2014 Leadership Summit
Rocky Mountain Conference
Cultivating Abundant Life
September 27, 2014
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
September 9, 2014

Dear Friends in Ministry:

We hope that you've had a productive summer, and that you and your group are looking forward to launching a new season of ministry this fall.

This is a follow-up note on the Leadership Summit, which will be held on Saturday, September 27, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, Highlands, Colorado. Bishop Elaine J.W. Stanovsky, Chris Frasier and I look forward to seeing you at the Summit. This annual gathering is co-sponsored by the Board of Stewards and the Imagine Team. Gil Rendle will be the facilitator.

In preparation for the Leadership Summit, we ask you to reflect on where your group is today vs last fall. As you reflect upon this past year's accomplishments, please take a moment to review your "SMART Goals" from last fall's Leadership Summit (See the booklet on SMART Goals). We will dig more deeply into the planning process at the summit later this month. Therefore, we would ask that you make a short list of how your group either met, exceeded, or fell short of its goals, and bring the outcome of your review with you to the Summit.

You will find the 2014 Rocky Mountain Conference Leadership Manual here.

For those of you who need to register yet, here is the Registration and Hotel information:
Click here to register online for this event. Conference housing will be provided upon request with the online registration. If you desire a single room, please select "single room" online and pay $35.00 with your registration.

Please contact Nancy Butterfield (nancyb@rmcumc.com) if you require child care.

Please let us know if you have any questions. You may direct your questions to Youngsook Kang at Youngsook@rmcumc.com.


Youngsook Charlene Kang
Director of Mission and Ministry