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Take control of your health through exercise.  It's one of the best ways to develop a plan for living independently as long as you can.

Walking is what we all do naturally every day.  In fact the average person takes about 2,500 steps per day without really thinking about exercise.  When planning for it, 50% or 100% more steps can be easily added.  Take a "walking break" for ten minutes in the middle of the day; take steps around the house or office while you are doing
other things; and of course choose parking spaces as far from where you are going as you can.  If you have a dog and you are up for it, let the dog walk you!

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Walking Labyrinths Around the World

Golden Door Spa, Arizona, USA
Chartres Cathedral, France

St Quentin

July,2014 Newsletter

Dear Members and Friends,

Purpose in living has long been associated with satisfaction and happiness.  New research however has shown that having a purpose brings about better physical health, better sleep and more positive and stable moods.

Patricia Boyle, a psychologist, surveyed mature adults with high purpose scores to find that they were more likely to remain free of dementia and maintain their cognition from age related decline.

Purposeful people are also less likely to develop disabilities, negative affect, chronic medical conditions, and isolation.  Purpose in life seems to improve and extend life span.

How can people aged sixty to eighty hold on to or find purpose?  Formerly during this period of life strength and vitality level off and dependency increases.  Community life isn't routinely mindful of the needs of people at sixes and sevens.  Communities forget that 6's and 7's want to make a contribution"

In our last Newsletter, volunteerism was highlighted.  It was suggested that merely taking care of yourself isn't enough of a purpose for a majority of adults in the last third of life.  In fact, research focused on adults in Canada aged 25 to 75 found that people who die at any age have low purpose scores.  As people age, the impact of low purpose increases and results in higher rates of depression.

Volunteering isn't the only way to express purpose in living but it is an easy way to begin.  Having the basic attitude that finding a purpose, like exercise and good nutrition, is fundamental to healthy living and the best advice.

Being Ourselves        
Enjoying Life:
"The meaning of life is to find your gift;
The purpose of life is to give it away."

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Marcia Kaiser posts on The Grand Life, which focuses on the joy and meaningfulness of grand parenting.

Robert Campbell posts on food and food science.

Doug Sivco posts on finance for sixes and sevens.

Margaret Rappaport posts on Love, Limits and Learning.  Walking the Labyrinth is archived.

We appreciate comments and encourage you to share your views.  All posts are archived for your convenience.


Dr. Margaret Rappaport, Founder and Executive Director
At Sixes and Sevens Multimedia, Inc.

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