events & updates
In This Issue - March 20, 2013
Chamber Events
Coffee, Tea & Contacts
Spring into Summer Business Expo
Chamber News & Updates
Excellence in Business Awards Nominations - Deadline has been extended to April 5!
30 for the Future Nominations
Advertise in the Chamber's Relocation Guide
Chamber Benefits
New Chamber Benefit -SLN
Partner Events

chamber events

Coffee, Tea & Contacts Networking Event
Akron General Health & Wellness StackedSponsored by Akron General Health &
Wellness Center - Green

This event is a power networking get-together designed for Chamber members to make important connections with their fellow member businesses.  While exchanging business cards is great, it's certainly more effective for business people to learn about one another's respective companies in an intimate setting.  Be sure to arrive at 7:30 a.m. to make the most of this meeting!  Remember, only one person per company can attend, so your networking opportunities are maximized.  The event is free, but the networking is priceless!  Pre-registration is required.

Coffee Tea & ContactsWhere & When
Akron General Health & Wellness Center - Green
Conference Center
1940 Town Park Blvd.
Uniontown, OH  44685
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
7:30 - 9:00 a.m. 

Click here to register.  


 Spring Into Summer Business Expo
 50 exhibitors * free giveaways * hourly prize drawings * demonstrations
*  samples * tons of fun!
tulipsGrab the family and come out and see what the best businesses in the Greater Akron area have to offer!  Admission is free!  Free goodie bags for the first 100 expo attendees!  Have your "shopping list" stamped at the booths for your chance to win hourly drawings plus the grand prize drawing at 4:00 p.m.
Where & When
Summit Mall
3265 W. Market St.
Fairlawn, OH  44333
Saturday, May 11, 2013
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
For more information on being an exhibitor at the expo, click here or call (330) 347-9453.
Sponsored by Greater Akron Chamber and Save Local Now.  

chamber news & updates


Nominations Sought for 2013 Excellence in Business Awards
2013 EIB logoThe deadline for nominations has been extended until Friday, April 5, 2013.
The Greater Akron Chamber is accepting nominations for our 2013 Excellence In Business Award.  Nominate a company who deserves recognition for the exceptional work they do in the business community.

To be considered, the company must be for-profit and non-publicly traded.  See additional criteria on the nomination form. 
Click here to download the nomination form!  Click here to see a list of the past recipients.

A separate form is required for each nomination. For questions, contact Sarah Vojtek at (330) 237-1254.

Nominate an Outstanding YP Today!  Now Accepting Nominations for 2013 30 for the Future Awards Program

2010 Huntington Bank logoBrought to You by Huntington Bank

The Greater Akron Chamber proudly presents the 7th Annual 30 for the Future recognition program. 30 for the Future recognizes 30 young professionals (ages 25-39) who live and/or work in the Greater Akron region, who are trendsetters in their industries and who make an impact on the region through dynamic leadership and community service.

Nominations will be accepted through Friday, March 29, 2013. So please don't wait; nominate a qualified individual today! 

Please note: Nominees MUST be between the ages of 25 and 39 by MARCH 29, 2013, to be considered.


Click here for the 2013 nomination form.  For additional questions, contact Angela Presutti at (330) 237-1263 or


2012-2013 Greater Akron Relocation Guide Published


2012-2013 reloWe are pleased to present Experience Greater Akron, the Greater Akron Chamber's 2012-2013 relocation guide for those relocating from around the world or across town.  We encourage you to use this publication as a reference for your organization and as an employee recruitment tool. The printed and interactive web version of the relocation guide promotes Greater Akron to companies, individuals and families relocating to the region. It also highlights the talented people who have moved here and the outstanding amenities that make our region one of the best places to live, work and play. We're sure you'll enjoy the feature, "99 Reasons We Love Greater Akron," an informative and fun read about what makes the region famous.  To view the "clickable" version of the guide, click on the picture to the right.  For copies, call the Chamber at (330) 376-5550. 


We are now accepting advertising for "2013-2014 Experience Greater Akron," the Chamber's relocation guide!  Consider advertising in our three new sections: The Entrepreneurial Spirit; Philanthropy and Volunteerism; and Active, Vibrant Seniors!


Click here for more about advertising and early bird special rates!


chamber benefits

Chamber Launches New Money Saving Benefit -- Save Local Now™


Save Local Now logoThe Save Local Now™ App is a FREE and Easy Way to Save Money and Buy Local


The Greater Akron Chamber is very excited to officially introduce our new mobile app, Save Local Now™.  With the help of mobile technology, Save Local Now™ is a platform for chambers to help local businesses grow by placing marketing and self-promotion in their hands and delivering it to their customers.


