JUNE 2014
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Dear JCDS Families,

Welcome to our summer celebration of books, the JCDSRI Summer Reading Program! The intent of our summer reading program is to promote reading skills. Research studies have demonstrated that students who participate in a summer reading program are more likely to read at their grade level or above than nonparticipating students and those reading above grade level are more likely to retain those skills into the next school year. (Evaluation and Training Institute). While an increase in reading promotes reading abilities and other skills, we want our students to experience the joys that reading brings through marvelous characters and adventures. Books introduce us to friends we will have for life.Reading is FUN!

We are asking students to read at least five books from our booklists. Hopefully, they will read many books.

Each student in incoming grades 1-5 receives a summer reading program folder containing:

1. A suggested booklist of various levels and interests.  2. An individualized guided reading booklist with books at your child's current reading level is included in folder for incoming grades 2-4

3. Book assignments-optional


The lists are sent to the following public libraries: Rochambeau, Cranston,  East Providence, Johnston, Lincoln, Pawtucket  and the following bookstores: Books on the Square and Barnes and Noble in Warwick.


The summer reading program is coordinated by Karolyn White, librarian.


We wish you a happy, healthy summer and wonderful reading adventures!  


Grade 1 Summer Reading Booklist 2014 

Grade 2 Summer Reading Booklist 2014

Grade 3 Summer Reading Booklist 2014 

Grade 4 Summer Reading Booklist 2014

Grade 5 Summer Reading Booklist 2014