The Rocky Mountain Conference of The United Methodist Church 
Mission & Ministry - April 2015
Renewal of Creation is the theme for the 2015 Rocky Mountain Annual Conference!

The theme of this year's Annual Conference Session continues on the quadrennial emphasis, "Cultivating the Tree of Life," with a missional focus of "The Renewal of Creation." During the session, we will explore how "the whole Earth and all of creation is participating in God's loving redemption, liberation, and salvation" (Richard Rohr). We will also explore how we as people of faith begin and/or continue to be responsible stewards of God's creation.

Rev. Youngsook Kang with other participants at the September 2014 climate change march in New York
The Scripture talks about the goodness of creation; "God looked over all God had made, and God saw that it was very good."(Genesis 1:31) As William Brown says, God remains the gardener, and God's good earth remains the ground of being. God  hosts everything in our Rocky Mountain region - from the Great Salt Lake to Casper to Estes Park. And yet, we humans, with our own ideologies, practices and economic doctrines, have long failed to honor God's planet in the way we are called.

Larry Rasmussen, Emeritus Professor of Union Theological Seminary, offers a helpful image for learning new ways of caring for God's creation. Rasmussen says in his book Earth-Honoring Faith, "We must learn to sing a new song in a strange land (Psalm 137:4).  Only this time the strange land is not Babylon, but the planet, and we are not Israel but all humankind."

Telling the Story (Friday, June 12, 2:30 p.m. block)
During the "Telling the Story" time, we will focus on the following two questions.
  1. How has your work area embraced environmental problems and exercised our stewardship of God's creation in the recent years?
  2. What new ideas, mindset and consciousness would you call for us in order to be the kind of creature we are called to be?
In telling the story, not only will we involve the Board of Laity, Cabinet, Finance and Mission & Ministry areas but invite local churches who are engaged in creative "greening" ministries.

Keynote Speaker, Rebecca Parker (Friday, June 12, 8 a.m. & Saturday, June 13, 8 a.m.)
The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, President emerita and Professor of Theology emerita of Starr King School for the Ministry at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, and author of the book Saving Paradise: How Christianity Traded Love of This World for Crucifixion and Empire, will be our keynote speaker and Bible study leader on the theme. Dr. Parker will lead us in Bible study and theological reflection, drawing on the deep wellspring of early Christian spirituality and sacred images to explore how the faith practices of early Christians might guide us now as we answer the call.

Workshops (Saturday, June 13, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.)
We are excited to introduce our excellent presenters who will offer a variety of workshops on the theme. Here is the list of workshops and presenters.
  • Biblical Theology, Pat Watkins, Missionary at the United Methodist General Board of Global
  • Tend the Earth: Spiritual Disciplines and Acts of Discipleship that Restore Creation, Rebekah Simon-Peter, Executive Director of Bridgeworks
  • 13 United Methodist Women Principles:  13 Steps to Sustainability, Miok Lee Fowler, Korean Language Coordinator for the Rocky Mountain Conference
  • "RE:Connection" - Faithful Action Amid a Changing Climate, John S. Hill, Director for Economic and Environmental Justice at the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society-Location
  • Loving Nature: Promised Land and Planet with Promise, Holmes Rolston III, University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Colorado State University
  • Climate Change, Aaron Stauffer, Executive Director of Religions for Peace USA
There will also be a Young People's Panel moderated by Chris Frasier, Co-Chair of the Board of Stewards of the Rocky Mountain Conference. The Young People's Panel will share how their faith and spirituality interfaces with their involvement in the work of renewing God's creation.

Please visit for additional information on the session including the schedule, petitions, rules, elections and more. 

Looking forward to seeing you in Estes Park,
Youngsook Charlene Kang
Director of Mission and Ministry

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