With Save Local Now™, local businesses can offer deals and events on their terms. The offer and the promotion periods are completely within the control of the business. If the deal ever becomes cost prohibitive, the business can modify it, deactivate it or replace it with another deal in a matter of seconds.


Customers, clients, tourists and travelers alike can download the FREE Save Local Now™ app from iTunes or the Android market and start saving money at all their favorite places. The offers are virtually endless. Right now, there are over 100 deals and events on Save Local Now™ from Greater Akron Chamber members. Consumers can search for businesses, map locations they plan to visit and share deals and events with their friends via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.  And redeeming a deal is simple...just show your phone to save!


For additional questions on the Save Local Now™ app or to inquire about Chamber membership, contact Heather Taylor at (330) 237-1255 or visit  


Chamber Promotes Benefits to Members
The Chamber's benefit programs enhance its members' ability to save money through their Chamber membership. The benefit programs offer discounts on Electric (generation), Natural Gas, Payroll Services and Transportation & Logistics Services.


Chamber Energy Solutions, administered by Palmer Energy, offers members and their employees discounts on electric generation and natural gas for both commercial and residential accounts. 

Paytime Payroll Processing offers discounts on payroll check processing for Chamber members. 

InterChez Logistics Systems provides discounts on transportation and logistics services. 


These benefits enhance the Chamber's current money-saving benefits including SummaCare and Worker's Compensation. Companies who want to participate can find out more at and/or contact Debbie Richmond, Manager, Benefits & Administration, at the Greater Akron Chamber, at (330) 237-1228.



Chamber Energy SolutionsDominion East Ohio Customers - CES Natural Gas Program


All non-residential customers of Dominion received a letter notifying them of the end to the Standard Choice Offer (SCO) on April 1, 2013. This means that prior to April 1, you must chose a supplier or a supplier will be assigned to you, and you will receive their monthly variable rate (MVR) for the supply portion of the utility bill. The MVR is not regulated by the PUCO, which means the supplier determines that price.


Chamber Energy Solutions (CES) is the natural gas savings program of the Greater Akron Chamber. They are an independent consulting company who works with numerous suppliers to manage your natural gas costs. They apply our market knowledge and negotiation expertise as well as bring thousands of meters together to reduce your costs. By purchasing when pricing is more advantageous, they provide insurance against dramatic price increases in the natural gas market.


For an analysis, send your bill to Debbie Richmond via fax (330) 379-3164 or e-mail her at


Achieve Significant Savings on Your Health Plan Coverage!


GACsave.comSummaCareThe Greater Akron Chamber and SummaCare announce our enhanced Greater Akron Chamber Alliance - offering savings to more businesses than ever before! Companies of any size (including those with more than 100 employees) located in Summit, Portage, Medina, Cuyahoga, Stark, Wayne and Geauga counties can take advantage of significant savings by joining for as little as $400. And we're also offering the savings through our Affiliate Chamber Partners as well - so your business may already be eligible for discounts. To learn more, contact your broker or visit


Membership Has Its Benefits!
Welcome New Members!
Please patronize our new Chamber members.  The Greater Akron Chamber thanks you for helping us support the region's business community. Visit Welcome New Members.

Check Out Members' Events!
The Chamber is offering its members more opportunities to connect.  If your company is holding an event that's open to the general public and you'd like to get the word out, let us know.  Visit Member Events for more information.

Members are Making Headlines!
Got news?  We'll post it!  Visit Member News for more information.

partner events
The University of Akron (UA) Athletics Department Survey 
GoZips logoThe UA Zips Athletics Wants your Help on Their Strategic Planning Process!

The University of Akron Department of Athletics is undergoing a 90-day strategic planning process to help shape Zips Athletics moving forward - and your feedback is a valuable part of this process.  They have developed a short online survey that will give you a chance to share your thoughts on the state and future of Zips Athletics.  Please share this link with anyone with an interest in Zips Athletics, even if they're not currently affiliated with the Athletics Department or the University. More information is available at Plan


They want to hear from everyone - student athletes, former student athletes, UA coaches and staff, donors, sponsors, season ticketholders, UA faculty, current students, alumni and anyone who works or lives in Akron, Summit County and Northeast Ohio.


Your answers will remain anonymous (unless you elect to be contacted further), but you can enter to win prizes for completing the survey (your answers will remain anonymous even if you enter to win). 

The survey closes at 5 p.m. ET on Friday, March 22, 2013, so please fill it out and encourage others to do the same.  

