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Johnson City District 
News Updates 
Visit us online | jcdistrict.org
In This Issue
Upcoming Events:
Poverty Summit
August 28-29
First UMC
Marion, VA
District Office Closed
Labor Day
Monday, September 7

Senior Adult Gathering

Thursday, September 17
10:00 am
Edgefield UMC
Holston Conference 
Secretaries Association 
September 17-18
Pigeon Forge, TN

Holston UMW
Annual Meeting
September 19-20
Lake Junaluska, NC

Wesley Foundation
One Day Offering
Sunday, September 27
Your church!

District Conference

Sunday, September 27
3:00 pm
Location TBA

District Youth Event
Sunday, September 27
6:00 pm
Location TBA
Email for info

Church Finance Workshops

Thursday, October 22
11:30 am - 1:30 pm or
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Bank of Tennessee
Med Tech Parkway
Johnson City
Learn More

Gifts & Talents
District Youth Event
Sunday, November 8
6:00 pm
Wesley Memorial UMC 
Exchange Place
Job Opening
Wesley Memorial UMC has a position open for a Part-time Director of Music Ministries. See wesleymemorialumc.org for more information including the Job Description.
Job Opening
First UMC, Johnson City is accepting applications for an Interim Children's Director.
Learn More 

Free Clergy Robe
Black men's clergy robe, size 57, made by Cokesbury. Contact Natalie Justice.  

Free Piano to Church
Contact Andy Houston, (423) 525-6761.

Sign Language Interpreter Needed
Otterbein UMC has a child with hearing disabilities and would like to have an interpreter for worship at least once a month. Please contact Marie Cope if you can help.  
August/September 2015

Here is the latest news from the Johnson City District of the United Methodist Church.

A Word from Walter
Dear Friends,
The most commonly asked question of me recently would probably be: "What is the status of the camp?"
In answer to that question, there is a lot of great news I can share. First, I would tell you that our new Camp Director Jeff Wadley has hit the ground running. Since his appointment in June, he has appeared in front of numerous groups. His enthusiasm is infectious. I have not had a single person tell me they do not think he is the right person for the job.
The most current breaking news to report is that the Camp Board of Directors has chosen the camp's new name. From now on, it will be referred to as Camp Bays Mountain. The board had the difficult task of choosing from over 100 names suggested. The general consensus was that this name represented a well known landmark where the camp is located and it would also help us capitalize on the partnership we anticipate with Bays Mountain Park. Officials from Bays Mountain Park are excited about this name as well.
Camp Bays Mountain Board is excited about other developments. Our goal is to host day camps in the summer of 2016. We know this is ambitious, but we are working hard toward making that happen.
I also want to report that the Buffalo Mountain Camp property has been listed for sale. We have several interested parties and we are pursuing those options. At the same time, we hope to close on the Bays Mountain property soon.
Finally, we have hired a consultant to help us in our financial campaign so that we will soon be able to offer the full camp experience. Please continue to be in prayer for the board, for Jeff Wadley, for our capital campaign, and for all those who will be served and nourished by Camp Bays Mountain.
God bless,
Preparing for District Conference
Save the Date
Mark your calendar for the Johnson City District Conference to be held on Sunday, September 27, 3:00 pm, location TBD.

At Large Nominations
We are now accepting nominations for At Large Lay Members to the Holston Annual Conference June 5-8, 2016.

Please note this change in reimbursement for At Large Lay Members, as voted on at the 2015 Annual Conference:

The conference will reimburse the members-at-large for a per diem amount of $50 per day, with a maximum of 3 days and mileage, for the 2016 Annual Conference.

Printed Material Orders
It is time to place your order for the 2015/2016 Holston Conference Handbook and Directory, the 2016 Holston Conference Calendar, and the 2015 Holston Conference Journal. The order deadline is September 15, 2015.

Have You Signed Up for MissionInsite?
At annual conference we heard from Tom Bandy about the exciting ways MissionInsite can help our churches learn more about our communities. Each church is encouraged to sign up for this free tool and upload their People Plot. If you have not done this yet, or if you are unsure how to get started, the conference has put together a help sheet.

ETSU Wesley Foundation One Day Offering
Will you help the Holston Conference change lives and offer Christ at East Tennessee State University?

September 27 is an important day for the ETSU Wesley Foundation. For over 50 years the Wesley Foundation at East Tennessee State University has offered Christ to college students. Now we want to change more lives and we need your help. Our supporting districts, Johnson City, Morristown, and Kingsport are asking all the churches of the districts to take up a one day special offering for the ETSU Wesley.

Significant building renovations are needed for ETSU Wesley to move forward with future programing. $33,000 of the $70,000 goal has already been raised. With your help we can go over the top.

ETSU Wesley is the presence of the United Methodist Church at ETSU. Countless lives have been changed because of this growing and vital ministry. On September 27 you will have the opportunity to give. A bulletin insert and envelope will be provided for you that day. When you give you are changing lives and investing in future generations of the church. We thank God for you.

Johnson City District of UMC | (423) 926-7533 | jcdist@holston.org | http://jcdistrict.org
2615 S Roan St Suite 106
Johnson City, TN 37601