
Quoi de neuf / Infolettre

Pacific Northwest in French News  
Last week the Pacific Northwest region was featured prominently in major French media. Oregon was featured in a long article on LeFigaro.fr. Click here for the article, which leads with: "L'Ouest am�ricain fa�on Oregon: C'est la capitale des hipsters, ces branch�s qui portent la barbe, mangent bio et roulent � v�lo. Si Portland est �la� ville am�ricaine du moment, elle le doit � un esprit alternatif vivifiant et � une connexion profonde avec la nature de l'Oregon." Seattle is also featured this month: it's both on the cover and the subject of an in-depth article in the French magazine, The Good Life, le premier magazine masculin hybride business & lifestyle. 
What's New Around the Alliance
School Director Katy LeBris is actively enrolling stuchildren-globe.jpgdents for the Spring and Intersession terms for adults, and reminds readers of these programs as well. Email Katy or call 503.223.8388 with questions.
  Children's Programs:
The Alliance offers classes fo
r Anglophone children ages 2-14, as well as classes for 11-14 year olds who formerly attended immersion schools and wish to keep up their French. There are also parent-child classes (2-3 and 4-6 year olds) that provide a playful, stimulating environment for parents and children to learn together. In the 7-10 and 11-14 classes, children study French through  cultural and linguistic immersion.  ESL Classes: French speakers in Portland can now study English as a Foreign Language (ESL) at the Alliance. The class (A2/B1 level) is taught by an American instructor who is fluent in French, and follows a communicative approach that focuses on the linguistic and pronunciation skills necessary in daily life. Private lessons are also available for all levels.
Job Postings: Flight Attendants, Schools & More
  French American International School in the Cedar Mill area (West Portland) is seeking a Lower School Administrative Assistant and Front Office Support. The school is also recruit  ing extra  curricular aides. Click here for details.
  Compass Airlines in Seattle is seeking Flight Attendants where fluency in French is an advantage. Click here for
  French-American Chamber of Commerce
in San Francisco (financial district) is hiring an Executive Assistant; pay is $22K; click here for details. 

  North Seattle College
is looking for part-time instructors for one or two classes per quarter of first-year French. Click here for details.
  Chi Chack Foreign Language Services is seeking French teachers for the Tacoma area; pay is $20/hour. Click here.   
Immersion School News in Portland
Portland's French immersion school network continues to thrive and grow, as illustrated by this new development. L'Etoile French Immersion in Southwest Portland has a new Head, Grard Martinez (photo at left), who will oversee day-to-day operations of the school. Martinez has headed French schools and cultural institutions in England, France, Sweden and most recently, in Vancouver BC, where he was the director of Cousteau, L'Ecole Franaise Internationale de Vancouver. He also worked for several years in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Monsieur Grard will oversee a growing student body of 135 in the 2016-2017 school year, from pre-school through 5th grade. Overall business management and strategic planning will be led by Founder and Chairperson Seema Kathuria, who takes on the additional role of managing the new middle school French program at the Renaissance School of the Arts (opening Sept. 2016).        
Member Postings, Favorite Links & More
  Upcoming Events: See the red section at the upper right, labeled "Dates & Quick Links" for upcoming events that were previously announced in the newsletter.
photographer-sm.jpg  Photographers Needed: The Alliance is seeking volunteer photographers for its upcoming gala on April 23 at the MAC. Email info@afportland.org.
  Another Online Quiz:
for details. Many readers had fun with the online grammar quiz that was in the last issue. Here is another quiz, "Dix subtilit�s de la langue fran�aise" - click here. Helpful feature: this quiz provides a clear explanation of the grammar point, after it grades your answer.
  More about Spelling:
A BBC news article entitled, "French furore over spelling continues," provides additional insight on the recent controversy; click here.
  How to say "google" in French:
Another recent article discusses how words from other languages are now getting legitimate status in French  - examples are googliser (Larousse) and selfie (Robert); click here.
  Feeling lucky? Have friends in Seattle or thinking to visit there? Then check out this raffle, where for just $5, you may win a Luxury Dining and Entertainment package worth $1500. Proceeds benefit the nonprofit France Education NW; the drawing is March 20 at Seattle Center but you don't have to be present in order to win; winners will be called and emailed.
  Portland Dining Month has $29 specials throughout March with a lot of our readers' favorite restaurants, including St. Jack, the Heathman, Old Salt Marketplace, Higgins, Imperial, Le Vieux, Meriwether's, Muselet, �Oba!, Paragon, Thirst Bistro and more.
  Flummoxed by Flags: Curious to understand France's diverse mix of flags and how they came about? Click here for a handy primer just published a couple days ago.
  Documentary on Netflix
: The new documentary, Je Suis Charlie: L'Humour  Mort, is available on Netflix. Click here for the trailer; the film is in French with English subtitles. Note that Netflix also has the 2008 documentary, Tough Being Loved by Jerks, on the journalists at Charlie Hebdo.
  Tuning your ear:
Luc Hardy gives a 5-minute discusssion of his film, "Pursuit of Endurance," which has been featured at recent climate-change discussions. Click here (in French, not subtitled).   
  L'Etoile French Immersion School will host an Open House on Friday, March 18 from 10am to 12pm.  
Quick Web Links


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All Events

Winter term is underway through Mar. 19. Enrolling now for Intersession (Mar. 21-26) and Spring Session (Mar. 28-June 4). Private lessons also available.   




Some are hosted by Alliance staff or volunteers. Drop-ins welcome; membership is encouraged but not required.

NW, N, or Central   

St Honor� on NW Thurman on

Wed., 6pm, March 2 & 16 

The advanced group (for levels B2/C1 meets at Palio's in Ladd's Addition on Mar. 5, 11am. 

SE Portland

At Chez Machin, Mon., Mar. 7, at 7pm

At Vie de Boh�me weekly on Sundays, 4-5:30pm


At Gustav's

on Mar. 8 at 5:30pm.









TV5MONDE March Highlights

Catch the most popular series when they cycle back to Cinema on Demand in March and April. View the graphic below or click here for details. 
This infolettre is copyrighted by the Alliance Franaise of Portland. Contact newsletter@afportland.org with suggestions or questions. For optimal viewing consider displaying in your browser. 
Much of the newsletter content is from curated sources provided on a pro-bono basis by Portland-based Attensa, a tech company that provides "intelligence delivered." Visit their website for information on free trials for businesses.

Alliance Fran�aise de Portland 503.223.8388 | 1425 SW 20th Ave., Suite 102 | Portland | OR | 97201