where frogs, spawn and tadpoles occur in the Hop to It Irish Frog Survey.   


There are a few options available to you to send your frog record (including frog spawn, tadpoles, adult frogs or froglets) to the IPCC. 

  1. Fill in the survey form below (please note that if the "Submit" button is not active on your computer or other device you cannot fill the form below in on line, please choose the next option).

  2. Download a microsoft word version of the form from this link:  Blank-Frog-Survey-card. You can fill this form in on your own computer then send it to IPCC as an email attachment at 

  3. You can print the form, complete it by hand then post it to IPCC at: Hop To It Frog Survey 2015, IPCC, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare.

  4. You can request a printed copy of the survey card from the IPCC office if you prefer. Just email your request to with your name and address asking for the National Frog Survey Ireland 2014 Form. You can also telephone the IPCC for a card on Telephone: 045-860133.

Whatever way you choose to send us your record please make sureto give the IPCC all the information they have asked for.  Thanks very much for your help! 

National Frog Survey Ireland - Tip

Please enter a grid reference for where you made your observation. You can find the grid reference for your observation by visiting and clicking on the map! You can then copy the grid reference into the space provided.



Irish Wildlife Trust Launch "Mad March Hare" Video Competition 


The Irish Wildlife Trust is launching its "Mad March Hare" Video Competition for the month of March to help promote this charismatic species and the threats it faces to the Irish public.


March is the mating season of hares when "mad March hares" are often seen boxing each other. Contrary to popular belief, the fighting is not typically of males fighting over the opportunity to fight over a female but is in fact females fighting off the advances of unwanted males.


To take part in the campaign, we would like you to do two things:

  1. Record video footage of Irish hares boxing and post it on the IWT Facebook page 
  2. Submit sightings of rabbits and hares (Brown or Irish) to the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland run by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Records can be submitted online at here or by downloading the Irish Land Mammals App, which is available on android smart phones.

Alternatively you can email the IWT your sightings (preferably with photos) at


The person with the best video of boxing hares will be awarded a copy of "Mammals of the British Isles: Handbook", kindly donated by the Mammal Society, and the IWT Mad March Hare Certificate.


Coomhola Salmon Trust founder receives honourary degree for commitment to environmental education


Brian Farrell, Mark Boyden (Coomhola Salmon Trust) and Kevin Flannery


Mark Boyden, founder of the Coomhola Salmon Trust and StreamScapes Project Director, was conferred with an Honorary MSc by UCC at a ceremony on Thursday, 26 February.

The honorary degree was in recognition of 25 years development of the innovative StreamScapes Aquatic & Biodiversity Education Programme (, as well as for efforts in other fields including successful captive breeding research of Freshwater Pearl Mussels. 

Boyden paid tribute to those who he has worked with over the past 25 years: "It was a recognition of the fruitful collaboration I have enjoyed with scores of people across the civil service, academia, and multiple sectors including environmental NGO's through IEN and SWAN."

Irish Seed Savers Association NEW 2015 "5 to 1" Appeal

Ireland's food security is in your hands!

The vision behind our "5 to 1" Appeal is that for every 5 varieties of seed you plant you also plant an Open Pollinated variety. Open pollination is the general term associated with the natural means by which plants reproduce, exchange characteristics from generation to generation and also allows you to save your own seeds from them, keeping the heritage variety alive.

By choosing Irish Seed Savers' Open Pollinated Seeds you contribute to keeping food security in your hands, Irish agricultural biodiversity alive and vibrant as well as the tradition and skills of seed saving. All of the seeds we cultivate are 100% Organic, grown in Ireland but more importantly are Open Pollinated. 

Support Ireland's heritage, support her rare and rich biodiversity and support our "5 to 1 Appeal".

Feasta launches it's new website: CapGlobalCarbon


Check out Feasta's new website for CapGlobalCarbon


A proposal for non-governmental actors to create a new global system as a back-up to the inter-governmental negotiations to make sure the necessary reductions in global carbon emissions are achieved.  


Please check it out and let Feasta know what you think. They would very much welcome feedback and support. 


Events IEN members



Crann to Host Guided Tree Walk


Crann are hosting a guided tree walk this Saturday at Belvedere House, Gardens and Park in Mullingar, Co Westmeath.