Goodwill Industries 86th Annual Meeting
Goodwill Industries serving Summit, Portage, Medina, Ashland and Richland Counties will celebrate 86 years of service at its 2013 Annual Meeting. The "Celebration of Champions" program will include the presentation of the 2012 Annual Report and showcase the year-long celebration of the agency's 85th Anniversary.  

Where & When

The Tangier

532 W. Market St.

Akron, OH  44303

Thursday, March 28, 2013

5:00 p.m.


Contact Beverly Sherrard at (330) 724-6995 or for tickets or more information.


Ohio Employee Ownership Center's 27th Annual Conference

OEOCThis year's conference theme is "Building Jobs, Wealth & Communities."  The keynote speakers are Corey Rosen, Co-Founder and Senior Staff Member of the National Center for Employee Ownership, and J. Michael Keeling, CAE, President of The ESOP Association.


Who Should Attend...

  • Business owners interested in exploring employee ownership as an exit strategy.
  • Current employee owners loocking for the latest legal, tax and ownership culture information.
  • Economic and community development professinals interested in learning how employee ownership can stabilize their community's economic base rates.

Registration is $125 before April 6, $150 between April 7-18 and $195 at the door.  Registration to the conference includes a continental breakfast, plated lunch, coffee break and closing reception.


For more information, contact the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University (OEOC) by phone at (330) 672-3028 or by e-mail at or check out their website at


Where & When

Hilton Akron/Fairlawn

3180 W. Market St.

Akron, OH  44333

Friday, April 19, 2013

8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 


Heart to Heart Communications 20th Annual Greater Akron Speaks Out for Values Breakfast
Heart to Heart logoCelebrating Community Collaborations: Renew and Sustain the Spirit among Us!


Join Heart to Heart Communications in celebrating the 20th anniversary of our Annual Greater Akron Speaks Out for Values Breakfast. The 20th Breakfast is sure to be special with a theme of Celebrating Community Collaborations: Renew and Sustain the Spirit among Us, a keynote speech from Daniel Colantone, President and CEO of the Greater Akron Chamber, a video featuring local leaders in collaboration, and an optional interactive workshop on Collaborative Leadership: Inspiring the Best in Ourselves and Each Other with Ellen Van Oosten, Executive Coach and Instructor from Case Weatherhead School of Management.


Where & When

John S. Knight Center
77 E. Mill St.
Akron, OH  44308
Monday, April 29, 2013
Breakfast program 7:15 - 8:45 a.m.; Workshop 9:00 - 11:45 a.m.
For more information, click here or contact Sarah Leiendecker at (330) 434-3278 Ext. 0.  Register today at 
Mfg. Mart LogoThe Supply Train Trade Show is designed to help our regional manufacturers increase sales.  With new sales, they can create new jobs.  In short, every $1 million in new sales creates 15 new jobs.¹
MANUFACTURING MART 2013 features the manufacturers and material suppliers that make up the Great American Supply Chain™ - the men and women who supply quality parts to America's top brands and marketing companies - GE, Whirlpool, Boeing, United Technologies, Caterpillar, GM, Honda, Ford, and Chrysler, just to name a few.  

There will be opportunities to meet component and subassembly manufacturers, manufacturing engineers and product designers. Attend this trade show and discover manufacturing and assembly solutions, production and delivery solutions, new technologies and equipment solutions that meet your needs.


Where & When
John S. Knight Center
77 E. Mill St.
Akron, OH  44308
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - Wednesday, May 15, 2013
For more information, click here.  


¹ Seyi Fayanju, February 24, 2010 Published by Environmental Defense Fund based on the multipliers generated by US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis


Akron Autism 5k and Walk - Save the Date: June 15, 2013
Autism Race LogoLet's Face Autism Together!
Akron's Autism 5k and Walk is the premier fundraiser for the Autism Society of Greater Akron. A variety of sponsorship packages are available to support this one-of-a-kind autism awareness event.  As a community supporter, you can help us Face Autism Together and help local families living the autism journey. For more information on sponsorship packages, click here or call Laurie Cramer, Director of the Greater Akron Autism Society of Ohio, at (330) 940-1441.
Click here for more information.  
Missed an E-blast?
To view the Greater Akron Chamber's archived e-blasts and monthly e-newsletters, click here.  



The mission of the Greater Akron Chamber is to drive economic development and prosperity for the people of the Greater Akron Region.

Greater Akron Chamber
1 Cascade Plaza, 17th Fl.
Akron, Ohio 44308