Production Times

September  2014
Sharing audio/video production from across the country sprinkled with
a bit of news, humor and other tid-bits.

Fall has arrived.

The art of being

Empowering the customer

Let's face it, in today's marketplace the competition is stiffer and perhaps more cut throat than ever and your customer seems to be more and more cognizant of this fact.  With the explosion of information availability, it has become easy for the customer to explore alternative opinions and solutions to many of their marketing and advertising needs. (Actually, all consumers in every arena are more savvy than ever- but we will concentrate on advertising for the sake of this article)

Therefore, it behooves us to ensure that the relationships and experiences we share with our clients are as pleasant, value oriented and consumer centric as possible. 

So, what do I mean by "consumer centric"? Simply put, it is the idea that everything we do- from our systems and marketing message to our interactions and delivery of finished products to our clients all has customer satisfaction as the starting point.  Notice I did not say "ending" in customer satisfaction- I believe that there is a dynamic difference in the entire work flow and company culture when we start formulating all of our processes from the stand point of obtaining a completely satisfied customer.

I believe that this is critical in creating an empowered customer. Customers like to feel like they are in control as much as possible when considering trading their hard earned cash for a product or service- regardless of how much they want or need it.  If we are truly consumer centric, our customers feel a great sense of control and therefore trust when dealing with our company.  It is much easier to handle a problem when there is a perception of "shared" purpose and control on the part of the empowered customer.

The question then becomes, what parts of your system do you believe are truly consumer centric and what parts could be improved?
Is it easy for the client to make changes to copy or the storyboard prior to production?
Does the customer have the ability to have their TV or radio spot be featured on your website?
Is it easy for the customers message to be shared with other media oultets that they may wish to use as part of their marketing strategy?
Does the sales team and production team get together to discuss ideas on how to improve the experience for the customer?

The bottom line is this- the bottom line should not drive decisions about the business.  Happy customers drive the bottom line.

Featured Videos

Every issue I will feature
production from my clients across the country.  Be inspired and enjoy the work of your peers.

If you have a piece that you would like to share, let me know and I will feature it in an upcoming newsletter! 

It's the "Paint" issue!
Frazee Football Jan 2014 640x360
Frazee Football Jan 2014 640x360

This was a fun project, that I think turned out great. Thanks to Kerrie Briggs of KNSD San Diego for asking me to voice the spot and Andy Larson did a great job editing.

Tundravision  Bunker Hill Paint Co
Tundravision Bunker Hill Paint Co

I did the tag for this spot-  most of the impact is achieved with the way the music compliments the imagery. This spot is to play on "Tundravision"- the big screen at Packers home games! Kool!
A big thanks to Brandon Dziatkewich for hiring me and to Image Studios out of Appleton WI for a great piece of production.

Do you remembah...

the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away

All you Earth, Wind and Fire fans remember! 
I've assembled a list of some other September events that may have happened in our lifetimes...
do you remember?

Sept 1st- The Wreck of the Titanic found of the coast of Newfoundland, 1985


September 1, 1969 - Military officers overthrew the Libyan government. The Libyan Arab Republic was then proclaimed under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.


September 7, 1994 - The U.S. Army closed its headquarters in Berlin, ending the American military presence in the once-divided city after nearly half a century.


September 9th -Singer Elvis Presley made his first appearance on the "Ed Sullivan Show," 1956

September 12- "Lassie" made its television debut, 1954

September 13, 1965    Willie Mays hits his 500th home run

September 16  1984- Miami Vice airs its first episode on TV

September 29- Cyanide placed in Tylenol capsules caused the deaths of seven people in the Chicago area. The makers of Tylenol recalled 264,000 bottles of the drug. The killer was never found, 1982

Let me know what you think of this newsletter.
I would appreciate any feedback or any thoughts about content.
Until next time, happy producing!
Jon Goffena
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Allow me to help you with promo/imaging, character voices, narration and commercial reads
on a per project or retainer basis.


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