Diarmuid McAree of Crann will lead the Crann guided tree walk starting at 2p.m. (finishing at approx. 4 - 4.30p.m.) as part of National Tree Week.  The walk will take a maximum group of 30 people.  He will include tree identification and forest ecology as part of his presentation during the walk.  Please wear suitable warm clothing and footwear.


Date: Saturday, 7th March 2015, 2pm.   

Location: Visitor Centre, Belvedere House and Gardens, Mullingar
Free, but booking is advised
Belvedere House Tel: 044 9349060    



CELT to host Tree walk and talk  


Exploring the evidence of traditional coppice woodland management and its relevance today in the ancient Raheen Oakwood.


Andrew St Ledger will take people on a journey into the ancient Raheen oakwood to seek out old hazel coppice trees, some of which are approx 300 years old.  Andrew will explain how coppice systems work, allowing for more people per acre to be employed than modern forestry systems, and the multiple benefits of coppicing.


Dogs must be on leads.

Bring suitable rain gear and strong walking boots as some of the terrain is uneven and wet.


The walk is free but donations are welcome. It will take approx 2 hrs.  


Date: Saturday 7th March, 2pm.

Location: Meet at Tuamgraney Heritage Centre, on the Tuamgraney to Killaloe road, close to the village.  

Cost: Free 

Contact: Andrew St Ledger, Tel: 0879933157  

Gluaiseacht Grassroots Strategy Weekend


A workshop will be held for developing grassroots activism strategies.

Hence, we invite you to a weekend of discussion intended to establish what connects us and to work out collectively if there are common strategies or projects we can pursue together to strengthen all of our movements. 


This event is for people active in progressive social movements in Ireland; anti-austerity, environmental, end direct provision, anti-racism, economic justice, debt justice, water justice, trade justice, anti-fracking, housing crisis, human rights, anti-discrimination, unions, choice, women's movement, anti-TTIP, and so on.


Lunch will be provided, please RSVP in advance so we order enough food.

To RSVP please email


Date: Friday 6th to Saturday 7th of March 

Location: The Teacher's Club, Parnell Square, Dublin 1   


For more info click here

 Girley Bog Tree Planting Day 

If you would like to play a part in the development of the Girley Bog woodland then come along to our planting day, where you can plant one tree or twenty!

This event is weather dependent.
If you are planning on coming along to this event please check the map link here  as the meeting place is NOT at the main
entrance to the bog.

Please bring appropriate footwear and water/snack if you are planning to volunteer for a couple of hours. If there is bad weather and you are unsure as to whether the event will go ahead please text the Reserves Office.


Date: Sunday, 8th of March
Location: Native Woodland Trust's Girley Bog Reserve, Kells, Co. Meath
Contact: rebecca.doyle / 087 9619083
The Organic Centre's Annual Potato Day 

"Our annual Potato Day is the best Humble Spud Festival in the country!" 

Trevor Sargent, the main guest speaker, will link in the "International Year of the Soil" to growing potatoes; Aoife Cox from The Daily Spud will give us the latest from potato land; Dave Langford and Dermot Carey will present their award winning Irish Heritage Potato Collection; Hans Wieland will tour de force our polytunnels, advice on varieties, and planting techniques will be given and the Grass Roof Cafe will have lots of foodie surprises.

Entrance is free, but if you like what we offer we will ask for your donation for much needed refurbishment and development of the centre.


Date: Saturday, 14th March, 12-5pm.

Location: The Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co. Leitrim.

Cost: Free entrance!   

Contact: (0)71-98-54338 



Cloughjordan Ecovillage will host a lecture


Renowned science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson will give a lecture at Cloughjordan Ecovillage. Robinson's work deals with some of the most critical social, economic, and environmental issues facing our world that resonate with the ethos of Cloughjordan Ecovillage.


Robinson is giving a public lecture titled 'Minimising Climate Change: an Economic Problem', which will incorporate some of his responses to Cloughjordan Ecovillage. This is a public lecture at WeCreate in Cloughjordan. Doors open at 7.30pm and the lecture begins at 8pm sharp. Kim Stanley Robinson will also be signing books at the event.Tickets are free but we advise booking in advance. Book tickets at


Date: Thursday, 9th April, 7.30pm 

Location: Cloghjordan Ecovillage, Co. Tipperary.

Cost: Free! Book here 

Contact: (0)505 42833  


Events non IEN members 

Climate Conversations 2015 Launch Event: Communicating the Challenge


This event is the first of a series of five "Climate Conversations" which aim to bring Ireland together for a new understanding of climate change. The Climate Conversations aim to promote greater understanding of what a low carbon future might bring for Ireland. 

