Center for Effective Global Action
August 2014 - Impact Note


Job Networks Disadvantage Women 


In an evaluation in Malawi, CEGA affiliate Jeremy Magruder finds that when employers recruit through social networks, women job-seekers are strongly disadvantaged. The study demonstrates that fewer qualified women enter the applicant pool when new applicants are identified through referrals.



The Impact of Polling Station Observers on Electoral Fraud in Ghana


Integral to any democracy is the execution of fair and impartial elections. In a recent studyCEGA affiliate Miriam Golden and collaborators evaluated the impact of polling station observers on electoral fraud in Ghana. The study finds that observed polling stations experienced a 60 percent reduction in overvoting and suspect turnout rates, compared with unobserved sites.


Reducing Water-Borne Diseases in Tamil Nadu


Diarrheal diseases are a significant cause of child mortality and stunting in India, especially among children under five.  CEGA affiliate Jack Colford, UC Berkeley's Ben Arnold and colleagues have evaluated the impact of hygiene and toilet programs delivered in Tamil Nadu by and Gramalaya. They found no significant improvement in hygiene behavior, prevalence of diarrheal disease, or child health outcomes in treatment communities (compared to matched comparison villages). However, construction of private toilets increased the perception of privacy and safety among women.




Executive Director Temina Madon featured on SciDevNet


Development engineering- a growing, multi-disciplinary field that formalizes the use of technology to address development challenges- will soon have its own journal. CEGA Executive Director Temina Madon recently announced the 2015 launch of Development Engineering in SciDevNet. The open-access journal will accelerate the field's expansion and provide a high-impact outlet for publications by development economists and engineers alike.


Image credit: Robert Wallis/Panos/SciDevNet


Faculty Director Ted Miguel Featured on NPR


A recent Facebook experiment in which the company filtered content to study users' emotional responses, prompted CEGA Faculty Director Edward Miguel to speak with NPR about the role of manipulation in social science research. Miguel pointed out that university-led research with human subjects is prospectively reviewed for compliance with government and institutional regulations. However, research conducted by companies can be largely unregulated, leading to ethical and moral jeopardy.


Erin Murphy-Graham Speaks at the Brookings Institute

In late June, CEGA affiliate Erin Murphy-Graham contributed

to a discussion at the Brookings Institute's Center for Universal Education on the future of girls' education. Murphy-Graham discussed her research on alternative secondary education in Honduras. 


3ie Appoints new Executive Director


The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) recently appointed Emmanuel Jimenez to succeed Howard White as its Executive Director. Since the mid-1980s, Jimenez has been an economist with the World Bank, where he worked closely with CEGA Scientific Director Paul Gertler on human development research and policy. 



Call for Photos


CEGA has just launched its first annual photo drive! CEGA faculty, graduate students, fellows and scholars are encouraged to submit five of their best photos from the field, for use on the CEGA website and in print materials. Awards will be given for the top three photos, which must adhere to CEGA's photo policy. For more information, see our flyer.



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