Production Times
February 2014
Sharing audio/video production from across the country., sprinkled with
a bit of news, humor and other tid-bits.

Bill Murray, Abe Lincoln and Cupid!
7 questions with...
The seven questions segment features (you guessed it)  7 questions and answers regarding this industry from various perspectives.
This months guest is Allana Wilson: Creative Services Director at WGXA Fox 24/ ABC 16 Macon Ga.

How long have you been in the business?


May will be my 9 year anniversary.



What got you into the business?

Short story, LOL


Senior year in college I decided computer science wasn't for me and wanted a more creative career. I researched graduate programs in design and found the Savannah College of Art and Design. I was admitted into the grad program on a conditional basis that I passed all 9 undergrad courses they assigned (since I didn't have a background in art). After those 9, I was officially admitted into grad school and graduated in 2.5 years with an MFA in Computer Art (which was renamed Broadcast Design, and then renamed again to Motion Media). I ended up getting a job as a local commercial producer in Macon, Georgia at WGXA-TV. I was promoted to Creative Services Director a year later.



If you routinely deal with AE's who cause extra work for you (late with copy, poor directions, last minute changes, not letting client know what to expect, etc.) how do you try to deal with them? 


Some things I've learned to just let roll off my back. (They expect us to drop everything and help them because their clients expect them to do the same.) I have a very "roll with the punches" kind of personality. Other times when it gets to be ridiculous it helps that the manager over the AE's has an open-door policy and does not play favorites. Over the past 9 years that hasn't always been the case so I definitely appreciate him.

Are there any special equipment, software or services that you have just discovered that really help your productivity/creativity?   


 I don't necessarily have any specific software/equipment/etc that has helped but I will say that I'm very happy that software companies offer free 30-day trials. I edit using Final Cut Pro, which isn't an "industry fave" I would say. Because of these trials, I have been able to learn new skills in Avid Media Composer (for example). It also helps that software companies update so often. Once a 30-day trial is over, a few months later a new version will be released and I can download another free trial and have more experience with that software.   



Featured Videos

Every issue I will feature a couple of pieces of production from my clients across the country.  Who knows, maybe someone from the other side of the nation may turn you on to a new trick or twist.
If you have a piece that you would like to share, let me know and I will feature it in an upcoming newsletter!

GA Lottery Lucky Cash Grab 2013
GA Lottery Lucky Cash Grab 2013

You know, St. Patrick's day is just around the corner, so I present to you my leprechaun impression.  Thanks Scott Mehle of WSAV for the opportunity.

SB KIDY Rick Jenna ID 10   1380
SB KIDY Rick Jenna ID 10

KIDY/KXVA is one of  my new clients covering the San Angelo and Abilene TX DMA's. There were a lot of v/o requests and a few revisions as we worked to get the promos ready to launch a brand new News product, but it was great fun working with Tim Smith and his team and exciting to be a part of something fresh. 

KXVA Meet Kris
KXVA Meet Kris



And Finally......

My Valentines Day wish to you all.

Did you get it?

The 3 terms in the pink bar above refer to the three "holidays" that are on the calendar for February
and we know how a lot of our production revolves around holidays and the retail potential that ensues!
I suppose we all take this as a matter of "business as usual"  in our industry, but I thought it would be interesting to uncover some facts regarding these 3 events.

The first event on the calendar is Groundhog day.

Some sources claim that the origins of the "modern" holiday are from ancient European  weather traditions that used a badger or sacred bear as the instrument of prediction instead of the groundhog.  So, the Pennsylvania Germans may be responsible for bringing the tradition to the U.S.  Other than some regional celebrations of the "event",  whether or not the varmint sees his shadow doesn't seem to have much effect on commercial production.

Next is Valentine's Day  

As far as economic impact goes- this one is a doozy! As all of us in this business can attest, there are plenty of commercial message tie-ins to this holiday. I think that  the sales trends for this holiday are a pretty good barometer of where  our economy really stands.  After all, the products being "pushed" most for this day are non essential items like candy, flowers, jewelry and a night out. The following sales numbers by year pretty well illustrate what I'm referring to.
U.S. Sales by year for Valentines Day holiday
2013 - $18.6 billion
2012 - $17.6 billion
2011 - $15.7 billion
2008 - $17.0 billion
2007 - $16.9 billion
Does your commercial load reflect this kind of action?

And then ......there's President's Day.

I've personally done more than my share of car dealer and furniture store Presidents Day reads this year. I think that traditionally it's no surprise to see these sectors really advertising heavily during this time. What I was surprised by, though, during my research, was  just how many other sectors of retail have embraced this holiday. Everything from clothing and electronics to toys and especially web retailers are offering substantial discounts during the Presidents Day weekend. The reason?  It is most likely due to the fact that the retailers need to make room for new inventory/models and styles.  So a lot of sources claim that the deals you can get during Presidents day, although not as numerous, may be better than the offerings for the preceding holiday shopping season.

7 Questions continued 



Given your career, do you find yourself dissecting the commercials you see on TV or movies that you watch and critique the choices that the producers made? How does this affect your enjoyment of media?

I do that all the time and it doesn't affect my enjoyment at all. I love what I do so that skill is always "on." It's a part of who I am. I think critiquing helps you grow as an artist. You look at something and say "I can do that, too" so you go home, get on your computer and learn something new about yourself. It also helps to look at something and say "I wouldn't have done it this way. I would have done it like this...." Breaking down national commercials, TV shows and movies gives me ideas and has definitely advanced my filming and editing skill set. After all, after 9 years of producing commercials for the same Mexican restaurants that have the same copy points, you HAVE to find new ways of saying the same thing over and over again.



If you were to go to a different market to work in the same field - where would it be and why?


Macon is a small market, so I would need to get to a bigger market to be able to advance in the business and get to where I eventually want to be (movie director). New software, cameras and technology, etc. are released almost on a daily basis now, but you can't really stay ahead of the curve here because smaller local markets don't have a need for the newest technology. Now if your local market is Dallas, that would be different, but my DMA is 119. Personally I'm open to all markets that are Top 25.  



We all know of producers who freelance outside of work. Whats your feeling on the subject? Do you freelance? In what capacity?

The rule when I started this job was "It's okay if you freelance as long as it doesn't take business away from this department. And you can't use our camera." I think it's great if people freelance here and there. Sometimes local clients want what they want and that doesn't leave us a lot of wiggle room in the creativity department, so I think freelancing is essential for my creative outlet. In the last few years I have been freelancing in the arena of print and it has helped broaden my skills in print design.   



Thanks to Allana for taking the time to share.
You can check out her work here

If there are any questions you would like to see answered in the 7 questions segment, feel free to drop me a line. 


Until next time, happy producing!
Jon Goffena
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Allow me to help you with promo/imaging, character voices, narration and commercial reads
on a per project or retainer basis.


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