The first discussion is our launch event: Session I "Communicating the Challenge" which will take the format of a panel style discussion with room for audience participation and even art and music


Date: Wednesday, 18th March, 7pm 

Location: Liberty Hall,Dublin 1.   

Cost: Free, Register here
EPA Air Quality Research Seminar

This seminar aims to highlight recent research publications in the area of Air Quality as well as provide a summary of ongoing projects and fellowships that are being funded.
Attendees will hear from EPA research staff and the authors of a number of recent research reports.
The seminar will also provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss the research needs and priorities in the area of air quality.

Register here

Date: Wednesday, 18th March, 9.30am to 4.30pm
Location: Chartered Accountants House, Dublin.
Cost: Free
 Sustainable Energy of Authority Ireland - The Energy Show 2015    


Do you want to get up to speed on the latest energy sector developments?


This year, SEAI will be offering free briefing sessions at the Energy Show on the latest policy and market developments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

Full details of the Energy Show 2015 are available on
Register now for FREE
ENTRY to this business only exhibition


Date:  Wednesday 25th& Thursday 26th March
Location:  RDS, Dublin 4
Cost:  Free, RSVP


Consultations & Submissions
Irish Water's 'Strategic National Plan' now open for consultation

Irish Water invites you to have your say in shaping its Strategic Plan for Water Services in Ireland for the next quarter of a century.   


Irish Water has now published a draft of the first integrated plan for the delivery of water services in Ireland. This plan is called the Water Services Strategic Plan (WSSP). The document addresses six key themes:

  • Customer service,
  • Clean safe drinking water,
  • Effective management of wastewater,
  • Protect and enhance the environment,
  • Supporting social and economic growth and
  • Investing in our future.

The WSSP is an essential part of ensuring the availability of safe drinking water. It will ensure that we have an environment that is protected from the impacts of waste-water discharges, and that we have efficient modern systems that meet the needs of customers, contribute to economic growth and development, and provide value for money.

There are two ways you can give us your comments:

  1. By email to: 
  2. By post to: Water Services Strategic Plan, Irish Water, P.O. Box 860, South City Delivery Office, Cork

Should you wish to receive email updates in relation to Irish Water's Water Services Strategic Plan (the WSSP), please fill out this form with your name and email address to register for updates on Irish Water's Water Services Strategic Plan (the WSSP).   


For more information and links to the documents for current public consultation, see here

Forest Management to be Carried out by Coillte Teoranta - The Irish Forestry Board

Coillte has launched its public consultation for the Irish Forest  Stewardship Stanndard


In April 2015 a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) assessment will be conducted of forest management by Coillte Teoranta - The Irish Forestry Board against the requirements of the FSC Irish Forest Stewardship Standard within Coillte Forests. Please follow this link 

if you wish to view this standard.  


If you have comments about;  

a) forest management carried out by Coillte Teoranta - The Irish Forestry Board and/or
b) the Standard being used


Please complete the attached feedback form and return it to by 20th April 2015. If your comments are site specific, please state very clearly which site they refer to.


EPA Draft Better Regulation and Compliance & Enforcement Policies      


The EPA has released the Draft Better Regulation and Compliance & Enforcement policies for consultation.


The Draft Better Regulation policy aims to inform business and other stakeholders of the EPA's approach to regulation, while the Draft Compliance & Enforcement policy sets out what action the public and the regulated community can expect from the EPA when a breach occurs.


The closing date for the consultation is Wednesday 8th April 2015.
Follow the link to download the draft here 

25th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium - "Environ 25: Sustainability and Opportunities for Change" 

The 25th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium (Environ 2015) will be held at the Institute of Technology, Sligo from April 8th to 10th

2015.  It will be co-hosted by IT Sligo (Department of Environmental Science, School of Science) and the Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland (ESAI). 

We have a brand new Science building at IT Sligo for you to visit! This is where our strategic environmental research centre CERIS is based and moreover where our undergraduate science students begin their research development in state-of-the-art laboratories.  


Are we sustainable? The 25th Anniversary colloquium will investigate current sustainability actions while addressing opportunities for positive changes in engagement.  


