Production Times
March 2014
Sharing audio/video production from across the country., sprinkled with
a bit of news, humor and other tid-bits.

Spring Break!
7 questions with...

The seven questions segment features (you guessed it)  7 questions and answers regarding this industry from various perspectives.

This months guest is Jeff Bayer, creative services producer at WKRN Nashville.

How long have you been in the business?  

Since I graduated college in 1991.


What got you into the business?  

Upon graduation from college I sent copies of my low budget video reel to every TV station south of Ohio where I grew up and went to school. Some small, independent TV station in North Carolina was willing to give me a chance.


Share with us your most memorable horror story.  

That would be spring of 2008 when our editing system crashed. It was then we learned that our company apparently had not renewed any tech support, so all of the media from each and every spot we produced over the 4 years prior was wiped out. We generate the most commercials of any local affiliate in this market, so we spent a solid month having to reedit any current spot on our backup system.


If you routinely deal with AE's who cause extra work for you (late with copy, poor directions, last minute changes, not letting client know what to expect, etc.) how do you try to deal with them?
Each and every case is different in and of itself, so it's hard to give a blanket answer. But I learned early enough in my career that there is no single, finite resolve to every situation. As producers we adapt. We make things happen. And while it may not always be the ideal, easy solution, it is a solution nonetheless. And as long as the client is happy and generates revenue from the commercial, then we've done our job. In the meantime, make the AE take you to lunch to make up for it.

"How did you get your current job? Through a "friend of a friend" or a cold call from your resume after applying for this job?"  

I was producing commercials for WATE in Knoxville, Tennessee when WKRN, who was owned by the same company, came calling. Apparently they had heard good things about me. The position they offered, and I ultimately accepted was in station promotions. I tried it for two years, then when the creative services position became available, I leapt at the chance. I missed producing commercials for clients, and I got very sick of 'If you don't watch News 2 at 10 you and your family may die'.




Featured Videos

Every issue I will feature a couple of pieces of production from my clients across the country.  Who knows, maybe someone from the other side of the nation may turn you on to a new trick or twist.
If you have a piece that you would like to share, let me know and I will feature it in an upcoming newsletter!


The Olympics has passed with a fanfare for some and a fizzle for others. If you are an NBC affiliate how were your numbers- if you work for someone other than NBC, how did the Olympic season affect your production?
Thanks to Darin Cox of WLWT Cincinnati for letting me share our work together on this promo.

Endymion Show Open
Endymion Show Open

Thanks to Blaine Strawn of WVUE, New Orleans for asking me to help on this promo.
Blaine says it is much more fun to be ON the float as opposed to being in the crowd.
Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia....  

The Krewe of Endymion is one of only three Super Krewes, defined by spectacular floats and celebrity Grand Marshals, and is the largest of the 80 or so parades participating in New Orleans Mardi Gras. Many people begin saving their viewing spots for this parade several days before the parade actually rolls. It was founded in 1966 and named after Endymion {en-dim'-ee-uhn}, from Greek mythology.

Its motto, "Throw Until it Hurts", defines a tradition of being extremely generous with its throws, tossing millions of beads, cups, doubloons and trinkets during its annual parade, held the Saturday before Mardi Gras. The parade is immediately followed with a spectacular party called the 'Endymion Extravaganza'.

And Finally...


I hope something like this is in your immediate future!

Advertising revenue shifts... 

As I was brainstorming for this section of the March newsletter I started my research in thinking that I would write about how March's advertising revenue was affected by spring break and cabin fever and a general lack of a real "holiday" reason for a sale. What I found when Googling "advertising revenues by month" was an unending list of articles that dealt  with the amazing amount of revenue generated by social sites, search engines and even "Flappy Bird" which is a mobile phone app where you "tap the screen to propel a tiny, pixelated bird upwards. If you hit any of the green pipes in your way as you fly towards some unknowable, unreachable finish line, the game is over." This app purportedly generates an estimated $50,00.00 per DAY in  in-game ad revenues.

  WHAT? How can TV and radio compete with that? Facebook has really capitalized on this new way of creating income from advertising. According to Reuters, mobile ads represented 53 percent of its total advertising revenue in the last three months of the year, or $1.24 billion. Oh, and the previously mentioned Google, generated an estimated 4.5 billion in ad revenue last year. Granted- these figures are for a worldwide audience- but the astonishing numbers still hold true when broken down to the US market.  The question is, what can traditional radio and TV stations do to compete with the ever increasing media options available to the user? We are all aware of the companion websites for our stations. Radio intends to capture the online user  via streaming its programming and TV offers recaps of the days news headlines- and all of these  pages are filled with ads in the hope of generating an income stream- I think this is just the infancy of the way in which traditional media outlets will try to recapture what used to be "their" audience- better yet- they MUST find a way to get a bigger piece of that pie or go the way of the dinosaur.  The most obvious way to achieve this goal is to provide content people want, when they want it.  This is the true strength of an on line presence. Force feeding limited options is old school thinking and won't aid in any growth or even survival in today's fast paced world. As far as traditional media outlets go,  TV ad revenues seem to be the most steady. Radio revenues have been in a slight decline and print media has suffered well documented declines over the past decade. The eyeballs are still there for the "peeling"- these media need to find new ways to capture the audience to stimulate growth.  Are you seeing any trends at your company?  Are you generating companion content for the "regular" spot that is intended for internet use only?  I think we have some sweeping changes headed or way... or else!

7 Questions continued 



Given your career, do you find yourself dissecting the commercials you see on TV or movies that you watch and critique the choices that the producers made? How does this affect your enjoyment of media?

Constantly. It doesn't bother me as much, but my wife wishes I would shut the hell up and just watch.



If you were to go to a different market to work in the same field - where would it be and why?


I think about that a lot, but since my wife is from here, I don't see a different market as a possibility.


Thanks to Jeff for taking the time to share.

If there are any questions you would like to see answered in the 7 questions segment, feel free to drop me a line. 


Until next time, happy producing!
Jon Goffena
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Allow me to help you with promo/imaging, character voices, narration and commercial reads
on a per project or retainer basis.


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