Production Times
November 2013
Sharing video and audio production from across the country, sprinkled with
a bit of news, humor and other tid-bits.

Events Calendar
LDI 2013
November 22-24, 2013
Las Vegas

Customer Engagement Technology World
November 6-7, 2013
New York
Javitts Center

Wainhouse Research EDU Virtual Summit
November 12, 2013 

nfoComm/NewBay Media Roadshow
Dec. 9th
Universal City, CA


GV Expo
Dec 3-5
Washington, DC


Consumer Electronics Show
January 2014
Las Vegas

Featured Videos
Every issue I will feature a couple of pieces of production from my clients across the country.  Who knows, maybe someone from the other side of the nation may turn you on to a new trick or twist.
Monterey Bay Aquarium spot

"Share the Experience" for the Monterey Bay Aquarium via KOVR in Sacramento. In this "groovy" piece I use my surfer dude voice. Thank you to Jeff Bloch of KOVR/KMAX for sharing!
LSU Bama Promo 2012 

THE game of 2012. Even though this promo was from last year, I think it's a great one to share. I love the way the images and the music combine for real impact. Thanks to Brent Ledet, WAFB for inviting me to be a part of this one.

And Finally......
There is an art to combining images and minimal copy to deliver ones message with laser like precision. I submit this as an example.

 You Ready?


November is flying past,

and Thanksgiving is on the 28th this year, which has retailers scrambling because the late date for "Turkey Day" means less shopping days between then and Christmas. 

I have been doing a lot of voice overs for "Black Friday, Saturday and Sunday" sales this year. Making the traditional "Black Friday" an entire weekend event is another way that retailers are trying to make up for lost ground.

American shoppers will spend just under $750 on average on their holiday purchases this year, with a record percentage of shoppers buying online, according to new estimates from the National Retail Federation.

I know many of you are busy producing spots for this crazy time of year- but are you ready for that kind of shopping yourself or are you jaded from the process of creating all these messages? 


Until next time, happy producing!
Jon Goffena
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Allow me to help you with promo/imaging, character voices, narration and commercial reads
on a per project or retainer basis.


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