ENVIRON is the longest running and largest forum for environmental researchers in Ireland with over 275 delegates attending the event annually. It provides a high-visibility platform for young researchers to present their findings to an audience drawn from academia, government bodies and industry.  



The conference will begin on Wednesday, 8th April 2015 with two education and training workshops on offer to delegates:


Environ Workshop 1: Introduction to the use of R in Environmental Statistics  

Environ Workshop 2: Communicating Research


There is a small fee of €10 for each workshop that needs to be paid when booking the event.  


Environ 25 will open to the public on the evening of Wednesday April 8th with a question and answers style panel debate on the popular topic of 'Paying for our water: quality and quantity matter'. The panel of five speakers will include politicians, academics, the media, and water industry representatives. The event will be free and open to members of the public, local stakeholders, professionals and students. This debate will facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise on this environmental issue of concern with local communities. 


Thursday morning kicks off with a plenary session where three high profile speakers will deliver sustainability keynote presentations before the roll-out of more than 150 oral and poster presentations from mid-morning until Friday lunchtime.  


Conference Registration 

Registration is available online at  


The call for oral and poster presentations begins on January 12th 2015 and closes on February 20th 2015. Submissions are invited from the following thematic areas:  

Water quality and Resources, Wastewater management, Waste management, Climate change, Energy, Environmental Policy and Communication, Environmental Socioeconomics, Environment and Human Health, Air Quality and Urban development, Marine and Coastal. Biodiversity, Sustainability and Research Innovation, Nanotechnology and the Environment, Invasive species, Sustainable agriculture, Sustainability and Roads.  


The registration fees for ENVIRON 2015 are as follows:  

Full delegate:                                                             €190  

Students/Reduced/Seniors/NGO:                                €100  

Student Group Discount Rate (groups of ten):             €75  


The conference gala dinner will take place at the Clarion Hotel, Sligo and tickets cost €25.00 for a three course meal. We strongly encourage all delegates to come to this event which will include plenty of entertainment.  


The Clarion Hotel is also the conference hotel and special rates have been negotiated with the hotel and with other hotels, B and B's and hostels in Sligo. Please organise your accommodation directly and quote 'ENVIRON2015' for the discounted room rate (click here for further details)


We look forward to welcoming you all to IT Sligo!    

Irish Environmental Network Internship

The Irish Environmental Network (IEN) is seeking anintern to assist in  organisation of National Biodiversity Week. The internship will run for 3 month internship (April, May, June).

This is an unpaid internship. The intern will gain valuable experience in the areas of organisation, website design and strategic planning. This internship is aimed at those who wish to get an insight into the workings of the Irish environmental NGO sector. It is an opportunity to work in a dynamic environment and network with a wide variety of people currently active in the environmental sector.
  • No experience necessary
  • Familiarity with WordPress desirable
  • Interest in environmental issues desirable

Interested applicants please email cover letter and CV to

Senior Ecologist

Roughan & O'Donovan (ROD) are looking for an experienced ecologists to join their expanding environmental planning team.

The successful candidate will take a leading role in ecological and biodiversity aspects of infrastructure plans and projects. Working in an integrated team of environmental professionals you will have responsibilities in team management, client liaison, undertaking field surveys, reporting (habitat surveys, protected species, EcIA and EIA chapters, licence applications etc.) and helping to develop and expand the expertise within their team.

Location: Based in Sandyford, South Dublin, Ireland.
Salary: Dependent on relevant experience
Contract: Permantent
Closing Date: Friday 13th March 2015

For full list of candidate requirements and further information on this vacancy
follow this link

Environmental Scientist/Ecologist

Roughan & O'Donovan (ROD) is seeking an Environmental Scientist/Ecologist to join our expanding Environmental group.

Role: Environmental Scientist/Ecologist working as part of a multidisciplinary team focused on EIA, EcIA and planning for infrastructural developments ranging from schools and hospitals to major road and bridge projects.
Location: Based in South Dublin, Ireland.
Salary: Dependent on relevant experience.
Contract: Permanent
Closing Date: Friday 20th March 2015

For full list of candidate requirements and further information on this vacancy follow this link

How to submit an event
Members of the Irish Environmental Network are invited to submit event information for inclusion in the Green Events Guide. We will also try to include relevant, non-Member event information if possible.
Email your event information to
Please provide the information in the following format:

Title of Event: A one-paragraph description of your event.
Cost: (or indicate if free)
Contact: (if applicable)
Website: (if applicable)