Production Times
August  2014
Sharing audio/video production from across the country sprinkled with
a bit of news, humor and other tid-bits.

As summer fades....

Out with the old...

Audio Vectors web site has a new look!  


     After months of planning and finally finding the right web designer, the new Audio Vectors web site is live.
     It's amazing, sometimes, how difficult it can be to actually find people who will do what they say they're going to do- when they said they were going to do it!  I was fortunate to have found  a web designer that did just that. 
     Eleina Shinn is a wonderful person to work with.  Her creativity and passion for what she does made the whole process a lot easier than I imagined- and getting it done quickly was a bonus!  If you're interested in a new web site, or updating one you have, check her out.
     Another piece of news...
I have expanded my business again. Many of you already take advantage of using the female talents that I have available to add extra interest to your production. I have now added a male voice.

     Tony Finnell is a long time friend and a radio industry veteran. Although he can be available to voice spots, his primary role with the company is to build our radio imaging and concert/event promo business.  Tony possesses great production skills and really knows how to generate an excitement level for promo spots that drive home the message to the target demographic.

I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the company as well as establishing new relationships with great people.

Featured Videos

Every issue I will feature
production from my clients across the country.  Be inspired and enjoy the work of your peers.

If you have a piece that you would like to share, let me know and I will feature it in an upcoming newsletter!

Future Nissan
Future Nissan
This ad for Future Nissan is a little bit different than what one normally sees. I like it!
Thanks Jeff Bloch
 of KOVR/KMAX Sacramento for the gig and thanks Christi Bowen for helping in the voice over.

Eagle Paving  
Eagle Paving "Roller" :30
Although I did not do the voice work on this spot, my client Wes Mitchell from KSWB in San Diego really created a piece here that achieves the desired result: delivering a message with impact to the target audience. Excellent use of double entendre.

Have you been called out yet? 

     Unless you live  (and do production) under a rock, you are probably aware of the viral social media phenomena that is the ALS ice bucket challenge.
     Everyone from grandmas and sports stars to billionaires and politicians have been swept up in the chaos and the ALS Association has reaped the benefits.      
     The organization says that donations are over $15.5 million as of July 29th- compared to $1.8 million for the same time period last year.
     One may be led to believe that there aren't many donors and that people are simply getting wet without any economic impact but according to the ALS web site, there were 307,598 donations from people who had never given before.
How's that for ROI?
     And yes, I have been called out and I plan on taking the ice water shower as well as donating to the cause.
     I am pondering the wisdom in calling out some of you, my dear readers and clients.  Would you be terribly put out? It is, after all in good fun and for a good cause.
     Fortunately for you, my facebook friends list  is loaded with people who could use a bath!

Let me know what you think of this newsletter.
I would appreciate any feedback or any thoughts about content.
Until next time, happy producing!
Jon Goffena
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Allow me to help you with promo/imaging, character voices, narration and commercial reads
on a per project or retainer basis.


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