De commissie 'Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen' van ZonMw heeft recentelijk een positief advies uitbracht over het projectvoorstel dat de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fytotherapie in samenwerking met de NatuurApotheek heeft ingediend.
ZonMw financiert gezondheidsonderzoek én stimuleert het gebruik van de ontwikkelde kennis - om daarmee de zorg en gezondheid te verbeteren.
Eerder dit jaar werd door de NVF bij ZonMw een projectidee ingediend met de titel:
Improvement of pharmacovigilance: medication surveillance in case of concomitant use of prescription medicines and herbal medicinal products.
Wij zijn uiteraard zeer verheugd met dit positieve advies van ZonMw. De commissie 'Goed Gebruik Geneesmiddelen' heeft de NVF nu uitgenodigd om het projectidee uit te werken tot een subsidieaanvraag.
Wij houden u op de hoogte over de verdere ontwikkeling!
Asarum kan aristolochiazuur bevatten, hetgeen nefrotoxisch (giftig voor de nier) is en kankerverwekkend. Het is dus zaak Xi Xin extracten in te kopen die geen (aantoonbaar) aristolochiazuur bevat.
Dat is NatuurApotheek gelukt voor zowel het droge extract (granulaat) als voor het vloeibare extract (hydrofiel concentraat).
Voor eventuele vragen en/of opmerkingen kunt u e-mailen naar info@natuurapotheek.com of bellen naar 015-3614477. Wij staan u graag te woord.
Processing, in Chinese materia medica (Chinese herbology) is the technique of altering the properties of crude medicines by processing using heat and combination with various materials in a kind of alchemical approach to preparation.
Pao Zhi processing may involve such means as roasting, honey frying, wine frying, earth frying, vinegar frying, calcining, or other means. This is a kind of alchemical processing used in everyday preparation of herbal, mineral and animal medicinals.
Over het boek van auteurs Philippe Sionneau & Bob Flaws:
Pao Zhi: An Introduction to the Use of Processed Chinese Medicinals
As practitioners ourselves, we have run our own Chinese herbal dispensary for many years. Therefore, we have had ample opportunity to compare the clinical effectiveness of processed versus unprocessed Chinese medicinals.
Our experience confirms that processing Chinese medicinals according to the directions contained in this book does make these medicinals more clinically effective. The author goes so far as to say that differently processed medicinals are actually different ingredients! This is an aspect of Chinese herbal medicine that is poorly known In the West and deserves much greater attention. This book is especially useful for those prescribing bulk Chinese medicinals. Using the information in this book, it is our experience that one can gain even better clinical effects as its author asserts.
Over the past 5 years, the world's
largest pharmaceutical companies
have invested billions of US dollars
in research capacity in China, drawn
there by the country's low research
costs, enormous talent pool, and
rapidly expanding market for health
But the research facilities they
have built in China are now leveraging
their location to tap into the country's
wealth of traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM), with the hope that the ancient
practices can point the way to new
TCM is a broad set of medical
practices informed by Chinese phil osophy, delivered mainly through herbal
medicines, but also via acupuncture
and massage. Although many of these
treatments are readily accessible in
western countries, they are generally
delivered outside of the formalised
health-care system and often thought
to be alternatives to legit imate treatment. In China, by con trast, the
prevalence of TCM and its integration
with the mainstream health system
are striking.
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