Kristen Wilson has been a paralegal in our office for over three years now, assisting many of our clients in achieving their American dream, helping to unite families torn apart in removal proceedings and successfully completing unlawful presence waivers for people who came to the U.S. unlawfully and have U.S. citizen spouses and children. Kristen has always dreamed of going to law school to become an attorney because she is genuinely passionate about impacting the immigrant community in a positive way. She has a natural inclination to help others, and she is the kind of person you can rely on when you need to solve a problem efficiently and with a smile.
Kristen applied to several law schools over the years to achieve her dream, but the top school on her list was Georgia State because they offer a part-time program that would allow her to continue working. Kristen was relentless to get accepted to law school and our team joined together and strategized about what we could do to help her. We supported her by encouraging and recommending her wholeheartedly for admission. We did everything we could and did not take no for an answer. After anxiously waiting, Kristen was accepted to Georgia State Law School and started her legal studies there two weeks ago. We are thrilled that Kristen will become an attorney and also continue to work with us and serve our clients.
Please join us in wishing her all the best in her career!